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— WAHM Talk Radio — Goofy me! —

I would like to invite you to stop by WAHMTalkRadio and listen. I'm co-hosting again with Kelly, and you can hear how goofy I sound. 😉

And, don't laugh too hard when Nell gets onto the call. She and Ihave become good friends, so the giggling started as soon as she got on.

Seriously, though, the guests this week are fantastic. And,Marie Roker, one of the guests will soon be a ShowMomTheMoneyregular. So, be sure to catch her section. She's awesome!

Speaking of Marie, don't miss her telecourse this Wednesday (It's free!) I'll definitely be there – listening and learning.

Also, just for signing up for Marie's telecourse, you can get access to “The Millionaire Mind” which I really enjoyed. Think about it. If Donald Trump lost all his money and rebuilt himself to be a millionaire, do you think he'd feel successful? Not a chance. His goals are set much higher than that! What is your financial thermostat set to? $200 a month or $10,000 amonth?

Don't limit yourself. Set it high.

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