Blog Posts

Mom Webs Hosting Review

I announced earlier this week that I am a brand-new partner in with Kelly McCausey. But why?
I figured I should explain my reasoning why I, so adamantly, endorse this company.

I've talked a bit before about my Web Hosting Hell experiences with other companies…

1. My sites being down for an indefinite amount of time.

2. Domains that I've renewed through my hosting, suddenly up for sale? Yes. Ever go to your website (one that's paying the mortgage — and see that it's for sale?) I have! Where's the little green emoticon when you need it? That's how I felt!

3. Having the host get confused and cancel the wrong account — and finding 10 of your sites have disappeared?!

4. Being bounced from support person to support person for 4 days, meanwhile you're losing money… and each new person who emails you ignores the support ticket and asks “How can I help you?” and you have to explain the whole story — AGAIN?! (This happened to me. I just told hubby “YOU Deal with them!”)
5. Buying hosting and finding out there are no web stats. Instead they recommend that you spend another $20/month on a stats service. (This happened with one of the most popular web hosts, believe it or not.)

So, yeah. I've been to web-hosting hell and back a few times, and I've got the t-shirt to prove it.
Whew. I guess I hit a trigger button there. 😉

So, why do I like MomWebs?

1. Great reliability.

2. They're used to dealing with Moms, so I've *never* felt like I've asked a stupid question.

3. They offer the stats that I need.

4. Great price.

5. Unlimited hosting.

Just to name a few. Of course, no company is perfect, but I have been very very happy with Mom Webs and will continue to put my business into their capable hands.
I swear, I wonder if some of those other hosting sites are being run by a couple of college kids.

Anyway, that, in a nutshell, is why I partnered with Kelly on And, I hope you'll join me as a customer, and as an affiliate.



I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Angela Wills

    You forgot to mention the fantastic customer service! I have never gotten such quick responses and such helpful service from any service I’ve ever used online. I highly recommend MomWebs. Congratulations on partnering with Kelly Nicole! 🙂

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