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Weird Niche: Breast Art?

acrylic-paintThis week's Weird Niche Wednesday is all about Breasts.  But, get your mind out of the gutter already. 😉 While the female form is beautiful and all that, my mom reads this blog.

I spoke with the creator of Breast Pals, Angel Tolentino back in 2005, and am so thankful to find her site still in operation. I love clever people and I really really love clever people who are also humanitarians – and who have a killer sense of humor.

So, let me tell you about Breast Pals. Angel paints with her breasts (it's actually pretty funny) and then donates all proceeds to Breast Cancer Charity. She's obviously got an amazing sense of humor. You've got to read the Frequently Asked Questions, where she gets asked what size her “Paintbrushes” are and what she'll do when she's in her sixties.

You guys know I can't do this one justice, so I'll just send you over to Breast Pals to see for yourself. It's pretty PG-rated, especially if you don't know what exactly you're looking at so don't worry about your young kids walking by. However, if you've got a 12 year old son, like I do… you might want to wait until he leaves the room. He'll probably notice he likes the logo very quickly.

Here you go.. Breast Pals

I've already gifted my buddy, Spider, with art from this store. It's a great conversation piece, for sure.

Now, while I don't necessarily recommend you start throwing paint on yourself and rolling ‘nekked' on a canvas – at least not unless you have nice water-based paints! 😉  Nonetheless, this is certainly an Unusual Niche that had to be talked about.

Lesson of the day–

Creativity + sense of humor + a social cause = Free advertising for your blog



I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Mom

    Yup, it’s Mom!
    Just clicked on Breast Pals link and couldn’t resist… so I placed my first order! Great, imaginative breast art turned into great imaginative products. Wow! By the way, the question about what the artist, Angel Tolentino, will do after 60… very funny… check it out, ladies! Because I am a “woman of a certain age”, as the old movies call us, I can relate and will pass this on to the fine folks who read my blog, too.

    Mom’s last blog post..I Forgot I Was Old

  • Nell

    ummmm. LOL I don’t know what to think about seeing the impressions of boobies as art! Awesome way to help a charity, though.


  • Angela

    Love the breast pals art. So creative and cute!

  • Traci Feit Love

    This is funny – I especially like the “Boobees”. Just goes to show that a little creativity can go a long way when it comes to free PR.

    Traci Feit Love’s last blog post..Incentives Part 2

  • Sharon

    What a creative way to raise awareness about a very good cause!

    Sharon’s last blog post..Supporting New Urbanism and the Question of Moving

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