Blog Posts

What You Should Pack for NAMS Conference in Atlanta

Hey guys. I recently posted about “What you Should Wear to NAMS” and the discussion started to include items to pack, so, I thought I'd start a handy little list here and add to it as more items are mentioned.

I've gotten pretty good at packing for conferences, and never have to check a bag when I fly, so here's my short list of what I pack.

Personal Items

All prescription medicines that you may need. (Be sure to bring allergy medicine if you take it as the allergens in Atlanta may be different from your local air.)

Any other medicine that you can't easily find at a gas station. (There is a small store in the hotel, and a gas station within walking distance, in case you need Ibuprofen or something, or you can always borrow from your travel buddies.)

Vitamins so you can keep up your energy.

Makeup and beauty supplies.

Tooth brush, toothpaste, floss, mouthwash.

Q-tips, cotton balls, tweezers or anything else you require more often than every 5 days.

Deodorant. (Please.) 🙂

Clothing Items

Spare pair of pants (or two).

Enough shirts for one per day, plus a spare, in case of spillage.

Warm sweater/fleece/jacket or two to layer in the very cold classrooms.



Warm jammies.


Spare pair of shoes if needed. I normally don't pack a second pair.

Belt (if you didn't wear one on the plane and need it).

Exercise clothes if you'll be using the gym.

Work Items

Laptop with all of your passwords loaded. Since this is a workshop event, I recommend you bring a full-size laptop that you can work on for an extended period of time. It's not the right time to run out and get a Netbook, if you've never used one before. (The screen and keyboard are both tiny, which may or may not be a frustration to you.)

Laptop charger.

Separate mouse if you prefer to use one. or another program if you need to access your home PC.

Extension cord will come in handy.

Cell phone – loaded with important numbers, including those who you travel with.

Cell charger.

Business Cards. Zazzle has really cool “skinny” & “chubby” sized cards.

Notebook (the kind made of paper) for taking notes. I prefer a three-subject notebook as I divide my notes into categories.


Fun Items

Camera with charger.

Flip Mino with extra batteries.

Cords if you plan to load photos/video at the event.

What to Wear on the Plane if you Fly

Comfortable, nice-looking shoes.

Warm sweater (saves room in luggage).

What to Have Handy if you Fly

Passport or Drivers License.

Printout of e-Ticket.

Printout of hotel reservation, including address and phone number for finding the shuttle at the airport.

Other Important Items to Pack Whenever you Travel

Copies of your Health Insurance cards in case of emergency.

Emergency contact numbers in your purse. I also give these to my hotel roommate just in case.

Let me know what I missed and I'll add it. 🙂

Hope that helps!


PS. See you at the NAMS Conference in Atlanta!

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Susanne

    Lots of coffee and caffeinated soda 🙂
    Don’t plan on getting a lot of sleep.

  • Tracy Roberts

    and wine…don’t forget the wine!

  • Cynthia LaLuna

    Energy bars or some sort of healthier snacks – the hotel doesn’t have a “food court” or easily available non-junk food at odd hours – and so far the NAMS conference hasn’t provided a refreshment table with cheese or fruit to snack off of. I found myself eating heavier than I wanted to at meals since snacking was not convenient!

    Also, if you have a wireless USB thingie from your cellphone company for your laptop, bring that – the wireless in the conference rooms has been known to be temperamental.

    Can’t wait to see you all there!

  • andrea

    Awesome list.. I am taking orders since I am in town, I have no problem bringing it to the hotel..

    Plus wine… Mmm mmmm.. Cannot wait..

    • Nicole

      As they say here in the south by me “Bless your heart!” 🙂

      Appreciate the offer much.

      I’m ready to go to NAMS NOW! lol.

  • Mary Lutz

    Great list and add ons! I cannot wait!!!!

  • Lisa Marie Mary

    Definitely a good list! Since I didn’t get to sign up for the workshop, I’m gonna have to just drive over for dinner one night or something!

  • Kayla Fay

    A Sharpie for labeling flash drives and extension cords, but especially for collecting autographs on those t-shirts everybody is Tweeting about.

