Blog Posts

Why Attend the NAMS Conference in Atlanta?

I just had a fabulous weekend at Armand Morin's event in Orlando.
I got to spend the weekend getting to know a bunch of amazing people
even better. (Watch for a blog post about that with pics, soon.)

Plus, I got to meet several of my customers. (Waving to you!)

I even hung out at the hotel gym with a customer who had
my undivided attention for the entire hour we exercised.
There will be NO sweaty-looking pictures of that, though! eek!
How'd that happen? Simple. She came up to me, told me that
she was a customer, and asked if I would have any time to chat
during the weekend. I said “Well, I've already got lunch plans,
but I'm going to the hotel gym after lunch. Want to meet me there?”
And, she said “Sure.” (Wow. Networking is so hard, right?) πŸ˜‰

If you're not attending live events yet – you are sooooo
missing out on money (and fun!). I get to meet customers,
find new affiliates, make deals, and build lasting relationships
at every event I've been to — even the bad ones. (Don't ask. lol!)

I know that it can be scary. I know it can be an expense.

But it is CRITICAL to growing your business quickly.

Each event I've gone to has directly increased my income
in some way. Either through the presentations, being able to
ask questions about things I was struggling with, or in meeting
people who ended up being friends (and promoting me).

My absolute favorite event to go to is the NAMS conference in Atlanta.

I've been to three of them and it's something I look forward to every six months.

Yes, even if you're a TOTAL beginner – you need to be there.

The next NAMS is coming up soon in Atlanta – and yes, I'll be there.
How to join me: Click here for Details

If you're a beginner, you'll have the opportunity to ask questions
and connect with others who you'll stay in contact with for years.

If you're at the intermediate level or feeling like you've
reached a plateau, you'll learn how to move past it.

And, if you're at an advanced level, you'll have the opportunity
to connect with all 25 instructors – who are all potential
JV partners for you.

It's a win, no matter where you are in your business.

Please come and meet me, Willie Crawford, Connie Green,
Susanne Myers, Paul Evans, Bob Jenkins,
Lynn Terry, and a slew of my other amazing friends.

  • Bring your spouse.
  • Bring your parents.
  • Bring your favorite sibling.
  • Bring your kids.

It's fun and learning for the whole family! (And, unlike some
events – it's clean so you don't have to worry about young
ears hearing things they shouldn't.)

Many people bring the people they love to NAMS. Not just once,
but every single time they go. I've brought my mom and my son. Bob Jenkins
brought his brother. Lynn Terry brought her daughter.

No excuses. Go to this page now – and make plans to attend. It can be a total game-changer for you.

Here's where you can learn more: Click here for Details

If you're coming to the NAMS conference, please let me know by commenting below so I can watch for you. πŸ™‚

Have a fantastic day! You deserve it.

Nicole Dean

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Angie Newton

    You know I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Can’t wait to see you (and everyone else) again! Hey if you come in on Wednesday by chance, a few of us are going to be over at Todd’s boxing gym for a big time workout. Would love to have you join us! Anyone is welcome, I just need to have names so we can calculate all we’ll need.

    Looking forward to seeing your recap on Armind’s event.

    • Nicole

      Yay!!! πŸ™‚ I am thinking of coming on Wednesday, but I don’t know that I really want to start my trip by getting beat up. lol.

      I do, however, hope the new hotel has a good gym. Maybe we can plan some time there together.

  • Loretta

    Looking forward to seeing you there! πŸ™‚

  • William

    looking forward to seeing you at NAMS. Here’s a tidbit of information that might help some. NAMS has set up a deal with the hotel for a $99 per night room rate, which is good. However, I used my AAA membership and booked for $84 per night. It’s only a couple of dollars but I’m flying in a day early to attend a meeting with Connie Regan Green so I was looking to pinch pennies. And everyone should remember, keep the receipts for everything. This is a business trip, and it is an expense but it’s sooo worth it. Just the pre-webinars are worth the price of the ticket. And with the discount you and Connie offer, this could well be the deal of the year. See you in Alanta.

