Blog Posts

Sorry It’s Been so Quiet Here.

Sorry about the quietness here. I had to say good-bye to my six-year old Eddie-puppy on Thursday. He was my sweet sensitive puppy, and I miss him so very much.

Eddie was afraid of cameras, so I got very few pictures of him in his short life.

Here's a few of the rare pics we have of him –

2011 - After the Packers won the SuperBowl!
2007 - Hiding under a desk from the camera
2005 - Our brand new puppy

Thanks for cheering him on on the last two months that he was ill. It means so much to me to have such a fabulous online family – and that you’re part of that.

Hugs and thank you for reading – and caring.

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Traci Knoppe

    ((((hugs))) So sorry Nicole. :*( My prayers are with you and your family.

    • Nicole

      Thank you, Traci. I can always count on you. Appreciate it so much.

    • A. David Beaman

      I am truly sorry. I know your grief. In the past, I lost a dog myself. And, being a man, I’m not ashamed to say that I cried. Currently, we have 4 large dogs in our house, one resembling Eddie very closely. We love them and would be devastated if anything happened to any one of them.

  • Angie Newton

    Nicole, I’m so sorry. A loss of a pet is so hard. Hugs to you and your family. Eddie is up there playing with my Caleb (Basset Hound) and is healthy again. Love ya!

    • Nicole

      Love ya, too. And, Eddie LOVED playing with other dogs. His tail would get wagging any time another dog would come near us. So, I’m sure they’ll have a blast together. 🙂

  • Mark Mason

    “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened. ”

    (Anatole France)

  • Annemarie O'Bea

    What a beautiful boy he was! Oh my heart hurts for you and I’m just so very sorry for your loss. It’s so hard because we do love them so much! Not a day goes by where I don’t miss my beloved CJ who we lost 2 years ago. Her face is the first thing I see when I boot up my MAC every morning. 🙂 I’ll be sure she’s keeping an eye out for your boy up there!

    Hopefully every day will become just a little easier and you’ll continue to smile about the wonderful memories with Eddie as part of your family.

    Love and Hugs
    AM & Kelli

  • Regin Smola

    Hi Nik,

    I am so sorry for your loss. You told such great stories about Eddie and you sure loved that boy.

    Both of you were so blessed, he for having you as a wonderful and loving mommy, and him for sharing his licks, playtime, and unconditional love with you.

    Found this quote and thought of you..

    “… what we have enjoyed, we can never lose … all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” ~Helen Keller

    Love ya,


  • Ruth P

    I don’t normally comment here (though I always read) but I just wanted to comment now to say I’m so sorry to hear about Eddie. He looks so adorable in those pictures! I’m sure everyone will understand why you’ve been quiet. Hugs to you and the family.

  • Liz Fulcher

    We lost our beautiful cat of 15-years just two weeks ago so I totally get your pain. I’m sure he felt very loved while he was with you and his memory will live forever. Thanks for sharing from the heart. Liz

  • Sue

    Hi Nicole

    I am so sorry for your loss, our pets are like one of our children and it hurts to say goodbye. Our older lab Molson is 15 now and we can see that he has slowed down and can’t get around like he used. His day will come soon but as much as we know that he has had a wonderful life, it will hurt for sure.

    Eddie looks like he was a great dog and he bought happiness to your family for the short time he was around.


  • Mary Gallagher


    My eyes get “that moist feeling” a bit, Nicole, as I think about you, Eddie, and your family going through this. My good thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. What struck me most about Eddie is how much a short time with him meant to you and to him. Those good memories can never be taken away, only enhanced with time. The way you shared about the Doctor who helped you through his illness and passing is such a testament to good vets out there, and I thank you for that.

    Best, and love,
    Mary G.

  • Aurelia Williams

    Awww sorry Nicole!! The loss of a pet is just horrible and cuts really deep! That 1st picture of Eddie is PRICELESS!!

  • The Mom

    Oh, Nik. Those are great pictures of Eddie. I wish he would have let us take more.

    Some of my fondest memories are of taking him with us on walks. He was SO shiny and tall and long legged and sleek… remember all the people that would stop and ask about him? Eddie was unique – both in looks and personality.

    Of course, he wormed his way into my heart like the perfect little grand-puppy when he begged me for food… and not like just any dog… oh no… he had to say “ramma! ramma!” So, of course he could have whatever he wanted from Gramma.

    Sometimes the ones that are the most difficult to handle early on grow up to be the greatest blessings. Eddie is truly missed.

  • Keisha


    Sorry to hear of your loss. It shows that Eddie was truly loved and brought much love to your family.

  • Sinea Pies

    My heart goes out to you. We lost our Blondie a few years ago and the grief was so deep. Shortly thereafter, Lexi came into our lives. Though we miss Blondie, Lexi has brought us joy again.

  • Alicia Jay

    I’m so sorry, Nicole. I repeat everyone’s sentiments above. I know what it’s like when a pet is a member of your family. Hugs to you and your family!

  • Lisa Marie Mary

    Thanks so much for sharing Eddie with us, Nicole! Big {{{{HUGS}}}} to you and the whole family!!

  • Shelley Hitz

    I’m so sorry about your loss. I had NO idea how attached I could get to a dog until we had one! Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us…

  • Regina


    My condolences to you and your family. {{{Hugs}}}.

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