Blog Posts

Pictures: Which Should I Choose for My Business?

Hey guys.

I'll be speaking at Kelly McCausey‘s Hot Summer Seminar in a few weeks and she needed a new pic of me.

I'm having a hard time choosing a photo since I feel like I look like a dork in all of them. ๐Ÿ™‚

Here are the ones that I sent to her. Let me know which one you feel makes you “get” who I am — smart, somewhat silly, and sensitive – nurturing with “mad business skills” as my Tracy Roberts friend says.

Here are some choices… try not to laugh too hard. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Option 1:

Get that hair out of my eyes!
Get that hair out of my face! I like this one, because I'm about to laugh.

Option 2: Lookin' at My Boy, Thinking How Sweet He Is for Taking all These Pictures of Me, and Telling me That I Look Pretty. (I think, in hindsight, he wanted a raise in his allowance.) ๐Ÿ˜‰

My friends said I look like I'm about to cry here. I'm a big softie when it comes to my son.

Option 3: Muscles

Showing my Muscles
My puny muscles. If only I could show my MARKETING muscles. Those are some pipes! ๐Ÿ˜€

Option 4: This is what I look like without makeup when I'm on a bike ride at the beach. (I can't believe I'd let you see me like this!)

Me without makeup. How embarrassing! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Option 5: Pondering Business Decisions.

Me, Thinking Hard (Does that make me look smart?) lol!

Option 6: The Coach.


Options 7: I look like I'm trying very hard NOT to smile here. Weird.


I asked Einstein, my puppy and this is what he said…
(A very good friend had fun with photoshop and this pic – I'll let her “out” herself if she wishes. lol!)…


So he was no help.

I have a bunch more, but we'll see what you say first and I'll go from there. ๐Ÿ™‚

Please be nice, or I might cry...

Now that that's done. I'd better go make some money!

Thanks for reading!

PS. Don't forget to leave a comment on my latest podcast. You can win a List Building course worth $197. (Check it out here –> Shannon Cherry talks about Success.)

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Sally Dinius

    These are really fun! ๐Ÿ™‚ I think I like #7 best.

  • Angie (Losing It and Loving It)

    I love #3 for the Hot Seminar Series but #7 for more of a professional feel.

    Angie (Losing It and Loving It)’s last blog post..How to calculate BMI

  • lyle robinson

    Hey Nicole. I gotta go with #7 as well…:)


  • Sharon

    Okay lovely lady I vote for #7. #2 is a pretty close 2nd place choice – mostly because “photo quality” wise it’s the best, but you’re tilting your head a little less in #7 (which makes me tilt my head less!). You didn’t want all that detail did you – lol!

    Sharon’s last blog post..Urban Farming No Longer a Fad

  • Aurelia

    I love options 2, 6 & 7. Some help I am, huh? I think if you made me pic a fav… I’d go with #2. They are all really good ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Mary Lutz

    I like #2 the best for the purpose you’re going to use it for. I love your silliness and that you’re not afraid to be show the real you to the world! Awesome!

  • Corrie

    Nicole, I think 2 is the best. You have a great smile in it.

    Corrie’s last blog post..Social Networking, have you considered this?

  • Danielle

    I think they are all great! I had a hard time deciding as well but I think I like #7 the best! I am excited to hear you on the series!

    Danielle’s last blog post..Saturday 9

  • Christine Steendahl

    My vote is number 7 as well!

  • Melissa

    I like candid shots, so I think you look great in all of them. But if I had to choose, I think I would go with #7.

    Can’t wait to hear you in the Hot Summer Seminar Series!

    Melissa’s last blog post..Why Having a Blog For Your Coaching Business is Important

  • Valerie B Bess

    I really like #1 You look like you have the knowledge and the muscle, without having to flex; and like you know what you’ve got. Einstein is tooo precious. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Mary

    I like #’s 5,6,& 7, with 6 being my favorite, but it may not be as professional as you would want. So then I say pick number 7. The smile reaches your eyes. There’s a sparkle there. ๐Ÿ™‚


  • KC

    7. Definitely 7!

    KC @ Website Solutoins’s last blog post..Custom Twitter Backgrounds

  • Peggy Baron

    I also liked #7 the best!


  • Kolorowanki

    The third photo is nice!
    The winner!
    Matt Kolorowanki,

  • Odchudzanie

    Hi Nicol,

    I choose the ‘Pondering Business Decisions’.
    You look like a prof businss woman ๐Ÿ™‚

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