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Weird Niche: Birds, Bird Diapers, Bird Costumes

BirdYou guys seriously won't believe this one. Well, at least those of you who aren't fanatical about feathered friends sure won't.

I can't even figure out where to start with this week's Weird Niche Wednesday. I could talk about this website every Wednesday for the next month.

Should I start with the bird diapers?

Or the flight suits (yes, bird flight suits — like little costumes) with the diapers built in?

Or the bird sweaters — with custom monogramming?

Or the bird leashes — so your birdie friend can't fly away in his “flight suit”?

Or the “duck carrier”? I guess, since ducks can't walk very fast and “love to travel” — you need this handy dome bag that lets you take your duck everywhere with you.

The Topic for this week's Weird Niche Wednesday is — you guessed it! All Things for Bird Lovers.

Now, granted, I'm a “dog and cat and fish” kinda gal, so I don't get the bird thing at all. Actually, truth be told, I think it's more that birds don't like me than that I don't like them. I get … well, I hear that getting hit by fresh warm (gag!) bird droppings is lucky, so we'll say that I get “bird luck” on an abnormally regular basis. I even got “lucky” at Disney World, the happiest place on earth. (“Bird luck” that is. I'd have much preferred to get the other kind of “lucky” there. hee!)

So, check out this website and shop around … a lot. It's pretty hilarious!

Tell your bird-lovin' friends.

Now, while I'm having a hard time taking the subject of their website seriously, I CAN appreciate their marketing. They're doing a LOT of things right.

Being Memorable by Having a Sense of Humor.

888-412-POOP is their customer service phone number for goodness sakes!

Taking Advantage of Seasonal Sales.

Anyone selling an Easter Bunny Costume and Santa Costume for birds is a-ok in my book. They're taking advantage of the holidays to make more money.

Showing Media Exposure.

They're doing a great job of showing off their past media exposure by displaying where they've been featured. (Including Maxim, Washington Post,ย  and USA Today.) It adds respectability to their business and you can tell they aren't a “fly by night” operation. (Pun intended.) ๐Ÿ˜‰

Recurring Billing.

I have one word to describe the Birdie Flight Suit of the Month Club – brilliant!

Asking for Testimonials.
On their site they say “Enter to Win: Submit a testimonial about Avian Fashions' products to be entered into a drawing for a free FlightSuit.” – Fantastic way to get people to submit testimonials.

Building a Sense of Community.

Customers can send in photos of their birds, adding a sense of community — and a reason for the customers to talk to friends about their website “Hey, look at this, my bird is on this website!”

Educating their customers.

They offer training videos for potential customers, lessening their customer support, as well as getting past buying objections to make the sale. They also offer sizing information for the flight suits — to lessen the number of returns for product that doesn't fit. Well done.

Selling in a Variety of Markets.

eBay, foreign countries… they're doing a heck of a lot of great marketing on a variety of platforms and in a variety of markets. Bravo!

Honestly, I see a bunch of other things they're doing right. Like I said, I could talk about these guys all month long.

Great niche. Great customer shopping experience. Great business sense.

I only see a few things that I'd tweak to improve it, but I'll save that for another day. Overall, I'm loving it and I hope that their cleverness made you smile, as well.

I'll be back with more Weird Niche Wednesday in a week.

Nicole Dean, Bird Poop Magnet


I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Arika

    OMG – I can’t stop laughing. First you w/getting lucky at Disney World and then the whole bird site. Girl I’ve said it before but honestly where the heck do you find this stuff?

    Ok off to clean up the soda I just spit all over my desk. Thanks for the laugh!

    I have to agree their marketing is AWESOME!
    .-= Arika´s last blog ..A Productive WAHM is a successful WAHM! =-.

  • Loretta

    LOL I don’t know where you dig this stuff up at!?! Birdie flight suit of the month club? Seriously, anyone brave enough to dress their pet bird deserves some kudos, I’m sure that’s not an easy task!
    .-= Loretta´s last blog ..Do You Need to be Passionate about Direct Sales? =-.

  • Nell

    Where do you find all these sites? I love their 800 number. lol


  • Cassie

    I love the instructions for how to wear a FlightSuit – ‘Feet may need to be released by tugging “poop pouch” toward the tail’.

    Wonder if I can get these in a bigger size for my kids.
    .-= Cassie´s last blog ..Adding a Tweet This graphic to WordPress =-.

  • Mary

    This is too much. ๐Ÿ™‚ Wish I would have known about this back when my kids had pet finches. They always wanted to let them out in the house. Mom was the party “Pooper” with the no way. However, I don’t know that I would want to have to clean out the diapers. Or are they disposable like baby diaps? Any way another great weird niche. Thanks Nicole.
    .-= Mary´s last blog ..How to Become an Affiliate Extraordinaire =-.

  • Angela Wills

    Holy Crow! (hehe) Nicole yours is the only blog I can read and get an out loud chuckle every time.

    And I keep wondering where you find this stuff too, lol.
    .-= Angela Wills´s last blog ..Keeping Fit While Working From Home =-.

  • Tealow

    Hi Nicole, you made a big smile in my face.

  • Traci Knoppe

    Oh. My. Stars! LOL Well, I’ve taken a bit of fondness in recent years to wild birds and like those bird feeders that suction to your windows, as it keeps the squirrels OUT! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Saw those at my dentists office years ago and thought they were brilliant. So I now tweet about my new bird feeders, bird watching, my cats watching the birds, my entire family now watching the cats watching the birds… then me making up silly birds jokes and now tweeting about it. I’ll spare you. ๐Ÿ˜›

    But honestly – bird diapers?!! Oy. I can tell you that if you were going to have birds inside, they would need diapers. They’re messy. So for indoor bird owners/enthusiasts, this is a money niche for sure.

    I believe I’ll just observe the birds – outside. Much to the dismay of my two cats. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    .-= Traci Knoppe´s last blog ..The Manual WordPress Upgrade Fix, When Automatic Upgrades Fail =-.

  • Lisa Marie Mary

    Oh man! My hubby would have loved for me to find this site a few years back. I used to raise orphaned starlings. Oh how I loved them!!!! But oh how hubby hated their messes! LOL!!
    .-= Lisa Marie Mary´s last blog ..Soul-Flower Tapestry and Grateful Dead T-Shirt =-.

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