    • Nicole

      Looking forward to it. Great reminder about saving ALL of your business receipts. If possible – have a separate checking account and business credit card so that your business money and personal money are totally separate. πŸ™‚

      Look forward to meeting you, William. Any friend of Connie’s is a friend of mine.

  • The Mom

    I’ll be there! Yippee! Not only is NAMS informative, it’s fun! I’m looking forward to seeing everyone, hopefully at the “campfire” circle. (You have to use your imagination when you’re sitting around a campfire in the lounge. Ha!)

    What I like about NAMS is it’s so casual, easy going, REAL. The ‘gurus’ get down with the rest of us regular people.

    Also, there isn’t a BIG SELL going on. The presenters are there to show you how it’s done in a step by step by step way.

    And, even if you don’t consider yourself an “internet marketer”… even if you keep thinking you’re “just” a humble blogger (that’s me) … we’re all marketers. We all want to make money with our blog. We all want to get more traffic to our blog. NAMS is the place to be to figure out how to do it.

    But, it wouldn’t work so well if it wasn’t FUN! If it was all about sitting in a big room with a group of stuffed shirts and listening to blah blah blah, I wouldn’t be going, and I can guarantee Nicole wouldn’t be, either. (apple… tree)

    Hope to see ya there!

    • Nicole

      I’ve heard there’s a REAL fire pit at the new hotel. Maybe when we drive we should bring some firewood? lol.

  • Diane

    Unfortunately, I’m already committed to another event that weekend, but I would love to come or learn more about it. Is there a video of the conference available afterward? I know that isn’t the same as meeting people in person, but it’s something. Also, how often does this conference take place? Maybe I can make the next one!
    Thanks. Love your blog!!!

    • Nicole

      Hey Diane –
      The records are usually available afterwards.
      And, NAMS is every January and August. Hope you can make it to the January one! πŸ™‚

  • Peggy Baron

    Yay! I’m going!
    I can’t wait to meet y’all. πŸ™‚


  • Melanie

    I think these conferences are great. I need to go soon πŸ™‚

    • Nicole

      Definitely. Just be careful. Some are really terrible. That’s why I won’t recommend one until I’ve attended it myself first. πŸ™‚

      NAMS is definitely unique. Warm, friendly, lots of laughs and learning.

      Just my style.

      Hope you can come soon.

  • Paul B. Taubman, II

    Hi Nicole –

    I am looking forward to meeting you at NAMS6! I think this will be great to be around so many talented and fun people! I love reading your content and can only imagine what it will be like to HEAR and SEE you live!

    Be Well.

  • Loretta

    I just realized you’re bringing your son – my oldest has been nagging me to tag along, but I told him maybe next year. I think we need to work on getting a “teen” track set up for all these young entrepreneurs πŸ˜‰

    • Nicole

      I’m setting my son up with a blog now, and he’ll be working for me this summer – even has his own work station now. πŸ™‚ So, I’m thinking he’ll be in the Beginner 2 track – with gramma – so she can keep an eye on him. lol.

      You so should bring your son. Tracy’s thinking of bringing hers, too.

  • William

    I’ll see you there. Connie Regan Green got to me first for the ticket but I’m looking forward to meeting you.

  • Annemarie

    Alrighty-then, I’m getting excited to hang out in the ATL with all you groovy peeps. Loretta has indeed been missed! Since my “son” is a 4-legged dachshund named Norman, I’m going to bring my sister. We’re already business partners, as she handles our financial end, but I can’t wait to teach her more about the fun part of what we do!

    She in turn is looking forward to meeting all of my online family I’m always referring to! Now if Nik can figure out how to make Kelli actually attend, I think we’d be great.

    See you all soon.

    Not much in terms of walking to restaurants…. but,
    Very Yummy Thai Restaurant — Little Bankok (my favorite in Atlanta) less than 10 minutes from the hotel.

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