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Book-Keeping & Affiliate Programs

Happy Monday, everyone. Those in my Ryze network know that we had a major lightening storm last week and lost many of our electronic appliances. The count is now eight (yes, eight) electrical devices that are kaplooey. It's a great reminder to back up your work often. It could have been a lot worse than a stove, garage door opener, couple of phones, stereo, etc. I could have lost my databases. ((shudder))
Question #1 – Keeping Records and Book-keeping.
This is my question to all of you. Do you struggle with record-keeping? I spent last weekend doing taxes, since I put it off as long as possible. Am I the biggest procrastinator in this group?
Every year, I'm learning to keep better records. My first year in Direct Sales, I kept a shoebox. Now I am using QuickBooks Simple Start Edition and I love it, but it looks like I'll have to upgrade to QuickBooks Basic 2005 to keep track of all my crazy stuff. With a little help from some more organized friends, and my husband's grumbling at tax time, I'm actually getting more organized. I really dragged my feet getting a program to help me along, and wish I had done it sooner.

Help me gather the best tools for book-keeping. Drop me an email and let me know what you love to use for book-keeping or stop by the ShowMomTheMoney Network at Ryze and share your recommendations there. I'll add them to ShowMomTheMoney website to help other WAHMs.
Question #2 – What are Affiliate Programs?
If you own your own site, or even it you have a newsletter or blog, affiliate programs can bring in a little bit more money. You recommend your favorite products to your readers and clients anyway, right? Well, you can be rewarded by the company for your recommendations, if they result in a sale.

Learn more about free affiliate programs

Note: Remember that your recommendation is your word and your reputation. Test the products yourself or research them thoroughly before recommending them. 🙂
Please forward this to a friend.Nicole Dean, owner

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