Blog Posts

List of 20 Internet Marketing Blogs to Comment On for Traffic

One very useful method of marketing is commenting (or interacting) on popular blogs in your niche. You simply find a few blogs that have the readers that you want, and start leaving helpful comments on the new posts.

Benefits of Commenting on Blogs:

Leaving comments on blogs is a worthwhile activity as it provides several great benefits:

– You can get more incoming links to your blogs, which the search engines love.

– You can get the readers of the blog to click through your links, which is always good.

– You can get the attention of the blog owner, which can help you to network with him/her in the future.

Of course, we don't want to run around willy nilly spamming blogs with our marketing message. As we've discussed, there is certain Blog Commenting Etiquette that applies, too.

Selecting Which Blogs are Comment-Worthy:

If you're in the internet marketing or affiliate marketing niche, you're in luck as I have a shortcut. My good friend, Doug Champigny posted 20 Must Follow Blogs for Internet Marketers in 2010 this month.

Imagine my surprise when I realized my blog was listed. I was, of course, honored to be on the list, but I also liked how he grouped the blogs by certain criteria (as you'll see below). I asked him if I could reprint the list here with my 2 cents added. Of course, being the great guy he is (and knowing the value of getting free exposure) he said that would be just fine.

Important Sidenote:

But before I give you the list, I have to make an important point.

We are all limited in time. Obviously. In number of hours per day and number of days on this earth. I teach how to be efficient and effective marketers, so it would be hypocritical of me to tell you to comment on all of the blogs listed below every day… unless you really wanted to and enjoyed it. 🙂 Therefore, I recommend choosing just a few of your favorites and keeping up with them. Try to be one of the first to comment when a new post is published so that all of the other commenters have to pass yours to leave their remarks.

ok, so which to choose? The blogs are grouped below as follows:

Group Is “DO follow” Installed?
Is Comment Luv Installed?
One Yes Yes
Two Yes No
Three No No

In case you're new to the concept of “Do Follow” – it's a good thing. 🙂 However, I wouldn't recommend deciding whether or not to comment on a blog that you love based on whether or not it has “do follow”.

The same with Comment Luv. While it's a nice plugin, I would recommend that you link to deep posts in your blog when leaving comments anyway, not just to your main URL.

So, here's Doug's list, and it will be followed by my additional thoughts.

Group One (Do Follow & Have Comment Luv):

Group Two (DO Follow, No Comment Luv):

Group Three (No Follow & No Comment Luv):

My Opinion?

Well, you may or may not be surprised, but I would recommend ignoring the groupings entirely and choose a handful of the blogs above to comment on regularly based upon MY criteria.

Relevance to your market. If you're a copywriter, then choose the blogs above that are most likely to attract your perfect client.

Voice and personality of the blogger. For instance, there are a few bloggers who I wish I could understand, but their communication style is just not in sync with mine. I honestly can't enjoy their writing because the discussions there get way too deep. (I'd rather be making money than analyzing some minuscule details about making money.) I know… there I go with the common sense, again. 😉

Ethics & Philosophy of both the blogger and the readers. Many marketers recommend products that I just can't endorse. Obviously I wouldn't hang out on those blogs and discuss my opinion when it would just make me look like a trouble-causer. Plus, I want to find blogs where I like the commenters. Certain people just attract good people. Those are the ones I want my name both in front of and alongside.

JV partners and networking. I'd rather comment on blogs that are run by people that I have met in person. It's a great way to stay in front of people who you'd like to build your relationship with.

Attitude. Where do you ENJOY commenting? I don't give a monkey's butt whether the blog has Comment Luv or not. If it's got the eye of your potential clients and you enjoy the discussions at hand, that's where I'd recommend spending your time.

Yes, I'm all about the SEO, but I'm more about enjoying my days. And, on that note, I sure hope you'll continue to read – and comment here.

Have a great week!


PS. Please leave a comment! 🙂

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • John Sternal

    Hey Nicole, thanks for the wonderful list here. Love commenting on blogs so this will be a big help. I’ll also blog about it.

    John Sternal

  • The Mom

    I’m new to blogging, am not an internet marketer so to speak, and understand very little about what you said about “do follow” and “link luv”…

    HOWEVER, since I am The Mom, I know you’ll tell me what I need to know, probably some time this week when I show up with a bottle of wine to have one of our “meetings.” HA! I’m a lucky duck alright! Private consultations with THE Nicole Dean. 😀

    Anyway, thanks for the tips. I did understand some of it and I know you’ve been very adamant about how one must enjoy one’s commenting to make it successful. Thanks again, Honey!

