Blog Posts

Is NAMS (Niche Affiliate Marketing System) for Beginners?

There have been some changes with NAMS (The Niche Affiliate Marketing Seminar) this year, which is why I haven't been talking about it much yet. I've been waiting to see how it played out before backing it.

Well, I'm backing it. ๐Ÿ™‚

I sent this note to my lists last week…

To sum it up — the January 2011 event will be virtual (totally online). But, the August 2011 one will be live and in person (and bigger and better than ever).

The cool thing is that you can get both for the price of one right now.

Here's the link to check it out: NAMS 2011

You can hang out with me, Lynn Terry, Willie Crawford, and a bunch more of my favorite peeps for the weekend. I look forward to it very much, and have gone through withdrawal every time I've gone home.

Unlike most marketing events – this one is family.

I'd love to meet you in person in August. ๐Ÿ™‚

After I sent that mailing, I got a really good question from one of my customers:

Question for you?ย  Over the last couple years I keep hearing you and others talk about NAMS.ย  I didn't really think it was something I'd be interested until I just listened to this video (on the new sales page).

For 2011 I want to take affiliate marketing to the next level to produce recurring income.ย ย  I think this could be a step in the right direction.

Am I thinking correctly that this really is for beginners like myself?ย  I've been searching for some audio workshops to get started with affiliate marketing.ย  Again it sounds like this could be perfect.ย  It's a chunk of change so I'd love to get your feedback.

And this is the reply that I sent to her….

Yes, NAMS (the live event) has several tracks – beginner (levels 1&2), intermediate, and advanced. You'd get a ton of info. Some will soak in now, while other pieces will soak in the second or third time you go through the material.

The last NAMS was set up like this…

  • Beginner Level 1 is for people who don't have a blog or anything yet.
  • Beginner Level 2 is for people who have a niche and a blog and just aren't making any money.
  • Intermediate gets into a higher level with video marketing and product creation.
  • Advanced is about systems and growth.

David (Perdew) has said the August event will have 5 tracks, so not sure how it'll expand.

You'll also get the recordings for the previous NAMS events as well, too. (Not sure how long that'll last, though, but David mentions it in the sales video, so at this time you will.)

I think, if you CAN afford it and it isn't going to hurt you financially to get it, that you would certainly benefit. I actually brought my mom to the January NAMS (2010). She's a beginner blogger and really enjoyed it a lot, made some great connections, and learned a ton. She's actually starting to see more traffic to her blog, more sales, and is really excited about this upcoming year. (I'm proud of her. Can you tell?!)

If you want to learn affiliate marketing, I can't think of a better offer to recommend to you at this time.

I hope that helps.

Here are just a few of the instructors (other than me) that you can learn from at NAMS.


My Dear Friend & Brilliant Niche Marketer Susanne Myers.
Learn more about Susanne Myers in this Interview

The Super Smart, Super Affiliate Lynn Terry.
Learn more about Lynn Terry in this Interview
The Guru to the Gurus Willie Crawford 

Learn more about Willie Crawford in this Interview


The Outstanding Paul Evans

Learn more about Paul Evans in this Interview

The Awesome Article Marketer Jeff Herring 

Learn more about Jeff Herring in this Interview

The Super Duper Bob โ€œthe Teacherโ€ Jenkins 

Learn more about Bob Jenkins in this Interview

Here's my link if you'd like to check it out:
NAMS 2011 Conference

And, because I keep getting questions about WHO should go to NAMS, let's see if this helps. ๐Ÿ™‚


NAMS is not for you if any of these apply…

– Your focus is eBay or drop-shipping. As far as I know, those topics will not be covered.

– You want to make money but don't want to work or put in any effort.

– You blame “gurus” as the reason you're not making money yet, rather than looking at how you can improve.

– You're thinking of attending just so you can hand out business cards.

– You've spent your savings buying courses but haven't implemented anything. (I can't encourage people to spend money they don't have or to buy courses unless they're going to profit from them. )

NAMS may be right for you if some of these apply…

– You want to build a business online with affiliate marketing as a part of it and want to learn from awesome people.

– You're READY and willing to take action.

– You're a total beginner and want to start out right OR you've already got a blog and are making some money online and want to learn how to grow that into more.

– You're a service provider and need to figure out how to get some passive income.

– You want a total immersion experience where you can just focus and soak in a ton of info over the course of a few days without distraction.

