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Done-for-You Follow-up Emails for Your New Leads. (And how to structure your follow-up.)

What I want to talk about today is what to SEND to the people who sign up for your freebies.

Because growing a list is really pointless if you don't have a nurture series in place that's turning those people into fans.

That's actually one of the questions my coaching clients ask me a lot. They know I'm all about the follow-up (which is where a lot of passive income comes from) and I ask them to put at least 5-10 awesome emails in their follow-up that go out to all new leads after they sign up for a freebie (whether it's a checklist, a webinar, an ebook, or whatever).

Those emails will go out to every new subscriber that signs up whether today, tomorrow, next year, and beyond.

I hate to go with such a hypey line, but it is TRULY passive income.

Which means that profits and passive income keep coming in from those emails. 🙂

It can be a bit overwhelming, in general. BUT… not any more!

My awesome friend, Cindy Bidar, wrote an email follow-up series that you can copy and paste and tweak and use as your own.

Automatically connect with your new subscribers.

Instantly see sales coming through from the first week you implement and for years to come.

Of course, I got you a special coupon to get these for 40% off. AND, I double checked with Cindy that this is the lowest she's offering them anywhere so you wouldn't find the price lower anywhere else.

Check them out here.
Enter this coupon to save: NIK
(Yes, the coupon code NIK will save you 40%.)

I promised you an example. The first paragraph of one of these letters looks like this:

Thanks so much for dropping by [YOUR WEBSITE] today. I love connecting with [PRIMARY IDEAL CLIENT], [SECONDARY CLIENT AVATAR], and [ADDITIONAL CLIENT AVATAR] who want to [BIG GOAL YOU HELP CLIENTS ACHIEVE].

So, for instance, mine might be:

Thanks so much for dropping by today. I love connecting with Bloggers, Coaches, and all types of Experts who want to Leverage their Businesses and their Lives so they can live a life with no regrets.

Or if I was using it for CoachGlue, it could be..

Thanks so much for dropping by today. We love connecting with Business Coaches and Consultants who want to use professionally created done-for-you content to get more visibility and to create passive income streams.

See? Easy peasy. 🙂

You'll get all of these done-for-you email templates…

The “Thank You for Downloading” Email.
Show your appreciation for your new subscriber by offering your genuine thanks… and by sharing exactly what he or she needs next for even more success.

The “Get to Know Me” Email.
A little transparency and a personal story or two will go a long way toward building that oh-so-important “know, like, and trust” factor that encourages people to buy. This email makes it easy for you to share your story.

The “Grab This While You Still Can” Email.
Limited-time offers reward action takers, and this email ensures they won't miss out. As a welcome email, it's a top performer that converts well.

The “Consumption” Email.
The last thing you want is for your freebie to sit on a virtual shelf collecting digital dust. Encourage your subscribers to read and take action with this enticing email.

The “Make an Offer” Email.
It's really ok to send a straight-up sales email, but if you're feeling stuck or intimidated about that, this email template makes it easy to copy, paste, and profit.

The “Tell Me About You” Email.
Want to know exactly what your ideal client wants and needs most from you? Just ask. This email template offers up an easy format and provides a great option for making money on your survey, too.

The “Free Resources” Email.
Show some love for your subscribers while moving them one step closer to paying you when you share more free resources. Choose the best option for delivery (I've included two options with pros and cons for you) and just follow the email template for great results.

The “Last Chance Reminder” Email.
Great offers don't last forever, so take this opportunity to remind your subscribers that they're about to miss out. This email is compelling without being pushy, and is designed to get your subscribers off the fence and onto your “buyers” list.

The “Downsell” Email.
Just because they didn't take advantage of your offer doesn't mean they'll never buy. Use this email to offer a “downsell” product that may be a better fit.

Don't spend hundreds of dollars on a copywriter or waste money on a Virtual Assistant who doesn't know how to write copy.

Don't spend hours of your life struggling to write these yourself. Heck, even if you save one hour of time by using these and you get it done, that's worth it, right?

Get these done-for-you follow-up emails here.

Enter this coupon to save: NIK

Cindy has included three awesome bonuses, too, which you'll love:

  • 70 Point Funnel Setup Checklist
  • 31 Ways to Grow Your Lists Checklist
  • 49 Ways to Make More Money

I'll be back with more goodness soon!

Hugs and high fives,

Nicole Dean

“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.” 
Henry David Thoreau
PS. Why invest tons of time and energy in growing your lists, if the people who sign up aren't automatically getting a nurture sequence so they fall in love with you right away? I'm just sayin'. You might want to check out those emails. 😉

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