How do you make more money? That's what my last graphic is about. That's all I have to say about that. If you like this, please share on Pinterest. Now get back to work! :) Have a GREAT day. Warmly, Nicole Dean
Welcome to my most recent bout of silliness. You know that I normally do my weekly posts called Expert Briefs on Thursdays, but I'm going to do another series that's similar .. but different. I'm fully sure how it will be different yet, though. We'll see how it plays out.…
Hi again. It’s Weird Wednesday time. Actually, I'd stopped doing Weird Wednesdays awhile ago, because they were taking too much time to write. But, then I was getting all kinds of great suggestions from people. (This week's site is from Tracy Roberts of - thanks Tracy!) So, I'm bringing…
The answer is simple. You make the choice to be. In fact, that's the topic of the next graphic in my series this week. There are countless examples of people who faced insurmountable challenges who, despite their suffering, they would still count themselves to be happy. Because they chose to…
Here's the next FUN graphic in my series. That's all I have to say about that. If you like this, please share or pin on Pinterest. :) Have a GREAT day! Warmly, Nicole Dean
I had some graphics created to help motivate you, and I thought I'd share them one at at time here. The first one is all about competition. I know, personally, if I'm too worried about what other people are doing, it means I'm not paying enough attention to what I'm…
This is part two of a quick three part series. “Why You Should Care”. The first part was “Why you should care about Facebook, as a business owner.” The second was "Why you should care about Pinterest." This one is all about mobile phones, especially the kind of phones that…
This is part two of a quick three part series. “Why You Should Care”. The first part was “Why you should care about Facebook, as a business owner.” This one is about Pinterest. So, why on earth as a business owner, would you care about a photo sharing site? If…
This is part one of a quick three part series. "Why You Should Care". :) The first part is "Why you should care about Facebook, as a business owner." Be sure to see the infographic below. 1. Facebook currently has 845 million active users. Source: Facebook 2012 Infographic 2.…
It’s another Expert Briefs, where I ask really smart business owners to answer your burning questions. If you've missed past Expert Briefs, you can click on the undies to see them all --> This week we're getting a little personal and taking a closer look at how the experts on…