– You wouldย  like to go to an internet marketing event, and don't want to be sold to and asked to buy a bunch of stuff over the weekend.

– You want to meet positive people who actually understand what you're trying to do in your business and are willing to brainstorm with you.

– You want to make connections with affiliate marketers who might promote your products.

If you'd like to join us at NAMS – I'd love to meet you there. ๐Ÿ™‚

Here's my link: NAMS 2011 Conference

If you have ANY questions about whether NAMS is for you, just post them below.

Nicole Dean

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Collette Schultz

    You’ve sold me Nicole. So excited for January’s online seminar. I’m arranging a babysitter to come for those couple days so I can concentrate on each seminar. I’d love to hang out later this summer it just depends if I’m able to attend the live event.

    • Nicole

      Oh please do come in August if at all possible. Meeting these people in real life is so much different than the virtual stuff. Seriously, big deals and JVs come out of them. NAMS is where I’ve met most of my biggest affiliates. ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s also where I’ve hired several VAs and writers/editors, too, because we had a chance to meet.

      I do hope to see you in August!
      ๐Ÿ™‚ N

  • The Mom

    ๐Ÿ˜€ Thanks Nicole…. you’re sweet to say such kind words about me.

    To your emailer – yes, NAMS is well worth the time, effort, and money. The sessions are relaxed and friendly. And NOBODY looks down their nose at you because you’re a humble blogger who just wants to figure stuff out. I didn’t think I belonged there at first because I had no desire to become a high-powered internet marketer or affiliate manager, etc. etc…. I just want to blog, and I want my blog to start making me money.

    Yes, there are people there who want to set the world on fire, but there are people there also who just want to get their blog moving in the right direction – like me. The fun is you might just set your blog on fire anyway. I noticed that after NAMS I felt more focused, yes, but what I felt even more was that I was a part of a REAL community – yes, even the gurus are human; right Nicole?

    Anyway, there is something for everyone at NAMS – bloggers, affiliate managers, marketers… everyone.

    You also get A LOT of time to mingle and have fun. It’s not all work, work, work. As a matter of fact, you’ll find yourself surrounded by people who know how to laugh and have a really good time.

    That was my experience at NAMS. That’s not to say that I wasn’t confused and overwhelmed by some of the sessions, but eventually, it sinks in… or it doesn’t… but either way, you’ll know more than you did before. Also, there is no pressure by the presenters to prove anything; you won’t be ‘tested.’ You can just relax and learn.

    You can always tell a blogger by the length of their comments. HA! So, I end my rambling and hope next year’s NAMS attendees will have a wonderful time once again. Signing off…

  • Kaz

    Hi Nicole,

    I’d like to come to NAMS but just sitting on the fence a bit at the moment and wanted to find out if you had any words of wisdom (?!).

    My considerations:
    1. I’m in Australia, so the virtual sessions in Jan would be held at times that I most likely will not be able to see and so I’ll be watching back replays only.
    2. The live session in August is a long way away! If I commit to purchasing then I’ve decided I must commit to attending the August session, which will cost a significant amount of money (I’m estimating $4k all up).
    3. The costs associated with the international travel mean I can’t bring the whole family and so would need to leave my partner and 3 year old at home.

    Where I’m at – I have several blogs (that is a problem in itself! although I’m only really focusing on 2 at present), have made the odd bit of money here or there but not a consistent or significant income from online business (though I do pretty well from other means!). I have learned a lot over the last year about building websites, email lists, article marketing, social media etc but now really need to push onto a level where I am seeing results for all of the efforts, with consistent and significant income.

    So – your words of wisdom, is NAMS the sort of conference that i should go all out and spend a few thousand to get to?

    I know that’s a tough one, I just wanted to seek someone’s advice…!?

    • Nicole

      Hey Kaz. Whew. That’s a tough one.

      It sounds like you’re still in the beginner stages when it comes to income. You’re not making much yet, but from looking at your blog, you’re obviously smart as far as knowing what to do and are headed in the right direction.

      The travel is the tough bit. I think the cost of NAMS itself is worth it just for the audio training that you’d get and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it for that reason alone.

      BUT – when you throw in the $4000 in travel — I’m thinking you should check out an event closer to home if a big part of your goal is to start networking. I can’t suggest you spend that much when it doesn’t sound like you have it to easily invest in your business at this time. Perhaps NAMS will make its way closer to you in the next year or so. If so, maybe David will invite me as a speaker and we can meet then. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Hope that helps!

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