  • Linda

    As usual, great stuff from you… and your criteria is right on! I don’t really check to see if a site is do follow or has commenluv or whatever… If it’s a blog I enjoy, they’ve said something I like (or don’t like) I won’t hesitate to leave a comment… just like I’m doing here… 😉

    Am I the first commenter? Wow… that’s a first… LOL… =}

  • Bjorn | iCan't Internet

    The power of commenting should not be underestimated!
    All three your reasons for commenting are very correct, but depending on the blog you’re commenting on, the advantage will be more on one of the three instead of equally on all three reasons. For instance, I am not sure if this comment will bring me alot of traffic, or search engine love, but I do hope on some new networking paths
    Bjorn from iCan’t Internet, both Do-Follow and CommentLove enabled 😉

  • Alex

    Very useful list Nicole- thanks for the Christmas pressie!

    I like and visit most of these and am going to include them in my Yearly Planning.

    All The Best


  • Sue

    I have been following your posts for the last month and have to say that I am learning tons from you. I am new to the internet marketing scene and am interested in finding ways to drive traffic to my site, so I can earn a decent living online.

    Keep up the good work Nicole.


  • Kate Wilber

    Hi Nicole,
    Thanks for all of the great tips! I always learn a lot from your posts and really appreciate it! Hope you have a Merry Christmas!!

  • Carol

    Thanks for the great list, Nicole. As always you provide great information in an easy to understand way. I’ve been reading your blog for several months now and have learned a lot.

    Will be adding some of these blogs to my new year marketing plan.

    Have a great holiday!

  • Elizabeth Ashe

    Great Stuff Nicole!

    I even found a couple I had no clue about, looking forward to learning from the new ones.


  • Lisa Marie Mary

    First off, and most importantly – I love that you said ‘willy nilly’ – one of my favorite phrases after watching “Ghost Town”! And also that you said ‘monkey butt’! Now that’s a marketer I can learn from – no stuffed shirts around here, no sir!

    This is an awesome and wonderfully helpful list! Though I definitely agree that we shouldn’t just comment for comment’s sake, this does put a nice group of marketers together in one spot, making it easier for me to think about who’s blog I’d like to not only read when I’m wearing my marketer’s hat (LMMBlog) but also, comment if I have something worthwhile to say. It really helps me in getting that blog up and running.

  • Michelle

    Thanks for the list, and tips! Your criteria for where to comment are spot on.

  • JoyfullyJanet

    Thank you Nicole –

    It’s no wonder that you were included in the best places to comment – I appreciate that you read your comments. It’s always….ok, sometimes…nice to be noticed (Just ask Tiger Woods).

    You are Joy!

  • Chris Cobb

    First off — Hope you have a Very Merry Christmas. I’m really glad we met at NAMS. I count that as one of the great things that happened during 2009.

    Our friend, Lynn Terry, just added Keyword Luv to her blog. What do think about Comment Luv vs. Keyword Luv?

  • Lalitha Brahma

    Great Post. To the point and served my purpose. Thanks for the value you provide.

  • G-Man

    Good stuff. In addition to only choosing a few blogs to read/comment on I would say it’s a good idea to also make sure you don’t neglect your business…

    It’s sooooo easy to start reading these blogs and next thing you know, you are way off focus on what you truly want.

  • Jamie B


    Thank you for this post! I’m fairly new to having my own website and I found this very helpful. I know how important it is to have incoming links, but was sure how to go about it.

    Thanks again!


  • Mitch

    As it figures, I’m following most of the blogs in Group 3, all in Group 2, but hadn’t heard of any of the blogs in Group 1. How interesting this is to me. Thanks for sharing the list.

  • Angela Wills

    Great list! I added a few new ones to my feed reader too. Always looking for great blogs to read and comment on. Thanks Nicole 🙂

  • Martin

    Thanks for the great list, Nicole. Great Stuff! I learn a lot from your articles and appreciate it! I wish you a Happy New Year!

  • Joel Osborne

    Thank you Nicole for the great list of quality blogs, and I am very thankful and humbled that you would include mine in that list.

  • Jennifer Dixon

    Great list, this is exactly what I needed, thanks for a great resource Nicole.

  • Rosalind Gardner

    Hi Nicole,

    Thanks kindly for noting my blog as being “comment-worthy”. 🙂

    I’d just like to re-state the point that comments really need to be relevant and add value.

    Of the nearly 200,000 spam comments noted by Akismet, I probably marked over 10% of them. That’s a LOT for this old ‘delete’ finger to handle, and I hate using it.

    Not that your readers would ever do this, but the ‘I like your blog’ comments linked to the hairstyles site generally don’t make it. 🙂

    On the other hand, tell me how your site or experience relates to the content of the post, and I’ll GLADLY approve the comment.


  • Roger Due

    I have some of Jimmy D. Brown’s PLR products and was drawn to pay attention to your email from his site today and decided to check you out. I have been working hard on a WP affiliate site and will be using some of Jimmy’s material soon and will keep you in mind as well. I really appreciate this posting of yours as it gives me some great ideas. I already had “Do Follow” installed and will check out “Comment Luv” later this evening. Looking forward to more of your material. Thanks.

