Blog Posts


Go Kelly!

I've been a bad friend. My gal-pal, Kelly McCausey, is celebrating her 5th Birthday online at and I haven't announced it yet. oops!

I couldn't be prouder or happier for her. She's been the voice of WAHMs online — a protective guard-dog as well as an encouraging big sis for many of us over the last 5 years, and I'm proud to call her my friend. I always know Kelly will tell me the truth and I appreciate her so much for it. She's also been a supportive business partner over the years and we've learned from each other through working together. You go girl!!!

Swing by and grab the great freebies she has to offer, listen to her show, and, if you would, post a shout out to her below in the comments section to cheer her on for her next 5 years – I'd really appreciate it!

ALSO, speaking of Kelly, she's got a cool barter-swap over at Sparkpluggin. If you want to trade VA hours for ghostwriter hours or get a press release in trade for candles — swing by there. Bartering is one of the coolest ways to save money in your business. No cash out of your pocket – and the potential to JV with other businesses owners. Have a look and see if there are any win-wins for you.

That's it for now. Have a wonderful week!


I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Tracy Roberts

    Happy Birthday, Kelly! and Congratulations on 5 years at

    I’ve always been a big fan and look forward to many more year.

    Thanks for always looking out for the little wahm!

    Off to take a look at the barter board!

    Tracy Roberts’s last blog post..Watkins – Around the Kitchen Table – November Issue

  • Sharon McMillan


    I was just saying to my good friend how frustrated I was with the way some slimy companies bombard some of the large work at home mom communities that I participate in.

    They know these women are vulnerable and they feed into every vulnerability with their fake and misleading claims.

    Of course you speak about this all the time and it is because of the way you voiced your strong opinions on WAHM Talk that I decided I had to tune in again and again…and now you own my Sunday nights!

    A big CONGRATULATIONS to you and WAHM Talk – Happy 5th Anniversary!!

  • Kelly

    LOL! You couldn’t be a bad friend if you tried 🙂

    Thanks for the birthday wishes!!!

  • Arika

    Happy Birthday Kelly & WAHM Talk Radio – you have officially outgrown the toddler stage I guess hu?

    I too have been a listener of Kelly’s for a long time and if it wasn’t for some of her shows I wouldn’t be where I am today. Thank you!

    Arika’s last blog post..Coming out Blended

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