Pictures from Willie Crawford’s Birthday Event, Pt 1
Hey all.
So far I have access to only a small portion of the event photos, but, since SOME OF YOU (you know who you are) — are bugging me about posting them…. here you go:
Elizabeth Ashe (Diva through and through!), me,
Bob the Teacher Jenkins, and Lynn Terry
Elizabeth Ashe, Tracy Roberts, and me.
Kathleen Gage (the book launch queen) is in the background with the cool hair.
Three of the sweetest people you'll ever know.
Susan Preston, Yvonne Lyon,
and Micheal Savoie (my new blog maintenance man)
Willie Crawford at his Birthday Roast
(The cute little perky one is Felicia Slattery.)
Bob the Teacher Jenkins –
showing us that the cake was YUMMY!
More pics coming soon!
Bottom 4 Photos by Elmer Hurlstone
April 2, 2009 at 7:40 amYou look GREAT!
Just like a ROCK STAR. 
Everyone looks like they had a wonderful time – so laid back.
April 2, 2009 at 10:15 amI see a Rock Star!
Joel Osborne
April 2, 2009 at 4:21 pmIt looks like you had a great time there Nicole!
I wish I was able to make it. Here’s an idea… do YOU want a big birthday bash next year for your 25th?
Bob The Teacher
April 2, 2009 at 4:27 pmHey Nicole,
Boy what a treat it was to meet you in person and hang out with you over the weekend.
I had to confess to you earlier, before the event I had no idea you existed. And how quickly did we figure out how closely aligned our values and long term visions are.
Those pics are a lot of fun – thanks for sharing them, and especially thanks to our friend Elmer Hurlstone for making us look good
Bob (The guy offering you the cake above)
April 2, 2009 at 5:09 pmNicole – those are great pictures of you guys. Looks like you had so much fun!
Elmer Hurlstone
April 2, 2009 at 5:09 pm@Nicole,
“I may have pay him off to delete the originals. Hazard pay! EEK!” My PayPal Addy is…
Anyone over 5′-6″ is a “freak of nature.”
April 2, 2009 at 4:16 pmWoo hoo!! I see Rock Stars Nicole and Tracy!! Looking good ladies
Lexi Rodrigo
April 2, 2009 at 4:18 pmOMG, Nicole, it looks like you had sooo much fun! I admire your bravery for rooming in with someone you have never met before – even though it is the lovely Lynn Terry. Imagine, both of you in the same room – two of my most favorite and most admired mentors ever!
Nic, I never imagined you to be so tall, LOL. I’ll meet you in person someday. I just know it
Elmer Hurlstone
April 2, 2009 at 6:23 pm@BobtheTeacher,
Forgot to say, “You’re welcome”, for your nice comment.
Now you’re four(?)comments shy of 1,000?
@Elizabeth Ashe,
Remember, Lynn Terry–the lady with two first names–puts on her whatever’s the same way you put on yours. Carefully and stylishly.
April 2, 2009 at 4:24 pmLexi –
I was shaking in my SHOES! I told Tracy “What if she HATES me?” lol.
After that original moment, we felt like old friends right way. And, yes, the brainstorming pretty much took on a life of it’s own — one of the uppermost Affiliate Marketers on the planet rooming with a pretty awesome Affiliate Manager — with the entire weekend to pick each other brains. Hmm… there’s an infoproduct in there somewhere. lol.
I’m 5’7″ — not as tall as I look. Tracy’s just that SHORT!
Tracy Roberts
April 2, 2009 at 4:28 pmI’m petite not short – lol ;-)and I had on heels, too. I think you did, too, Ms. Nik which made you absolutely amazonian.
Besides, Elmer took the picture in such a way that surely being in the background made me “appear” vertically challenged.
Thanks for the luv!
April 2, 2009 at 4:29 pmlol @JoelOsborne – Uh… you’re late.
And, I can’t lie about my age, because my mom is reading my blog… She was kinda there.
Thank you my sweet friend! How about we throw a big bash next year to celebrate you reaching your goal of big money by 2010. I have faith in you!!!
elizabeth ashe
April 2, 2009 at 5:32 pmYes, the event was a blast! I have not had that much in a long time. It felt as if I had already known everyone.
When I met Lynn my hands were shaking at the lunch table, then after that it was all fun.
I would do it again any day.
April 2, 2009 at 6:44 pmYa’ll are crackin’ me up over here! So wish I could have made the event, but there’s always next time.
April 2, 2009 at 4:45 pm@BobtheTeacher – I felt like we were twin souls the moment we met and you smiled. Your presence just lights up the room. Thanks for calling today. I know that we’ll make the internet a better place — together.
@Tracy_Roberts – I can so take you! lol.
@ElmerHurlstone — Thank God he knows how self conscious I am. He promised to do much editing if needed. I may have pay him off to delete the originals. Hazard pay! EEK!
Shannon Smith
April 2, 2009 at 5:17 pmI’m pretty sure hazard pay has to be deductible right? After all it would be a business expense in this case. LOL
Great photos. Some day, some how, I’m going to meet a few of you. I just know it.
April 2, 2009 at 5:19 pm@Elmer — I resemble that remark.
@Shannon – Come on the cruise with us. It’ll be so much fun!
elizabeth ashe
April 3, 2009 at 6:47 am@Elmer – Why thank you Elmer.
Tracy Roberts
April 3, 2009 at 6:48 amI don’t know about anyone else but I’m ready to do it again.
Cruise anyone?
Yvonne Lyon
April 3, 2009 at 11:57 amHey Nicole! You say the nicest things. Great to see myself labeled as “one of the sweetest people”. Thanks!
The weekend was almost as awesome as the people I met. Can’t wait to see you again!
Wyteria Jacobo
April 3, 2009 at 11:32 pm@Nicole,
This is too funny. We were at the same event and I just now realized it. I think I sat in front of you on Sunday.
Hey whaddya mean anything over 5’6″ is freak of nature?? Just kidding. I’ve been called Amazon a few times.
I will definitely get out to more live events in the future. So glad I attended.
Jill Pfefer
April 22, 2009 at 11:07 amHi Nicole,
You are so awesome- I love getting your information practically every day! It has helped me with my business tremendously!
Gail J Richardson
July 28, 2009 at 6:18 amI was at Willies BBash and I am just now realizing how many people were there that I didn’t meet. The pictures Elmer took are great and now I have them so I can pick people out.I meet Lynn Terry but was scared to bother her. I am going to NAMS in Alanta and I will not be so backwards about introducting myself to everyone because I want to meet everyone and learn learn learn. See you there