Blog Posts

Day 2: Computer Butt to Sexy Butt Challenge

Welcome to Day 2 of the Computer Butt Challenge. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty proud of all of us for deciding to do something about our health.

I don't know about you, but I sure don't want to look like this in a few years… (eek!)

Anything you can do is better than nothing. So, don't wait until you're ready… just commit to doing more this week than you did last week. None of us is perfect – and I'm not Scott when it comes to dedication, but I can do BETTER than I have been doing in regards to my health. Can you?

So, will you do better with me? πŸ™‚ Please check in with any exercise that you've done for the day.

Need a workout that doesn't make you think?Β  This one will blast your butt. πŸ™‚

If you'd like to do the Sizzlin' Circuit with me, here's the scoop…

It's only $10.

I am going to spend the next few weeks going through Angie's program. Please follow along either by watching and cheering me on or by walking, biking, or doing anything to be in better health and posting your updates.

Note: Scott has a few other programs if you prefer to choose one of them. :)

Fat Loss Quickie 10 Minute Home Office Workouts (Excellent!)
Rock that Body (For a more advanced workout.)

Post your progress. I'm eating breakfast and will be doing mine in a bit.

((hugs)) to all.
Nicole “I'm shrinkin' my keister” Dean

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Loretta

    Hoping to do just a little bit better every day so that by the end of our 30 days it will be a lot better.

  • Helen Raptoplous

    Excellent idea to get rid of computer butt!! Love it! I did the workout in this video, what a great way to take a quick break between projects! Thank you Nicole.. I have been looking to start a challenge just like this one, and now I can just join in!!

    Keep the great workouts and inspirations coming!!

  • Nicole

    ok. Day 2 workout with Angie done. Sweating like a really sweaty thing… eeew. πŸ™‚

    I’ll try to do something else today, but I’m just proud I’m doing something!

    Oh, Angela Wills is going to share her hoola hoop exercises with us soon, too. Stay tuned for that…

    Who else exercised today?

  • Angela Wills

    That big butt made me LOL (for real)

    I did it, but not very well! Is it ok for me to say that my legs feel like cement?? Not to scare anyone off because I’d say that’s a GOOOD thing.

    Just need to ease into it I suppose, maybe I worked a little too hard yesterday as today I felt like I was in slo-mo.

    Like Loretta I expect 30 days in I’ll be doing much better!

    Not sure how often I’ll be checking back in after today as I’ll be on the road but I’ll do my best!~

    • Nicole

      Oh, I had to take breaks. Angie’s definitely in better shape than I am right now.

      But, I can already get through with less breaks than when I tested the workouts last week — if that’s possible?

    • Scott Tousignant

      Yep, as Angie mentions in the videos and in the book, depending on your fitness level you may need to extend the rest period.

      Cement legs can be a common occurrence when beginning a program like this. It will be interesting to see how you feel next week and the week after.

    • Loretta

      Little by little, we’ll get there for sure.

  • Scott Tousignant

    I’m on my way to blast my legs at the gym with a yet to be released program of mine, but I thought I would chime in with what I did yesterday…

    In addition to working out I took a 4 minute break each hour and did some kind of movement. Sometimes I skipped, other times I did jumping jacks and butt kicks, other times I just ran on the spot really fast, Sometimes I would get on my stationary bike, and other times I just got up and stretched.

    This little bit of movement each hour really made a tremendous difference in my day and it’s something that I will continue to do as it keeps the blood flowing and metabolism cranked.

    • Nicole

      Now I could commit to 4 minutes per hour, but then when do you shower?

      I’d be confused… πŸ˜€

      • Scott Tousignant

        During that 4 minutes I don’t usually push myself hard enough to break a sweat. It’s just a time to get my butt moving a bit so I don’t end up looking like those pictures at the top of this post πŸ˜‰

    • Loretta

      I like this 4 minute idea ~ fun and falls into the quickie of it all. I do take a break every hour to stretch etc, but throwing a little extra in that break sounds like a good idea.

  • The Mom

    Okay Nicole. I did only 25 squats today but then I also did 30 of those floor ball heel push things. That’s 30 in a row – no break! My hearts pumpin’ and I feel better about myself. Can I eat spaghetti and drink wine now? πŸ˜‰

  • The Mom

    BTW… I couldn’t do half the exercises when I joined Nicole’s last Computer Butt Challenge. Like the floor ball heel roll thing, for instance. I did 3, yes that’s THREE, the first time I did them. It wasn’t long before I was doing 8, then 10, then 15, and now I do 30. Even though I have been a slug, not exercising for a few months now, I can still do 30. So, I never worry anymore about not being able to do a new difficult exercise. I just keep at it and eventually I can do it. Anyway, keep up the good work all! And, as Nicole would point out “and she’s o-l-d!” Ha!

    • Patti Stafford

      You’re as young as you feel.
      My age fluctuates on any given day. LOL But once I lose some weight I know I’ll feel much younger. πŸ™‚

  • Melissa Ingld

    I’m checking in to say I hit the gym for a 45 min. workout this morning. It’s getting easier every day, and I’ve dropped 3 lbs already πŸ™‚

  • Nicole

    I’m headed off to do some squats just because I can.

    And, because that picture of the elephant really scares me… lol!

    Talk to ya’ll tomorrow!

  • Patti Stafford

    Sun Salutation.
    Ten glasses of water (at least) per day.
    No coffee, no cream, no sugar. Hot tea instead.
    Low carb, lots of salad.

    I started on Saturday and I feel pretty dang good. πŸ™‚

  • Kurt Scholle

    I was bad. I didn’t do any exercising. Please don’t hurt me, Nicole. I promise to get started tomorrow!

    I love the elephant butt. May print that out and put it on the fridge!

  • Lisa Marie Mary

    Ok, I’m in – better late than never. Eagerly awaiting today’s post to chime in!

  • Lisa

    Wow, Scott’s program is like a full immersion course, nice! Plus he cooks with his shirt off. πŸ™‚ I’m happy I committed to going to my local gym. I’ve been feeling like crap from sitting all day at the computer. 3 workouts a week and I’m feeling much less cramped and stiff.

  • Lisa Wells

    When I came home from NAMS and looked at the pictures I cringed! I asked myself “What happened?” and decided to do something – anything – to feel better. I used to do Pilates 3x week and dancing 2 days but then we moved and NO gyms or anything within an hour’s drive. I tried driving to dance class for a month but it got to be too much as it took up the entire evening with a 3.5 hour round trip.

    So I went online and found a very basic exercise program that I could live with. I’ve been walking three times a week (M-W-F) for 40 minutes and T-Th I do a short 15-minute workout with the exercise ball. On the weekends I do something, even if it’s washing the car or cleaning the pool. Two weeks ago I did the Volksmarch 5K with my dogs. I haven’t lost any weight but I feel 110% better! Oh and I take multi-vitamin, calcium, and fish oil. My son watches Dr. Oz and honed in on the “what every woman past 40 should take” segment. So there you go.

    And I think my butt is shrinking slowly but surely πŸ™‚

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