You might recall our group letter to Santa from 2010, and this week I asked our expert panel the same question to see what's topping everyone's wishlist this holiday season. 'If you're like me, you don't want perfume or a picture frame for Christmas... you want stuff for your BUSINESS! Gadgets, tools, and other fun goodies. So, what's in your Letter to Santa this year?' Kristen Eckstein"> You might recall our group letter to Santa from 2010, and this week I asked our expert panel the same question to see what's topping everyone's wishlist this holiday season. 'If you're like me, you don't want perfume or a picture frame for Christmas... you want stuff for your BUSINESS! Gadgets, tools, and other fun goodies. So, what's in your Letter to Santa this year?' Kristen Eckstein"> Letter to Santa 2011 ⋆ Nicole on the Net

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Letter to Santa 2011

It’s another Expert Briefs, where I ask really smart business owners to answer your burning questions.

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You might recall our group letter to Santa from 2010, and this week I asked our expert panel the same question to see what's topping everyone's wishlist this holiday season.

“If you're like me, you don't want perfume or a picture frame for Christmas… you want stuff for your BUSINESS! Gadgets, tools, and other fun goodies. So, what's in your Letter to Santa this year?”

Kristen Eckstein of Finish Writing Your Book Fast: Book Writing for Procrastinators says:

In my letter to Santa is something I probably won't get until Spring. 🙂 A new 27-inch iMac, complete with ALL the fixings, maxed out with power & hard drive space.

Other than that, Santa came early to me this year with the iPad and iPhone, and a MacBook for my husband, Creative Director of our company. So I don't really have any other wishes for Christmas.

Except one thing. In the midst of gifts and gadgets each year, I took my family for granted. This year I have no family. I lost my father to a divorce with my mom and to his new girlfriend, and subsequently I lost his entire side of the family. This year I have no extended family to spend the holidays with, just my husband and myself.

This year I'm realizing just how thankful we should be and how we should live “in” each moment because we never know when loved ones will be taken from us. This year one grandmother died, the other went senile and disowned half the family (me included), my parents of a 35-year “perfect” marriage divorced, my father replaced his wife and me with a new woman, his family refuses to talk to me for many reasons, and my husband and I are left grieving the emotional deaths of dozens of people we care about and love.

So instead of just looking for that brand new gadget this Christmas, I can't stress enough how much you should live each moment with thankfulness your family surrounds you and is intact. Because one day you may wake up and your entire world will be shaken to the core, and the things you once took for granted will be lost forever.

Lain Ehmann of says:

Dear Santa,

I've been a very good entrepreneur this year. I outsourced, listened to my business coach (thanks, Nicole!), and saved all my receipts in one tidy heap. 😉

So, for Christmas, I'd love a new mic for my podcast. I've heard that the Blue Yeti is good, and I really don't want to mess with a mixing board. So can you send one my way?

Much love,

Connie Ragen Green of Huge Profits Tiny List says:

Dear Santa,

First of all, thank you for the presents you brought me last year. The new luggage is wonderful and makes it so much easier for me to travel. Thanks for the new digital camera, also, because the pictures I take are the memories I will have forever.

This year I have a very special request. I would like for you to give my presents to five children who need them more than I do right now. These are items that everyone child needs and deserves, and ones that will change their lives forever. They may even help them to change the world.

For the five children who will receive my gifts this year please include:

  • A laptop computer – It can be new or used, PC or MAC. It just needs to work. I'm asking for a laptop instead of a desk top computer so they can use it anywhere they go and it will become a part of them.
  • Internet access at home and away – Being connected to the world is important for so many reasons. They will be able to read and write, do research on any topic they can imagine, and to communicate with people all over the world. It also levels the playing field for all children in the world to have the same chance for success in the future.
  • A soccer ball – Soccer is a game played the world over. We don't want children who will be able to read and write and not be able to relate to others face to face. The child with a ball will always be able to find a friend. They will also be able to make the rules, and that builds leadership skills.