  • Tony

    I really enjoyed this post. It really gave me some things to think about. It makes sense to get out and comment on others blogs. I’ll be doing more of that. Thanks


  • Rome Saranto

    Little late on the notification for these, but WOW, thanks a ton.

  • Tom


    I agree with what you say. We have a very short time to produce a lucrative income. Therefore we must always accept self motivation from others to succeed in Internet business.

    Thanks for sharing …

  • Matt Belcher

    Hi Nicole,

    Thanks for the list! I have been wondering how that works!

    Also good to see Rosalind Gardner posting on here. I follow her blog also.


  • Kim Smith

    Thanks for the great article, Nicole! I always get so much from your blog and especially from your Successcast. I get all excited when iTunes tells me there’s a new one to listen to! :o)

    Have a great day!

  • Marilyn Bontempo

    As your very last commenter(?), I am already not following your advice! But I do agree with your impatience with disingenuously esoteric ramblings. Your straight talk is refreshing. Congrats on making the big list. I’ll be back (as Ahhhh-nold would say.)

  • Bee Scroll - Big fan of Mr. Sushil Handa

    Hey Nicole Dean,
    Thank you for the list…It is highly useful when the person like me who has a new blog and don’t know where to start from…

    Off-topic: I like the header of your blog…it is really cool.

    Thank you once again for sharing nice post!

    Wish you have more success!

  • remcodevries

    I guess it’s better to blog or write comment on blogs that are dofollow and/or have keyword luv. DoFollow blogs are really beneficial for both the blog owner and the commentators. I will be checking out on those dofollow blogs and look for some interesting articles to comment on. Thanks for sharing the group list.

  • Sharecash Methods

    Thanks a lot of this list, probably the only blog I found while trying to find a good list of IM blogs to comment on!

  • Chris

    What a great list! I do a lot of blog commenting, especially when I think the author has put a lot of time and thought into the post. This is a really helpful post that can give you some seriosu backlink juice as well. Thanks!

  • Jason Jumat

    That is a very nice list of blogs to comment on, Nicole.
    I have heard about Top Commentator and have commented there as I thought it’s going to boost my rankings heavily. . .
    I waited and waited to no prevail. I didn’t got a big ranking even though I had 1000’s of new backlinks!

    The thing is: I only got these 1000’s of new backlinks from just 3 or 4 sites. (Now that’s what happens to someone that is so lazy!)

    Eventually the internet is a world full of content that is sometimes quite misleading and just opinions from other people.

    I have learned, afterwards, that I need to get a huge amount of backlinks – but fom as much different websites and blogs – and even not just dofollow backlinks – but even those nofollow ones too.

    Thanks again for this major help, Nicole.

  • Edmund Yeo

    Hi Nicole,

    Awesome post! I am a big fan of Jimmy D. Brown’s Affiliatenaire course. You used to help Jimmy D. Brown as an affiliate manager correct? I thought you did a very awesome job! Would love to join your Outsource Weekly Program? Is it still available?


    • Nicole

      Hi Edmund. I remember you!

      Thanks. I did enjoy my work with Jimmy very much and we still stay in touch on a regular basis. 🙂

      Yes, the course is available. Are you looking for the course or the affiliate program? You can find info about the affiliate program at


  • Chris

    Nicole, I want to personally take the time to thank you for this very useful post. I was searching all over the net for this topic, and when I landed here, I found everything I needed!

    I love the way you’ve broken it down into “nofollow” and “dofollow” as well.

    I don’t much worry about that aspect, however, as I enjoy actually reading blog posts and posting relevant comments. I know a lot of people have resigned themself to spamming blogs for traffic (as evidenced by my Akismet), but I’m hoping that trend is on the downslide, as it ruins it for us folks who actually read the material and post useful comments.

    Thanks again for a winner!

  • J.D

    Great list Nicole! I enjoyed the list that will help me in my article marketing!

  • Stampare online

    Hi, Thanks for sharing such a wonderful piece of information. I must say that while reading your post I found my thoughts in agreement with the topic that you have discussed, which happens very rare.
    One very useful method of marketing is commenting (or interacting) on popular blogs in your niche.

  • Peter Zmijewski

    Exceptionally Great Post!!!!!!!!!!
    Nice Title along with the unique content!!!!!!!!!!!
    Looking forward for more post like these!!!!!!
    Thanks for sharing…….

  • Peter Zmijewski

    Hey,Really A Great Post!!!!!!
    The title is perfect and the subject matter is wonderful!!!!
    Looking for more post!!!!
    Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!

  • Internet Marketing

    Its a perfect blog and having a unique content…..
    Looking forward for more post like these….
    Thanks for sharing!!!!!

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