Blog Posts

She’s my secret weapon, and you can now steal her systems.

It's been awhile since I've written and I apologize for that. I got home from Beach Camp, rested a bit (this introvert needs her recovery), and then worked on my brand new website design. Do you love it? It's SO pretty! I had zero idea that I was this girlie until I went through the branding course and looked at my brand board and went DANG…. that happened.

Heck, I haven't even told you about that yet because then I promptly got very very ill from the perfect storm of allergies, asthma, and a nice chest cold. Breathing is not overrated ya'll. Appreciate those lungs. I'm telling you.

So… I won't leave you hanging. My secret weapon is Cindy Bidar.

For as long as I can remember, I've relied upon her to keep me mostly-sane, fix things when they were broken or tweak them when I wanted them to run better. I turned to her when I wanted a second opinion or set of eyes on something in my business. She's never been a Virtual Assistant who I would just say “Hey go do these things.” She's always been a marketing partner who I could say “Hey Cindy, I'm thinking of doing this, this and this. What do you think?” And then she'd make whatever we brainstormed happen.

When we were at the beach house in March, during the masterminding she said she had decided to focus on teaching her training to service providers. I smiled, and said “Nope” and I challenged her to go bigger. I knew that she could impact more people by sharing her knowledge of funnels and systems and marketing and smarts.

I mean, heck, if 6 and 7 figure clients are paying her to set up their systems and make them (us) money, then I think she's got something there, right?

And that's what she did.

She put together 24 checklists that she uses in her own business AND uses behind-the-scenes in 6 and 7-figure businesses that she runs for her clients (MINE included). 

These are available for your own business use – AND you can use them with your Virtual Assistant to streamline your business for you.

However, they do NOT come with PLR rights, so they can't be shared outside of your business.

Here's how to get them all for less than $1 each.

1. Go here and check out these checklists.

2. If you love them as much as I think you will, click on “Buy Now”

3. To save $10, during checkout, enter the coupon code: 10

4. Download them right away and go through them. Seriously. If you use Basecamp or Slack or Trello, load the ones up that you would use regularly and save them as templates.

The funny thing is that after the Beach House, Cindy signed up for a year of business coaching with me. We are working on a webinar that she's going to be launching next week and an awesome new program about funnels that I can't WAIT to tell you about.

Then I saw one of my friends mail about this checklist product that I didn't even know about. 🙂 So funny. So I definitely can't take credit for helping her to come up with this idea – other than she's using what she's been doing in my business for years, in part, to create these checklists. It's good stuff.

Here's Cindy at the Beach House. She's at the end in the white shirt. The porch is not really this crooked. lol.

From left to right: Karon ThackstonCindy BidarAngela WillsTracy Roberts, and Rayven Monique

If you grab this deal, you'll get these 24 checklist templates

  • New Website Installation Checklist: From cPanel to your menu structure, this checklist will ensure all your websites are installed securely and consistently.
  • Blog Post SEO Checklist: Looking for a little love from Google? Don't post another blog without this checklist to follow.
  • New Blog Post Checklist: Make sure your readers always see your best self with this 22-point checklist designed to make your blog post shine.
  • New Blog Post Promotion Checklist: Get more eyes on every post when you follow these 18 steps.
  • Image Creation Checklist: Keep your branding on point when you follow the blog post image checklist.
  • WordPress Website Maintenance Schedule: Keeping your site updated is a must if you want to keep it secure. Don't miss a beat with this easy-to-follow schedule.
  • New Mailing List Setup Checklist: Consistency is key when dealing with all the moving parts in your business. This checklist ensures your email list is easy to manage.
  • Weekly Newsletter Creation Checklist: Keep your newsletter or regular email outreach on brand and ensure your subscribers always recognize you in their inbox with this 21-item checklist.
  • New Opt-In Offer Checklist: Setting up a new funnel? You'll want to tick all these boxes for best results and fewer funnel leaks.
  • Free Webinar Setup Checklist: These powerful sales tools can be tricky to set up. Be sure all the crucial elements are connected by following this checklist.
  • New Product Setup Checklist: You'll never experience an embarrassing broken download or missing coupon code if you follow this checklist for every new product in your catalog.
  • Sales Funnel Setup Checklist: Earn more with every sale when you follow this checklist for a compelling sales funnel.
  • New Podcast Setup Checklist: Take your expertise to a whole new audience when you create a podcast thanks to this checklist.
  • Podcast Episode Checklist: Keep your show running efficiently without spending hours each week at the task when you follow this checklist.
  • Podcast Guest Outreach & Scheduling Checklist: Keep your calendar full (and your guests more than happy with your efficiency) when you use this checklist for your interview-style podcast.
  • Membership Product Setup Checklist: Recurring income can add a lot of profit to your bottom line, so make sure all your memberships are consistent by following this setup checklist.
  • Help Desk Setup Checklist: Stop struggling with support emails and set up a proper help desk instead. You'll be amazed at how much time you save (not to mention the reduced stress levels).
  • Help Desk Management Schedule Checklist: Keep your support desk running like the efficient (and profitable) business asset it is with this simple maintenance schedule.
  • New Affiliate Program Setup Checklist: Borrow other people's audiences when you create an affiliate program. Follow this checklist for best results.
  • Affiliate Payout Checklist: PayPal makes it easy to reward your loyal affiliates, and this checklist ensures you don't miss any critical steps along the way.
  • Affiliate Tools Checklist: Give your affiliates everything they need to promote your products and services when you follow this quick checklist.
  • New Email Account & Forwarder Setup Checklist: Adding your own domain email isn't complicated… unless you don't know how. This checklist walks you through it.
  • New Add-On and Sub-Domain Setup Checklist: Creating a new website or a learning portal on an existing one? You'll need these checklists to make sure your visitors can access them.
  • Website Security Checklist: Worried your mission-critical sites might be vulnerable to hackers? Review your setup with this checklist and make the necessary changes to stay safe.

If you ever wonder “what are the steps to do this and in which order?” Wonder no more. Just follow the checklists (or have your VA do it for you) and you'll be more productive and less stressed. And you get these for less than $1 each.

Get them all right here.
To Save $10, Enter Coupon code: 10

I'll be back with more stories from the Beach and all kinds of goodness soon.

Hugs and high fives.

Nicole Dean

PS. I have been fine tuning my morning journaling and I am kind of digging my new system. I'll tell you about that soon. Also, I have a June Blogging Inspiration Post that I'll be sharing soon, too. Stay tuned.

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • J

    Hey there Nicole! Hope you are feeling 100%…Awesome new website & so much more…It is really cool…
    The tools, tips & resources are great! Are they for women only? Seems like “such a deal” for so much…

    • Nicole

      Hi J! I am feeing great. Thank you. 🙂

      The checklists are *not* specific to women’s businesses. They are for all online business where marketing is required. (So all of them. lol!)

      Thanks for asking! And for the kind words about the new site. I SOOOO love it!

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