Thanks, Santa. You can still swing by my house if you'd like. I'll leave you some cookies and milk, and if you check my computer you'll find a special message I wrote just for you. Just click the mouse and it will magically appear. Isn't magic what it's all about?

Connie Ragen Green

Lynette Chandler of Tech Based Marketing says:

This has got to be one of my favorite questions. I had me an early Christmas in November, got myself a MacBook Pro. A few other things that do come to mind in no particular order:

  • Kindle Fire.
    I read a lot on the iPad and phone via Kindle app but being able to borrow books for free via my Amazon Prime on a Kindle is an irresistible offer.
  • WordPress plugins and themes.
    I already own a lot of them but I'm such a junkie! For one, I'd love to have a year's access to WooThemes
  • Couple hours of VA time
  • iTunes gift card

Shannon Cherry of The Business Building Live Intensive says:

Ahh, Santa,

I looked back at what I asked for last year and you know what? I'm happy. I don't really need a thing.

So I want to turn the tables and ask you my dear jolly elf, what do you need? After all, you're a lot like business owners everywhere. You run a highly efficient toy making and distribution company (we should all take lessons from you!), yet surely there must be something you need?

Perhaps it is simply giving you the same thing we as business owners should for our customers…

Thank you, Santa, for your continued belief in me.

Merry everything and happy always,

Susanne Myers of Daily Affiliate Tasks says:

Dear Santa,

At first I thought I wouldn’t write you this year. I have so much already… a loving family, a thriving business, a good roof over our heads and enough cash on hand to spoil my little one. But there is one thing that’s missing from my business lately – direction.

So this year for Christmas, all I ask is for a business coach to help me see where I need to go next. It’s so easy to miss the forest for the trees when you’re all wrapped up in your day-to-day tasks.

I see what a huge difference coaching makes both with my own coaching clients and watching people like Lain thrive under Nicole’s direction.

I’d love some help finding a coach that’s the right fit for me and will help me get things moving in the right direction.

Say hello to the reindeer and yes, we’ll have milk, cookies and carrots waiting by the Christmas tree.

NicoleNicole Dean of .. here! .. says:

Every year, I try to help busy entrepreneurs by helping you write your letter to Santa. :) This year is no different.

If you’re like me, and would rather get something fun for your business than an other trinket, simply copy and paste the letter below (insert items you want from the brainstorming list below) and mail it to Santa and you’re set.

Heck, send it to your mother-in-law (if she gets you horrid gifts) or a favorite Aunt so she won’t spend a week knitting a pair of wool socks that you’re allergic to.

Here you go:

Dear Santa,

I’ve been very good again this year. I’ve worked very hard on my business while keeping focus on important priorities like my (family, health, etc., insert yours here). I definitely should be on your “nice” list.

This year, I would love to get some gifts to invest in my business. Here are some items I’ve been wanting. You can surprise me. :)

((INSERT items from list below))

Thank you, Dear Santa. I hope that you are nice and cozy in the North Pole with Mrs. Claus.

((insert name here))

Brainstorming Gift Ideas List.

Feel free to print this out and use it as inspiration for your wish list.

For when you’re on the go.

  • Kindle or Nook – Read and learn on the go.
  • mp3 Player – More Learning on the road. (Be sure to load up my podcast.)
  • Cell Phone. Christmas is always a good excuse to upgrade.
  • Headset for your Cell Phone. I love my headset. I can use my cell as an mp3 player while I walk the dogs (and still feel good about having my phone on me).
  • iPad. I keep mine in my purse. It’s so much easier than carrying around a laptop.
  • Good business books – just in case you get trapped on a Deserted Island.
  • Noise Cancellation Headphones. (I have some. They’re weird.)


  • Camtasia
  • SnagIt
  • Photoshop

Stuff for your Office.

  • Desk Pad Calendar. For scheduling and staying organized.
  • Day Clock – in case you lose track of time, really badly!
  • Demotivators. (You probably saw those in my home office.)
  • Handerpants – in case your hands get cold while you’re working.
  • Bacon Envelopes.
  • Comfortable desk chair (if you are having back problems or just want one).
  • Ergonomic keyboard or mouse.
  • Big freaking White Board. Did you see mine in my office video?
  • Space heater. brrrrr….

