Blog Posts

Weird Niche: Cow Decor & Cow Collectibles

Hi again. It’s Weird Niche Wednesday time.

If you're new to Weird Niche Wednesday, you're in for a treat. I find weird niches and websites and we get to discuss whether it may be a viable niche and also have some fun.

This week's Weird Niche is Cow Decor & Collectibles.

Let's see if it's a viable niche or not.

Are There Items for Sale in This Niche?

Are people selling on eBay?

I checked where I found tons of cow decor and, surprisingly cow collectibles, too. One line was really fun. Although I don't see many bids.


Next I sent my VA over to Amazon to look for cow decor over there. Sure enough. Jackpot.

Cow Parade Lady Liberty Heifer Figurine

Wall decal — Little Cow with Tissue Paper

Holstein Cow Wine Bottle Holder Calf

MooCoo Cow Cuckoo Clock

How about Etsy?

Then I headed off to Etsy where I also found some interesting items.

And, then I found this headless cow pillow at Etsy and decided to call it a day. (Click on the picture if you want to buy one for your favorite head-less cow collector.) 🙂

Are there Paid Advertisers?

One last search – Are there paid advertisers? I looked at both “Cow Decor” and “Kitchen Cow Decor”. There are some for each. Not a lot, though.

Is this Niche Actively Searched?

I used the Google External Keyword Tool, and yes, it does appear that terms relating to cow decor and collectibles are searched, and surprisingly there is competition.

So, is this a viable niche?

As always, Weird Niche Wednesday is just a starting point. I recommend you do more research before deciding whether or not you want to enter a niche. But, I would certainly say this one was worth some laughs.

Thanks, as always, for hanging out for Weird Niche Wednesday with me. Please leave a comment below – and a picture of  your favorite cow decor item in your house if you have one. 😉

Nicole Dean

Where Can You Learn More about Finding a Hot Niche Market?

Recommended Resource #1

My friend, Susanne creates Niche Research Packs and can help you to determine if you're entering a profitable niche or not. She’s done the research for you.

In each pack, you get…

  • Detailed niche description
  • Who your target market for this niche is
  • List of affiliate products available
  • 100 domain name ideas (plus list of modifiers for hundreds more)
  • Detailed keyword report for over 1000 keywords
  • 100 article and blog post ideas
  • 15 different author resource boxes
  • 2 different detailed marketing plans (beginner and advanced) with action steps to get you up and running right away.
  • List of available PLR products for this niche
  • Recommended tools and resources

Here’s the link: Niche Research Packs

Recommended Resource #2: Free Webinar by Kevin Riley

Click on the arrow to go to the page where you can listen.

(You'll find this hour long webinar free to listen to on that page.)

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Jenn Brockman

    I have to say, this isn’t that wierd!

    I used to have cow decor in my kitchen. I loved cows – and still do.
    I just don’t collect them.

    Try camels – I used to collect them too!

  • Mike Paetzold

    Having a daughter who has more cows in her house than most large dairy farms was already familiar with the niche and an avid purchaser for gifts.

    Great find. I love Weird Niche Wednesdays.

  • Lalitha Brahma

    Hi Nicole

    This is the first time I am reading Weird Niche Wednesday posting. I really appreciate the time taken to give so many details and educating us.


  • Ramiro Rodriguez

    Hi Nicole!

    As usual you did a superb researching job. I’ve been thinking about getting in niche for the holidays but I haven’t decided on what to sell 🙁

    I know I have to get started soon. Maybe next Wednesday?

  • Paula from Wedding Peonies

    Hi Nicole, if you want to see what has sold on ebay you can do an advanced search and check completed listings. Anything in green has sold and anything in red has not sold.

  • Bridget

    I love cow stuff — I have a whole cow room of cow collectibles, so I loved this Weird Wednesday find. Thanks, Nicole!

  • Edie Dykeman

    This is my first Weird Wednesday and I have to say I’m impressed with how much time you put into finding info on this topic. I need there were collectors of cow ceramics, but didn’t realize to what extent cow-related items were out there.

    I grew up on a farm and cows are probably the last thing I would think to collect. LOL!

    Thank you for the links to the resources. Looking forward to the next Weird Wednesday topic!

  • William

    In Wisconsin it’s Cows or John Deere Tractors, or both. I bet there is a market up here for all of the above. At Baraboo Candy Company, in Baraboo, WI you can purchase chocolate cow pies
    Love your weird Wednesday’s.

    • The Mom

      Oh, yeah, William… I had a chocolate/fudge shop and made “Cow Pies.” Yup, they looked like a pile of cow poop in a box filled with “grass.” Ya gotta have fun with the stuff, eh?!

  • The Mom

    Now THIS was fun! But, being from Wisconsin, I was a little puzzled at first. Was there ever any question that there is a cow decor niche?

    The headless cow pillow had me throwing up a little in my mouth. The cow wine bottle holder is just wrong. I can usually get behind cow decor in the kitchen, like towels, potholders, and napkin holders. But cows in the bathroom (toilet seats?) just don’t make sense.

    The niche is viable, in my opinion, but you really gotta like cows to try and promote this stuff! I don’t know if I could get behind it, but I’m glad someone can! Very fun, Nik!

  • The Mom

    Oh yeah… as William mentioned, there are the cow “byproducts” to consider, too. Yikes.

  • James Brown

    Hi Nicole,

    This was really great. I’ve been looking at niches for a short time and it’s quite amusing. Chicken coops and shed plans? Cow stuff I am not that surprised about. I mean who doesn’t love a cow or a sheep…one of my fav newspaper cartoons is “The Barn.”

    I’m currently researching “Campbell’s Soup Collectables” as a PLR niche to write about.
    My next door neighbor played pro football in the 60’s. He has an amazing collection of Campbells stuff and since I was a Campbells kid, it looks like it may be a winner.

  • GrandmaMarilyn

    I think this is a viable niche. My SIL used to collect black and white cows. She has now gone on to some other type of collecting.

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