  • Doug Champigny

    Make a list of all the cords and chargers you need – on paper – for your laptop, cell phone and any oher electronics, then check them off as you pack them. If you’re driving to the event, get one of the 3-prong plugs that go into the cigarette lighter so you can recharge on the way there and back, too. Almost every convention I’ve been to someone finds they forgot their cell or laptop charger…

  • Angie (Losing It and Loving It)

    Great list! All I have to bring for a laptop is my Acer Mini so I’ll have to make do. I am looking to bring a mouse and keyboard though. Reminds me, I better buy plane tickets this week before we leave for Jamaica. I’m thinking I’ll try to fly into Atlanta in the afternoon. When does everyone plan on arriving?

  • Tishia Lee

    Great list Nicole! Helped me out tremendously seems how I already started packing (yeah can you tell I’m just a tad bit excited? LOL)

  • Traci Knoppe

    Awesome list!! I’m not quite packing here yet, but definitely would recommend bringing your own extension cord and protein/snack bars.

    Can’t wait to squeeze everyone NEXT WEEK!!! 🙂

  • elizabeth ashe

    Can’t wait to hang out again Nicole, miss you guys.

    Bring on the wine baby!!!! lol

  • Karen Fox

    Thanks to my friend Traci Knoppe for letting me know about this great list. I too am so excited I can’t wait as Traci has shared so much about the last NAMS.

  • Willie Crawford

    Great list/post Nicole.

    I also consider a wireless internet card
    essential. We’ll have wireless at many
    places as we travel, but I live having
    a backup 🙂

    I have a Verizon wireless card.


  • Mary

    Great list Nicole! I started packing yesterday afternoon, just because I have to work the rest of the week. Glad someone mentioned the cell phone charger. I didn’t even have that on my list. (Maybe my hubby would have remembered it. That’s about the only thing he remembers. 😉

    Can’t wait to see everyone again.

  • Tawnya Sutherland

    Arnold and I are last hour packers so this list will come in handy to check things off. Thanks Nicole! I heard we can have small carry on now going across the border…not looking forward to the search on the way over but worth it to see you all again! 🙂

    • Nicole

      Let me know if I can bring anything that’ll help your visit be more comfortable. 🙂

      I’m driving so it’s easy.

      • Rebekah Zobel Jones

        Tawnya –

        I’m driving too (only live a couple hours away) so will have lots of room to bring extra things if anyone needs!


  • Andrea

    Ok, I have started putting stuff in my suitcase.. So, I am checking this list twice to make sure I didn’t forget anything..

    I am going to head over to the hotel around 3 p.m. This is going to be great…

    Thanks again Nicole, great list..

  • Tishia Lee

    I’ve been packing stuff for awhile now. But I just went over my ‘last minute to pack’ stuff and I can’t believe it but I didn’t have my laptop on there! I would have kicked myself if I forgot that!!! lol

  • Rebekah Zobel Jones

    Starting my packing tomorrow…thanks for the list Nicole! I’d planned on most of the items you mention, but never thought about snacks, etc.


  • Kathleen Gage

    Great list Nichole. The added “energy bars” are a great idea. I stocked up today with Power Bars. Nice to have on long flights (I’m flying in from Eugene, Oregon). Bottled water for the flight.

    For those flying, drink a minimum of 8 oz for every hour of travel time. Saves on jet lag.

    See everyone at NAMS3. It’s going to be an amazing experience and lots of fun to boot.

    Bravo David Perdew. You rock! And so do you Nichole.

  • Terri Brooks

    Thanks for the list Nicole! This is my first (of many!) NAMS. I’m driving down from Knoxville TN on Friday morning. Looks like I’ll be trying to outrun a snow storm!!

    Can’t wait to meet everyone on Friday!

    • Kathleen Gage

      Hey Terri. You made a great career choice. Just today I was thinking about how essential the conferences, especially those of the quality and caliber of NAMS3, are to fast tracking your business. It will be great to see you there.

  • David Perdew

    Hey Nicole – NAMS3 was in January. NAMS4 in August. What will you bring that’s different for our August event.

    I’m thinking about refrigerated underwear to keep me cool in Hotlanta 🙂

    Or was that TMI?

    By the way, this is such a great list. Do you mind if I appropriate it as a checklist for people coming to NAMS4?


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