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Totally FREE Copywriting Call with Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero!

Hey my friends. Don't miss this free call. I signed up. Hopefully I can make it to the live call, but, if not, Lorrie IS making the recording available for a very limited time.

Here's the scoop I got in my inbox — (yes, it's a copy/paste, but I added my comments)

Begin Call Details…
You're an ethical business owner with a knockout product or service that could make people's lives so much better, right? So why they beating down your door to buy from YOU? (AMEN! Preach on, SISTER!)

Here's the problem. It isn't enough to just have a great product or service anymore. You have to CONNECT with each member of your target market…truly, madly, and deeply. (This sounds like a lot of work…)

To succeed in business today you must have:

=> Trust over hype
=> Integrity over “the fine print”
=> Attraction over revulsion

(She's making sense so far… I don't want to repulse people.)

Here are the criteria to get them to buy. First of all, your prospect must know, like and trust you. Secondly they have to believe you can make their lives DRAMATICALLY BETTER. Fact is, we buy based on emotion. And what moves us into the psychological buying state are the words or the “copy.” What you have to understand to get them to buy is this…

IF YOUR COPY IS WEAK SO ARE YOUR SALES! It doesn't have to be that way!


My good friend (who I really respect a bunch), Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero of Red Hot Copy is giving away a copywriting teleclass for f*r*e*e! (By the way, Lorrie has the reputation of being one of most knowledgeable and best teachers of copywriting working today, teaching superstars like Michael Port and James Roche how to build their copywriting chops.)

If you're tired of beating your head against the wall to get your visitors to buy, now's your chance to turn it around!

This Monday, August 27 at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern Lorrie is giving back in a f*r*e*e promo teleclass –

*Introductory Teleseminar to Kick Start Your Copywriting Process* ($97 value),

Just Sign Up Here.

Here's some of what you'll hear on the call…

* What you MUST do before you write a single word of copy (or expect it will fail miserably);

* How to make your copy easier to consume by your target market (if they ain't reading, they ain't buying);

* Simple ways get them to see you as the go-to person over ANYBODY ELSE in your market;

* Psychological HOT BUTTONS that pull your prospect into your copy (don't worry – they are perfectly ethical);

* The one fail-proof technique to making your copy flow that even COPYWRITERS OFTEN OVERLOOK;

* And more!

Whatcha Waiting for? It's free! Geesh. 😉

Be sure to call in early.


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