Blog Posts

These Marketer’s Cheat in a Good Way. (It’s SMART.) Learn How You Can, too.

It’s another Expert Briefs, where I ask really smart business owners to answer your burning questions.

As you may know, one of my most popular sites right now is – where we help Virtual Assistants, Business Coaches, and Consultants to make their clients stick. We provide templates (and customizable content) that our clients can use as drafts to create their own training. We provide the training as documents and PowerPoint slides that make your webinars, live events, teleseminars, and workshops easy to prepare for.

So basically we are a shortcut (or cheat) for smart marketers to use to make money in their businesses.

On that note, this week I asked our panel of experts…

“Let's say that I just handed you a package from, and you only had 24 hours to make money with it.

What would you do?”

I think you'll enjoy this week's responses.

DavidHead100x100David Perdew of My NAMS says:

Using Content I created a 5-Part Course on Passive Income in 90 Minutes

Watch the video below and you’ll see how I created a 5-part course on Passive Income called Found Money: Easy Money Course using outstanding source material.

Too often, people say the reason they don’t have a product is that they don’t have time to create it.

Using Nicole Dean and Melissa Ingold’s CoachGlue content and templates, I blow that excuse right out of the water.

This new course that I created is complete with:

  1. Creating Passive Income Streams in Your Business Step-by-Step Tutorial
  2. 21 Ideas To Find Easy Money and Create Passive Income Streams
  3. Found Money Resource Rolodex
  4. Get Started with Your Passive Income Planning Calendar
  5. Passive Income Checklist

You can watch how I did it below.

connieConnie Ragen Green of Affiliate Marketing Case Studies says:

If you had just given me a package from and asked me to monetize it in twenty-four hours I would get to work quickly.

First, I would repurpose the content into several blog posts, inserting affiliate links where appropriate, as well as into a short report, content for a teleseminar or a webinar, and then into my own online course or information product on that topic.

Next, I would share one of the blog posts on the social media sites and to my list, explaining exactly what I did from start to finish. Showing, instead of just telling someone what you've done helps them to make the jump from simply being an observer to being an active participant in their online business.

Finally, I would encourage them to choose just one package from and do the same thing that I had modeled.

The important thing to remember here is that one package from this site can be the basis of massive content and products that will help you to grow your business exponentially. Rinse and repeat, and you'll have a profitable business that will change your life and the lives of others.

ShannonShannon Cherry of Learn How I Get *Paid* to Attend Events says:

I recently used a CoachGlue product to create a bonus for a webinar that I conducted.

Essentially, I gave people a bonus gift for staying on the training until the end to hear my upsell into a coaching program.

The result? More that 200 attendees, with only 6% dropping off of the training before the end. And more importantly, I had 22 people buy as a result of that training. Many pointed to the extra value I gave them with the bonus as one of the reasons they invested.

Now I'll be re-purposing that content… breaking it up into smaller chunks and delivering the handy checklists as videos to supplement another program.

Jeanette S. Cates, PhD of Plan Your Online Business says:

I love the customizable content from! I use it for so many things, but one of my favorite ways to use content is to create products.

I used this process to create one of my best-selling sites. I purchased the original package, which included a salesletter and a 40-page report. I took the report and pulled out content for articles. Then I outlined the slides I wanted to create while I listed the other pieces of content that would be helpful to the process.

Since I already had several products centered around membership site creation and had set up over 30 member sites myself, this all came together easily. I modified and expanded the checklists I had created for another project, adding columns to decide what to outsource. I added a description of my own outsourcing team that I have developed over a dozen years. And I even added separate reports pulled from the original report.

Once we set up the membership site to host the materials, I sold a live webinar, using the slides I had created from the original report. The recording of that webinar, plus all of the other materials I created, are included in the site for the product. I update the product as I find new resources.

Although I didn't finish this in 24 hours, it only took me 72 hours to create a quality product that continues to sell. And it all started with one $20 product from!

melissa-ingold-twitterfbMelissa Ingold – Co-Owner of says:

Using the templates from makes it super easy for service providers to inspire more clients to hire them, because it literally takes all the hard work out of the process.

Plus, they can set it up on autopilot so that every time someone signs up for their mailing list, their subscriber will see how much of an expert they are and they'll have new clients running to work with them. 🙂

In the video, I used the customizable Facebook Templates package as an example for how a service provider can help their clients become Facebook super stars.

But this works just as well if you're selling products and not services – so watch even if you don't have clients.

Click Here to Get Our Customizable Facebook Templates!

NicoleNicole Dean of .. here! .. says:

I have several ideas, but let me try to narrow them down to one.

Some clarifications before I answer.

I'm assuming that I have to have the money IN my account within 24 hours. In that case, I can't use the content to promote most affiliate offers, where I technically make the sale, but don't get paid for a few weeks.

So, here's what I think I would do.

1. Choose the material.

Let's say that I buy the  “50 Things Your Website Needs to Attract More Clients” package.

The package includes:

  • A 13 page step-by-step report.  (This would be such a great checklist. Just replace the numbers with checkboxes.)
  • 19 PowerPoint Slides (Turn these into a way to showcase your clients by using them as examples!)

2. From there, I would create a webinar around it.

For instance, “21 Simple Tweaks you Must Do to Your Website” to attract more clients. I would do less than the 50 so I could choose the most effective ones. Plus, if I end up with more than 21, I have bonus material.

3. I'd presell the webinar and plan to hold the actual training in a week.

Basically I'd put up a buy button for people to sign up.

By planning the webinar to occur at a future time, it gives me the opportunity to make money immediately while still giving me time to fine-tune the actual training that I want to deliver, including adding real life examples as I always do.

From there, I'd ask my friends to promote as affiliates for 50-75% up front – unless I already had something sexy to offer in the upsell, in which case, I could go higher, like 100%.

4. Turn it into an evergreen product.

Of course, once the webinar was done, I would package it up and add a promo to my autoresponders so it could make money for me for months and years to come.

That's it. 🙂

So, Talk to Me.

What do YOU use content for in your business? (Hint. The best answers may just be featured in some upcoming training.)

Nicole Dean

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