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Online Success Cast #16: Ross Goldberg

onlinesuccesscast-smWelcome to another episode of the Online Success Cast.

This week, I have Ross Goldberg with me. I met Ross and his beautiful wife at Stomper Live in Atlanta this past August. He is a Stomper faculty member for them and he's a hard-working,  driven, and very smart marketer.

Ross Goldberg's bio is fascinating. It's filled with stuff like this:

I’ve actually had 2 brushes with death. I nearly died in 2003, as well as my coma in 2005…

The hit from the pistol missed my temple by an inch. $30,000 worth of neurosurgery later, I was as good as new!

Seriously. Like I can make this stuff up?!

ross-goldbergThe interview rocked, of course, as always. And, be sure to look below for free gifts from Ross and the latest prize you can win simply by listening and commenting about the interview.

The audio recording of our interview is at the end of this blog post. Just look for the “play” button and listen. It’s free!

Check out this fantastic free content from Ross after you listen to the show, of course. Free Gifts from Ross.



“Must Have” Tools Recommended by Ross:

  • Ross's Semi-Automatic Submitter – It submits articles, press releases and more.
  • Market Samari.
  • Article Marketing Automation.
  • Easy Note.
  • Google Calendar.
  • Mini Task.
  • Gimp.
  • Camtasia.
  • Tweet Deck.
  • and more.

Takeaway Points

  • Know Who to Listen To.
  • Ask yourself “Now What?” all the time.
  • Be careful who you partner with.
  • You've got to be hungry to get what you want.

Don't forget! One lucky listener will win a Prize.
This Week you can Win Ross's Traffic Manifesto! (APPLAUSE, please)

As always, one lucky listener will be chosen to win a prize. All you have to do is listen to the show and leave a comment about what you learned from the show — and you'll be entered to win.

You can win Ross's Traffic Manifesto. Here's a short description:

Never before has a product revealed 79 completely different methods of generating traffic to your website. All of the others focus on one single method. The problem with that is that your benefits will be limited to the tactic you use. Using numerous tactics will grab your customers from all corners of the internet and improve your sales, results, and of course your traffic.

One lucky listener will win all 137 pages of traffic instruction. But, you've got to comment about one thing you took from this interview in order to win!

PS. If you can make a phone call, you can have a podcast like mine: Click to learn  How to Record a Podcast like I do.

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Arika

    Honor and Integrity are THE keys to success! Loved this podcast, but don’t piss Ross off! 😉

  • Alex

    Amazing interview. I know OF Ross but did not know anything about him…until now

    I’ve just had a look at the sales page for Traffic manifesto..O boy do I want it!!

    Take out the middle man was one thing that struck me as well as the perils of JV deals that go sour. Interesting because his whole career showed the positive effect of JVs.

    A very human story.

    All The Best


  • Emily

    Wow, Nicole, where do you find such inspirational guests? Ross has given me so much encouragement and hope.

    Two of the specific takeaways for me: first, if you’re serious about succeeding, you will succeed. Also, I’ll be launching a couple infoproducts (my firsts!) within the next four or five months, and have been dreading writing the salesletters (I even have a copy of “Make Your Words Sell”, LOL). But hearing how he breaks it down makes so much sense, and so non-intimidating.

    Thanks so much for your podcast, Nicole, and keep up the great work!

  • Kaye Swain

    Thanks for a great podcast and a terrific contest! 🙂 I really enjoyed listening to it and especially appreciated the step by step info on writing sales letters. Excellent info!

  • Rosmean Consultants

    Thanks for the great info, cheers!

  • Collette Schultzd

    His software sounds like one you can’t live without. I’ll be asking if he’ll be on my podcast to tell more about it.

    Beautiful job, once again Nicole.

  • Tracy Roberts

    OMG I bought one of those mattresses off eBay LOL Loved it!!

    Great interview as always. Keep ’em coming

  • Nicole

    Thanks so much for all the great comments! 🙂

  • Darwin

    What I took away is that it don’t take years and years to make an impact and a name for yourself even in a “saturated” niche such as Internet Marketing.

    Just stay focused, have a drive or motivation and surround yourself with good people you want to be like.

    Persevere be persistent and consistent. Go with your strengths and find other ways to get the things done you are weak in.

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