Only 2% of her"> Only 2% of her"> How to Earn More Affiliate Income.

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Want More Affiliate Income? This Works.

Hi! And, happy Tuesday.

I talk a lot about my best bud (and uber smart marketer), Susanne Myers. And, that I trust her with my friendship and my business. My mom works for her. So, I guess you could say that I trust her with my mother, too. 🙂

Well, a few months ago, Susanne sent the same promo email (promoting an affiliate offer) to both her leads list and also to her list of customers.

She tracked the sales to see how many purchased the affiliate offer.

The results were just as I suspected.

-> Only 2% of her leads purchased.
-> While *30%* of her customers purchased.

That's a huge difference! And, I agree that it's accurate because I see the exact same thing happening in my business.

My customer list is one of my two most valuable lists. (Want to know my other most valuable list? My affiliates and JV partners!)

While I value my leads very much – a much larger portion of my income comes from my customers. They are proven repeat buyers.

Do you have a customer list? If not, it's about time you get one. 😉

Susanne has put together a system showing how you can, using her method.

I'd recommend you check this out asap and apply the info to your business.

Here's the link.
Get a List of People who BUY!

You'll also get these bonuses:

Bonus #1: Don't Make These 10 Mistakes When Creating Info Products
Bonus #2: The 20 Minute Sales Letter
Bonus #3: Increase Sales Conversion With This Checklist
Bonus #4: Killer Strategy To Get More Traffic From Article Marketing

Check it out if you're interested:

Earn More Affiliate Income.

Have a fantastic day! You deserve it.

And, thank you, again, for sharing my day with me.

Nicole Dean

PS. Please share your thoughts on this topic. My coaching clients oftentimes ignore their customers and focus on their leads only. It's a mind-shift that can make the difference between 4 figures per year and 6 figures per year. Seriously. Talk to me… 🙂

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Emily

    I have a list going on one site; planning to get one up for the second time on thecrunchycoach. I have to say I became seriously discouraged and quit the first time b/c after almost a yr I had only 12 subscribers and hardly ever any opens!

    Now I know it’s b/c most of my subscribers came thru an ezine article. I wasn’t doing very good SEO, so not enough traffic to my site to get a list going really. So now that I understand more about SEO, I am ready to rock and roll! 🙂

  • Troy Duncan

    Trying to build lead list first. Next step is to build buyer’s list.

    • Trung Nguyen

      Thanks so much for your suggestion, however, can you explain more about building buyer’s list? How to know who is buyer from our list?

  • Shelley Hitz

    Fascinating statistic! I like 30% over 2% anyday! I use Clickbank with EasyClickMate for my products. I use Aweber for autoresponder.

    Do you have any thoughts on the best way to capture my customer’s e-mail into my Aweber list after they order? I would love for it to be automated but am hoping that I don’t have to force my customers to fill out an opt-in form to gain access to their downloads. Is this the only way?

    Thanks for this great tip!

    • Shelley Hitz, Self Publishing Coach

      Okay, I found out that with the latest version of EasyClickMate, you can automatically insert your Aweber list name for your customers! Yeah! So, I just set it up this morning.

      Nicole, thanks for posting this as it motivated me to set up this list and get it going! Such a valuable tip that I was missing out on.

  • A. David Beaman

    Absolutely! There are buyers and there are others who just want free stuff. Treat your customers well; recognize that they are your most valuable business asset. Treat them with dignity and respect; and be careful not to bruise their egos. All this goes a long way to having loyal customers who are repeat buyers. And besides, it’s a nice, kind way to conduct business in a world where customer service has tended towards deterioration.

  • Ellene Breedlove Davis

    Nicole –

    Thanks for the suggestions of having two lists – a leads list and a buyers list. Makes perfect sense to me. I’ll put this into practice. Already have a nice freebie in mind for the buyers. Will work up something new to send to leads list.

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