Resistance is Your Sign to Keep Creating.
You may have noticed that I haven't been in touch the last few days. To be perfectly honestly, I've been feeling a bit puny.
Do you ever feel that way? Just a general feeling of being small and powerless and unworthy. It comes around at times, usually when I'm trying new things and I run into obstacles – as we all do.
I'll share a bit more about that in a minute, but first, I wanted to share a great blog post by my friend, Cindy Bidar that you can refer to when you're thinking “What on earth do I have to say?”
Blog Post: 49 Ideas to Mail Your Lists Today
(Opens in a new tab so it won't interrupt your reading.)
Getting back to feeling puny.
I was feeling like crawling back into bed. But then I had great coaching calls and emails with three of my awesome coaching clients this week and I was celebrating watching them soar which was a huge boost.
And then I heard the perfect thing on my “book a day” audio today,
It reminded me that the resistance is frequently a sign of great things to come if I just LEAN into it and keep creating. So here I am, now, writing to you.
Resistance is frequently a sign of great things to come if I just LEAN into it and keep creating.Click To TweetSo here I am, now, writing to you.
The audio I listened to was the Philosopher's Notes of “The Icarus Deception” by Seth Godin (as summarized by Brian Johnson).
You can listen to the Notes of the book here. Or see it on Amazon here.
When reading this quote from Seth's book about resistance, think of your business as your art. <3
“Once I realized the cold sweat, the palpitations, the wily stalling, the insecurity, and the fear were part of making art, I was able to relax into my work. It’s not even a cease-fire any longer. It’s a partnership, not a war.
When the resistance shows up, I know that I’m winning. Not my fight against it, but my fight to make art. …
The resistance is a symptom that you’re on the right track. The resistance is not something to be avoided; it’s something to seek out.
That’s the single most important sentence in this book.
The artist seeks out the feeling of the resistance and then tries to maximize it.” – Seth Godin
Do you ever have cold sweats, doubts, palpitations?
Talk to me in the comments.
What do you do to overcome them and do the things that you're resisting?
Stay tuned for more awesome stuff.
Hugs and high fives,
Nicole Dean
PS. I freaking love shares and comments. If you know someone who feels puny on occasion, send this their way. And if you do, please comment what you do to overcome it. Big hugs. Thanks for reading!!!
Karin Crompton
October 1, 2018 at 9:04 pmThis is great – I love the idea of partnering with resistance. It reminds me of the saying, “Feel the fear and do it anyway.”
The best way I know to combat it is to just keep showing up, even if I feel like what I’m doing totally sucks (easier said than done). If I just keep moving, I’ll eventually wade through the muck; but if I stop, well then, I’m stuck in muck! The book, “The War of Art” spends a whole lot of time on the idea of resistance, too – and author Steven Pressfield’s answer is to be a pro … show up every day, no matter what, same as we do when we have a job.
Hope you’re not feeling puny anymore! You’re Nicole Dean, dammit. 🙂
October 1, 2018 at 10:29 pmTrue. <3 And you're F'ing Karin Cromton, damnit! #werock #fact