Blog Posts

Online Success Cast #8: Kelly McCausey

onlinesuccesscast-smI met my friend Kelly McCausey many moons ago — way back in late 2004, when she held a Work at Home Mom Most Valuable Player (WAHM MVP) contest on her site. I was nominated for the award so Kelly interviewed me on her podcast at I was totally freaked out because it was my first interview. She cheered me on and I became a fan for life.

I joined her site Mom Masterminds soon after that, in February of 2005 so that I'd have the opportunity to get to know her better. (Sneaky, eh? I was stalking her!)

Since then we've partnered on many projects including &, she's been an adviser to me, and a sanity saver on multiple occasions.

Here's more about Kelly:


Kelly McCausey has built a thriving internet business doing what she loves; writing, creating, coaching and encouraging others. With a goal to provide high value, low cost resources and services that help moms achieve dreams of working at home, Kelly publishes a variety of blogs, podcasts, ebooks and audio products along with a weekly newsletter that reaches 6000+ moms.

The audio recording of our interview is at the end of this blog post. Just look for the “play” button and listen. It’s free!

Learn More about Kelly here –> WAHMTalkRadio

Paid “Must Have” Tools & Resources Mentioned in this Call:

  • Amember– for running membership sites
  • Membernaire– a course about running membership sites
  • Basecamp – to help you juggle projects, clients, and helpers without losing your mind.

Free “Must Have” Tools & Resources Mentioned in this Call:

Kelly's Mentor

Takeaway Points from Kelly

  • Offer much free content.
  • Adjust your business smartly.
  • Focus on one market
  • Look for & expect cooperation.

Listen below and leave me a comment about your thoughts and/or who you’d like to hear as a guest in a future episode.

Comment to Enter to Win Kelly's
The Complete Internet Marketing Moms Start Up Guide

$35 Value

After listening to the show, comment below and you'll be entered to win a prize from Kelly. (US and Canada are only eligible as this has to be put in the mail – but I, of course, hope you'll comment no matter where you live.)

Here are some ideas.

– Tell us something you learned from the show.
– Tell us something you're changing after listening.
– Tell us about a time when you fell flat on your face and had to get back up.
– Tell us a time you took a risk and it paid off.
– Tell us what questions you have about your business.

One winner will be chosen from all “non-spam” comments (US and Canada) by using

PS. Click to learn  How to Record Telephone Interviews like I do.


I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Angie (Losing It and Loving It)

    Great success cast. Kelly is pretty cool *wink*

    I have just started using Google programs more and more.

    I like Tweetdeck too but I know I have a lot more to learn about it. I also don’t do any of the auto stuff. I don’t even keep track of unfollows LOL And most importantly, I don’t follow everyone who follows me and don’t expect those I follow to follow me unless they feel some sort of connection.

    Thanks ladies for another great success cast.

    Angie (Losing It and Loving It)’s last blog post..I’m addicted to peanut butter

  • Cathy

    This was a great call. I always enjoy listening to Kelly.
    My question is:I always wonder how much you should be contacting your list and how much free content vs. sales content you should have when contacting them.

    Cathy’s last blog post..I’m Legal! But it’s not all it’s cracked up to be!

  • Connie Ragen Green

    Great information, ladies. I learned that we must never give up, no matter how difficult it becomes. After listening, I’m going to schedule more time for creating content just for my list, starting with an e-course.
    In 2005 I walked away from my full time job and came online. I made no money at all the first year, but have now tripled my income and have more time to spend with my family. I’m a 3 time cancer survivor, so every moment counts. Keep up the great information; you inspire me to take even more action.

  • Dominique

    Great stuff. I’m still in the start up stage of getting myself more traffic online and hopefully landing some great freelance job. I really have a lot to learn from Kelly.

    Dominique’s last blog post..Tackling- Thomas the Train Engines and Friends

  • Mary

    All I can say is: WOW!!! How inspirational. I took notes while listening but I am downloading this one to listen to again. I have so many questions, but I guess my biggest one is that I don’t understand how you make money with podcasting.

    Also I will be googling Amember (I hope I heard that right) and Basecamp since this was the first time I have heard of them. There is so much I don’t know that I don’t know.

    Thank you for a great podcast, and a fantastic learning experience as always.

    Mary’s last blog post..5 Reasons Why Internet Marketers Should Have a Blog

  • Corrie

    You two were great. I totally enjoyed listening. Kelly, I have learned so much from you and I learned even more today. You are an inspiration and an awesome woman. Nicole, you are the best and I love listening to your shows. You make them fun while teaching at the same time. Thanks ladies!

    Corrie’s last blog post..Outsource your appointment setting

  • Nell

    You and Kelly have always been two of the BEST wahm mentors I’ve ever known. Having you together on this podcast was such a treat.

    I would love to win Kelly’s prize!


    Nell’s last blog post..What Might Have Been

  • Danielle

    I just listen to the Success cast. So much great information! I love to listen to you and Kelly. I really learned a lot of things I didn’t know about like Amember. I have never heard of this! Thanks for all the great info!

    Danielle’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday:So Alike

  • Patrice

    That’s a very inspiring podcast with Kelly McCausey. Both of your are great mentors for newbie work-at-home moms like me. Indeed, “great things start from small beginnings”.

    Patrice’s last blog post..Moms Work at Home Online in Many Different Ways

  • Cara Mirabella

    I could listen to the both of you every day!

    Cara Mirabella’s last blog post..HELP – I’m Trapped Inside With A Toddler

  • Collette Schultz

    You two seem to be such a good fit. I’ve started to listing to WAHM radio and came across your name. I’m downloading your series now. As a subcontracting niche I think outsource weekly may be an excellent resource for me.


  • Cathy

    YAY! thanks so much! I’m looking forward to it!
    .-= Cathy´s last blog ..Me a Grandmother? Hard to believe! =-.

  • Nicole
    Reply chose the winner of the prize to be:

    Cathy of

    Kelly has emailed you. 🙂

  • Loretta

    I want to echo that initial 200 dollar a month income goal. Way back when my first income goal was 300 dollars a month. That was enough to put food on the table and shoes on my kiddo’s feet.

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