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Free Audio Teaser: NAMS Conference in Atlanta

You guys may think that I'm totally goofy, but I have a thing that I've been dreaming about for weeks that I'm totally psyched about.

Is it Thanksgiving? Nope.
Christmas? No.
The ShowMomtheMoney Cruise in January? Nah, but I am pretty psyched about that.
My 15th wedding anniversary coming up? Nope. Although I'd better plan something!

It's the NAMS Conference in Atlanta this January 2010. (It's held every six months, so if you're reading this after January 2010 – still check out the site for the next one!)

Geeky? Yeah. I know. But, I'm just FREAKING out about it! I love the NAMS Conference in August so much and this time around, I get to be on the faculty/list of speakers. Can you BELIEVE it?! Me, neither.

Anyway, you're even remotely interested in attending, I encourage you to check out the following:

NAMS Conference Review & My Personal Notes
My Review of the NAMS Workshop in August, including photos and a listing of what I loved and what I wasn't crazy about during the weekend event.

Official NAMS Sales Page and Speaker Lineup
The sales page which includes the list of speakers as well as the topics that we'll be covering. Now, this is a conference, meaning that you'll have opportunities to listen to us talk, but, more importantly, it's a workshop – where you get to DO the things that you're learning. Check out the NAMS Conference in Atlanta Schedule.

Free Interview with NAMS Creator David Perdew
I've also received permission to share this interview between Bob “the Teacher” Jenkins and Dr. David Perdew (the host and creator of the NAMS Conference) – Audio can be found at the end of this post.

Referenced in the Audio Below

NAMS: Here's the page to learn more – NAMS Atlanta (will open in a new window)

IMSuccessLibrary: Here's the page to learn more – IMSuccessLibrary (will open in a new window)

Here's where to sign up!

Go to this link: Learn More About NAMS .

Enjoy! And, please ask your questions below about the Atlanta NAMS Conference. If you have even the slightest interest in going, but are scared or have questions – I can absolutely relate and am happy to share my experience of hiding in my hotel room, trying to get the courage to go downstairs and join the fun. πŸ™‚

Nicole Dean

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Stephanie Watson

    I am really interested in going. What is the best day to check into the hotel and the best day to check out so that I don’t miss anything?

    I’ll be driving as I live only 4 hrs from Atlanta.

    • Nicole

      Hi Stephanie,

      I’ll be checking in Thursday afternoon – hopefully around 2-ish. And, I plan to check out Monday around noon or so.

      If you don’t want to miss anything, that’s the schedule that I’d recommend. πŸ™‚

      Hope to see you there!

  • Stephanie Watson

    OK I just bought the ticket, how long can I wait to reserve the hotel room?

    • Nicole

      Woo hoo! πŸ™‚

      I wouldn’t wait too long. All the fun happens at the hotel, and last time all of the rooms were booked.

      Do you need a roomie? We might be able to find you one.


  • Stephanie Watson

    Got my room booked. They booked it from the 27th to the 2nd though…. and I left it that way for now because on the NAMS link to the hotel site it says the conf is from the 27th till the 2nd…

    Let me know if you know anything about that. πŸ™‚

    I am sooooo excited!

  • Ronkel

    Hi Nicole,
    I am new to your site and love it! Learning so much. I have started with the podcast, about half way through now. I have been hearing for a long time now about focusing on one niche/website.
    Listening to just half of the podcast on your site, I think every one has mentioned or talked in depth about how you need to focus on one.
    Last night I was seriously contemplating which one of 104 sites that I have I was going to run with.
    This morning I am listening to Bob the teacher’s interview with David Perdew, who said he has 2200 websites!!!! WHAT!!!!
    Help. Any thoughts??

    • Nicole

      Hi Ronkel,

      Yes, I have thoughts. πŸ™‚

      First of all, I’m guessing David has 2200 domains, not websites. I don’t recall the details of this interview, but I’d guess that’s what he meant.

      For instance, I know Bob has hundreds of domains, but most of them are redirects that he uses to promote his favorite affiliate programs.

      If you were my best friend in the world, I’d say to start with one site and take it to profit (as Lynn Terry says) and then expand. I feel that it’s much more profitable to start with one niche and “play” and learn before expanding too much. If you go wide first, unless you’ve got vast resources, you’ll dilute your efforts and get overwhelmed.

      In all honesty, I went too wide too fast. I wish I’d stuck with the handful of niche sites that were making me money before branching off from there, but going wide was what we were taught a few years ago. I’ve since then sold or given away several of my sites. The focus that I’ve gotten from letting go of the chaos has multiplied my profits.

      Of course, if you pick a niche, build a site, and get traffic and can’t convert that into money — it means you may not have researched your niche enough initially and may need to move on. Not all of my sites have been as profitable as others.

      I hope that helps!

      PS. If you haven’t listened to the Jeff Herring Interview yet – he talks about wide vs. deep in it. πŸ™‚ Hope you like it.

    • Nicole

      And, thank you for the nice words, too. πŸ™‚

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