Blog Posts

Getting Traffic & Being a ‘Positive Patty’.

Happy Wednesday, everyone!
For those who aren't subscribed to my newsletter, here are the main topics I covered this week!

Question of the Week – Getting Traffic
Question: My website ( was created last year by a web designer. She maintains the site for me and I have absolutely NO knowledge of anything having to do with web construction or maintenance. I have very good results with people who have visited my site and asked to be contacted, but my problem is driving more traffic to my site. I do quite a bit of online advertising, but I'm thinking maybe I need to branch out from WAHM site and start advertising on other types of sites. Any ideas? I'm drawing a blank as to what other types of sites I can advertise on. Or, is there a better way to drive traffic to my site?

Read the responseGetting Traffic

Send in or call in your questions .. (214) 231-2905 x4487 – If I can't help, I'll find someone who can. 🙂

Are You a Positive Person?
Attitude determines Success more than anything else. If you truly believe you can Succeed and work through all the Challenges in your way, you'll achieve your goals.
Enjoy this article provided by Marie of — ** It's Your Choice – Will you be a Positive Patty or a Negative Nellie? **

Have a successful week!

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