Camera & Microphones.

  • Flip Mino Cam. For video marketing.
  • Headset with a Microphone. For recording tutorials and webinars on your PC.

PLR – Because It’s AWESOME!

  • PLR Articles Because you can always use more articles for your blog.

Other things to Speed Up your Work

Business Tools

  • Aweber – The service I’ve used since 2005 to manage most of my newsletters, ecourses, and ezines. (If you get emails from me, they probably come through this list managing service.)
  • Basecamp – Allows you to track projects and who is working on each one.
  • Mozy – Keeps your computer (and therefore, my income) safe. (Try it free.)
  • Password Manager Program – Keeps track of all of your logins, usernames and passwords, so you don’t have to. (Try it free.)

Promo Stuff

Some of My Favorite Courses to Learn Cool Stuff From.

My Courses

Stuff to Fight Computer Butt.

  • Weights
  • Big Water Bottle


  • Luggage for traveling to cool Internet Marketing conferences to hang out with me.
  • Ticket to NAMS for August.

** Most of the stuff above is tax deductible. (Probably not the Handerpants, though.)

It’s Your Turn.

So, now, I’ll pose this question to you. What are you asking Santa for this Christmas? Help me to make my wishlist. 🙂

I’ll look forward to hearing your comments!


Nicole Dean

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Angie Newton

    Oh boy I have a very long list LOL so I’ll play along…

    The biggest thing on our list is Bose QuietComfort noise cancelling headphones! Santa is bringing hubby and I both a pair. WOW!

    In no particular order, I would love to have a new camera, video camera, unlimited office supplies (gosh I love journals, pens, paper, etc.), Roboform to keep all my passwords safe, someone to teach me about video, mostly take me by the hand and show me how to edit them and I would love to see Kevin, the most supportive hubby ever to get Photoshop.

    That’s all ha ha

    OK, this was fun but I would really like to see Santa take care of those who can’t afford the little things like PLR, Aweber, hosting and the bigger things like mastermind memberships, NAMS trips, etc.

    I’m really quite content with all I have so for those less fortunate, it would make me happy to see them get the help they need.

  • Sandra Sims

    Dear Santa,

    I feel that I have been a good girl this year and my biz has been up and down with business but I am looking to prosper in 2012! I am truly lucky though I do have a roof over my head and a wonderful family and their support!

    I would love for Christmas for my business this year but in no particular order an iPad2 to help me to do some Social Media for my business on the go, Apps for the iPad2, PLR content, Free years subscription to Aweber or something like this to start a newsletter, Photoshop.

    But all in all I just really want to have a more successful year than this year! I hope that you and Mrs. Claus Have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! And take a good vacation after Christmas Eve and delivering all of those presents and Christmas cheer!

    And of course we will have goodies awaiting your arrival near the Christmas tree.

  • Celene Harrelson | The Happypreneur

    Dear Santa,

    Honestly, I don’t really need much this year. Mostly just make sure my lil’ guy Caleb has a Merry Christmas, and from the look of things he will.

    This will be a joyous family filled Christmas as my in-laws will be coming to visit over the holidays this year. They have never been here this time of year, so please can we have a white Christmas?

    Oh yes, I do have one Christmas wish. Please help us in our cause to abolish slavery here in the US. Help folks to become aware and notice when things aren’t “quite right” when they go to Asian restaurants, nail salons and around farms where migrant workers are present. (Of course there are the massage parlors too, but I’m sure people who frequent those places are on your naughty list!) Maybe put a copy of “Not In My Town” in everyone’s stocking so they can learn about the hundreds of thousands of slaves who have been and are being brought here to the US under false pretenses and are being held against their will. Please bring awareness to those who don’t know that this happens on our shores.

    I hope you have a wonderful vacation planned in the tropics for January. You deserve the time off and a tan and Mrs. Claus deserves bikini lines for picking up after all those impish elves all year!

    Your favorite cookies will be on the mantle along with the reindeer’s granola!

    Hugs and kisses!

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