Blog Posts

Cross-Blogging with Trish Lindemood

Well, I haven't done a cross-blog conversation in awhile, so I'm really looking forward to this.

If you're unfamiliar with a cross-blog conversation, basically, it's a conversation that stretches across two (or more) blogs. I had a cross-blog conversation with Lynn Terry ages ago – before we hardly knew each other, and also a cross blog conversation with Kelly McCausey, around the same time.

So, it's time for another.

I'm very excited for this cross-blog conversation as I'll be chatting with Trish Lindemood, who I recently met online at Lynn Terry's Elite Mastermind Group. I was immediately impressed with Trish's professionalism and took note of her. So, when she asked me to cross-blog, I didn't hesitate a second to say “yes”.

Here's how this thing works….

Trish started on her blog here: Cross Blog Conversation with Nicole Dean

In it, she asked two questions about PLR articles. So now, I will answer them here and ask her a question. She'll answer my question on her blog and ask me another. Her questions can be about anything she'd like.

We'll volley back and forth like a tennis ball a few times and then either I'll pass on to someone else or she will.

You get to listen in and comment. Sound good?

Let's get to it:

Hi Trish,

Thanks so much for the nice words about my blog. I'd never really considered myself a blogger, until I started to be recognized by others as such. All of a sudden I received nominations for awards and I thought “hmm.. maybe I am a blogger”. 🙂 So, I certainly appreciate your comments. They do mean a lot to me. And, yes, I do strive to have fun blogging, as you've mentioned with my Weird Website Wednesdays.

Yes, I am very proud of – and the fact that I've been able to continue to grow a strong customer base because of the quality that we offer and the limited distribution. As PLR sites seem to be popping up around every corner, that's been what has made us stand apart since we opened our doors in 2006.

As for your questions, you asked –

1.) What “rights” come with the purchase of Private Label Rights content?  – and what can’t you do with it?

That's a great question. The rights vary by PLR provider and can range from pretty strict rules to completely unlimited usage, depending on the whim of the PLR seller. So be sure to check the rights that come with any PLR that you purchase to make sure you don't inadvertently break any rules.

The rules at fall somewhere in the middle. I've set our rules so that our PLR retains its value, but so that the rights aren't so strict that you feel like you're not getting to use the PLR as you'd like.

Here's a quick summary of What Can NOT Be Done With the Articles from

*You may not use any content from any package as part of another PLR product or offer PLR rights to any content purchased at

*You may not distribute the articles through a free reprint directory. (This is against terms of service for most article directories.)

Obviously, if our customers were to sell PLR rights to our articles to others – it would totally negate the value of offering limited distribution rights on our site, which is why that's a big “no-no” for us.

2.) Other than adding new content to your site, what are some other ways PLR content can be used to build your business?

Here are some ideas for what you Can Do with our Private Label Rights Articles:

*You can change & edit the articles as you wish.
*You can use these articles in your newsletter.
*You can use these articles in your autoresponder.
*You can use these articles in your membership site.
*You can use them in a free eCourse
*You can use them in a free Special Report.
*You can use them in a free eBook.
*You can use them in a paid product.

We have others use the content in offline training, and even some clever marketers who convert the articles into audio and video. One marketer turned plr content into a coffee table book.

As with most things, we're really only limited by our imagination.

In our conversation at the elite group, you brought up a very good question, so I'll ask it:

Why would a professional writer who makes her living writing for others support the use of PLR?

It's obvious that you're a highly skilled copywriter, so why would you support PLR when it's looked down upon by so many others in your profession?

Looking forward to your reply.


PS. Be sure to check Trish's blog: Web Copy Results for her response.

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • vicque fassinger

    Nice cross-blog conversation!

    As a professional, full-time writer for nearly 3 decades now, I can see and understand why one would utilize PRL content. Instead of staring at a blank computer page until drops of blood form on your forehead, PLR content can jumpstart writer’s block with fresh ideas. By having the freedom to “change and edit the articles” as copywriters, we can creatively adjust them and put our own spin on them ~ thus ensuring that the end result still produces our same familiar (unique) voice to our (regular) readers. While saving a ton of time by working with a PRL foundation instead of writing from scratch, individuals purchasing PRL can then focus their energies on other projects and aspects of developing their online presence. PRL is most assuredly a wonderful and necessary resource for new and/or afraid-of-the-written-word internet writers. While I have never invested in or utilized Private Rights Labels (and am, instead, the person my clients turn to for help with their writing projects!), I am now definitely open to exploring PRL further!

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