Blog Posts

What are the Benefits of the NAMS Conference in Atlanta?

It's time for another installment in my latest Cross-Blog Conversation with Trish Lindemood.

If you're new, you can catch up on the discussion here with these past posts:

  1. Trish Explains Why she Wants to Do a Cross Blog Conversation.
  2. I Answer her Questions about the Ways I Recommend Using PLR
  3. Trish Answers “Why, as a Writer, Would You Recommend PLR?”
  4. I Answer This Question “Does Guest Blogging Work for Service Providers?”
  5. Trish Discusses How she Chooses to Invest Wisely in her Business.

And, we're on to Trish's latest question:

You are an instructor at NAMS3 and have been involved with the previous sessions.

What do YOU think is the most valuable part of these workshops? If someone is still on the fence about attending – what is one specific example of real life results you’ve seen come out of it that might help them decide to attend?

Before I get into my response, I'd like to point to some of the previous posts about NAMS so you can learn more about it.

What is NAMS?

NAMS stands for “Niche Affiliate Marketing Systems” and is a workshop held in Atlanta, twice each year. It was created by David Perdew and is a very unique event for Online Business Owners and those who want to make money on the internet.

Here's the official page: NAMS Conference Info & Schedule.

As someone who's been to several seminars and conferences about Internet Marketing & How to Make Money Online – NAMS is unique and stands apart in many ways.

First of all, this is a Workshop as opposed to a Seminar. The difference is that there are presenters, but the attendees are encouraged to accomplish goals during the day. Prizes are even awarded for those who take initiative and make progress.

Second, there is a huge faculty. At this point, David has announced 20 presenters, plus there are normally at least 8 aides (helpers) who are also successful marketers who are on hand to help the attendees.

Third, the workshop is broken up into three rooms where beginners, intermediates, and advanced level marketers are challenged. Beginners never feel ‘dumb' and Advanced students aren't allowed to get bored.

Fourth, and this is a biggie, is that there is no “pitching” allowed by the presenters. Several seminars that I've attended were laughable because every single speaker ended his/her presentation with a sales pitch for a $2000-$5000 product that was “essential” and “breakthrough” and would change your life forever. It would have been laughable if it hadn't been so sad. It doesn't sit well with me to see beginners writing check after check for materials that they do NOT need. It would be such a better investment for them to spend that money outsourcing and getting things DONE. (Stepping off the soapbox.)

Anyway, at NAMS, the presenters are there to help, not to sell. If we're at NAMS and you ask me about my products, I'll gladly tell you where you can learn more about them, but I will not be up at the front of the room, telling you that you must spend your money on my stuff or be doomed to fail. In fact, I may recommend that you do not purchase my products if you're not ready for them.

Fifth, AWESOME presenters. Seriously. One thing that I love about David is that he doesn't just look for smart people, but he finds positive, energetic, warm people who truly care. And, I'm absolutely honored to be included in that lineup for this event.

Sixth, the networking simply rocks. As I mentioned, the presenters are great people and they are all highly approachable. You will not feel intimidated to talk with them, nor is it “cliquey”. The whole point is that the faculty is expected to be approachable during the weekend.

Who should consider attending?

Honestly, anyone who has a desire to meet fabulous, hard-working online business owners – in a safe environment where you can learn and ask questions. I'm pretty advanced, but I paid to attend in the fall, and it was money well spent. In fact, had I not been invited to return as a presenter, I'd be paying to come again!

Plus, I'm bringing my mom, who is a beginner, so obviously I think it's a good opportunity for all skill levels.

Official NAMS Sales Page and Speaker Lineup
The sales page which includes the list of speakers as well as the topics that we’ll be covering. Now, this is a conference, meaning that you’ll have opportunities to listen to us talk, but, more importantly, it’s a workshop – where you get to DO the things that you’re learning.

Check out the NAMS Conference Schedule.

NAMS Conference Review & My Personal Notes
I posted a Review of the NAMS event after I returned from the trip in August, including photos and a listing of what I loved and what I wasn’t crazy about during the weekend event.

Here is that post: Review of the NAMS Workshop

Free Interview with NAMS Creator David Perdew
I’ve also received permission to share this interview between Bob “the Teacher” Jenkins and Dr. David Perdew (the host and creator of the NAMS Conference)

Listen to the audio here: Free Interview: David Perdew, Creator of NAMS Workshop

ok. Now that we've got a nice solid understanding of what NAMS is…. 🙂

Here's my response to Trish's third question about the NAMS Conference in Atlanta:

Hi Trish,

Thanks for another excellent question.

What do YOU think is the most valuable part of these workshops? If someone is still on the fence about attending – what is one specific example of real life results you’ve seen come out of it that might help them decide to attend?

Just one example? 🙂

The networking is worth the price alone. Honestly, that's where I find the greatest value.

At the last NAMS, I met a new JV partner whose name I'd seen for years, but had never had a chance to get to know her. We'll make a lot of money together this next year. In fact, that one connection ended up in a business partnership. She has a HUGE network, so, once we put our resources together, it'll be a *really* good thing for both of us.

Another one of the connections that I made at NAMS ended up as one of my top affiliates for my latest ebook. If I hadn't been at NAMS, she wouldn't have had a clue who I was, let alone have promoted me to her list.

I also got to finally chat face-to-face with several people who I'd known online for years.

I've also met several people who've ended up as customers. We got a chance to meet face-to-face, and they realized that I was the “real deal” (their words) so they are now loyal customers. That's a lot harder to accomplish in writing.

You'll get to brainstorm with some really cool people. I know that several 5-minute conversations that I had with attendees made a difference in their lives – or at least in their online businesses. 🙂

PLUS, I've met people who I can mastermind with. Once you reach a certain level in your business, it becomes next to impossible to find a coach, since you're ahead of most people. So, instead, connecting on a mastermind level is sometimes the next best option. I've met tons of REALLY smart people who I can brainstorm with whenever I get stuck. (Yes, it happens to ALL of us!) 🙂

Another thing that I don't think I've discussed too much yet is that I've found a few of my new service providers at NAMS. So, yes, it's a great thing all around.

So, there's your “just one”. lol.

Thanks so much for a great Cross-Blog Conversation! Shoot me a question any time. I enjoyed this much.

Talk with you soon, and I'll see you at NAMS!

Nicole Dean

Join us at NAMS!

Interested in meeting me, Trish, Lynn Terry, Willie Crawford, Bob the Teacher, and a slew of other fantastic people?

Click here to Join Us at NAMS .

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Susanne

    I absolutely loved NAMS this past August and am looking forward to January. It’s a great group of people and the instructors just keep getting better and better.

    I also like the fact that this is a workshop. Last time I walked away with a few articles and blog posts ready to go as well as two action plans that resulted in less work for me, more income and a lot more traffic.

    But honestly, the most valuable part is the networking. I walked away with some awesome JV and mastermind partners and now have new friends that I can network with when it comes to anything from article publishing and social media to cross promotions.

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