Blog Posts


Weird Niche: Naked Duvet Covers

It's time for another Weird Niche Wednesday! This week's topic? Naked Duvet Covers, of course. Who has more fun than I do? lol.

I ran across this prank duvet cover and thought how perfect it was to feature this week on Weird Niche Wednesday considering all of our talk of “Computer Butt“. (I am taking this blog to a new level of silliness this week, I think.)

Anyway, the 3D images printed on the duvet cover make it look like you're naked laying on top of your sheets, rather than under your blankies.


Although the product is interesting, I see two problems with it that would keep me from buying it (aside from the obvious of how I would explain it to my kids!):

  • I sleep on the “man” side and my hunky hubby sleeps on the woman side. NOT a good visual to have a burly, bearded guy head sticking out from the super model lady's body.
  • Our black dog normally sleeps with us, so white blankies just don't work in our bed. We'd both end up looking way hairier than we actually are in no time thanks to our shedding Eddy-dog.

Those are two deal-breakers for me. 🙂

It would make a hilarious wedding gift, although I hope the other side is a solid color for when gramma comes to visit so you can flip it over! lol.

I looked around to try to find where you can order this in the US, but didn't have any luck. You can, however, order in the UK. Be careful searching though. I ran across some doosies.

So, what lessons can we learn from this product? I'm not sure, actually! I guess if you've got a cool product, market it in the US, too!

Nicole Dean

PS.  As always I read every comment posted to my blog and would love to hear your thoughts. But, keep it clean. My mom reads this blog! 🙂


I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Lyle Robinson

    Funny niche. Actually, as a single man, I would be shocked to keep waking up to a headless naked woman’s body beside me…:) Thanks for sharing Nicole.


  • Dan Reinhold

    Yeah, I know what you mean, Lyle!

    I wouldn’t want that to happen again.

    What? I say something?!??


    P.S. One day I’ll figure out HOW you find these things. One day, Nicole…

  • The Mom

    Nicole, where do you get these things? Never mind, I don’t want to know… 😉

    I see the same problems with this that you’ve been discussing. Headless bodies, dog head on people body… yucky! It would be nice if they offered it in right-side/left-side option like you said for male and female, and single, and all sorts of combinations, wink wink, including the family pup and, in my case, the cat. Oh, the possibilities.

    I like how shapely and buff the naked people are, but really… “live in hope, die in despair” like my Grandma always said. 🙂 Oh well, maybe after a month, or so, of Scott’s FatLossQuickie courtesy of Nicole’s ComputerButt challenge.

    Later all!
    The Mom (aka Patti)

  • The Mom

    OMG! n-o-o-o-o-o-o-o……

  • Loretta

    ROFL My oldest son look over my shoulder and goes “gees mom, do you have to look that right now? It’s dinner time.” Then he wandered off laughing hysterically. LMAO!

  • vicque

    Let me preface this note by saying I used to think there was no such thing as a dumb question -and then I taught high school English for a few years and realized that is not true! With that said, here’s my comment/question…

    I am a T-O-T-A-L newbie to this whole world of niche marketing, web site marketing, and SEO keyword-rich writing – so when you write to do the niche search and blog about a product that maybe not that many people have already written about (so that you can get a high ranking on it when people search for it on google,right?) – the whole point is that…because of your high ranking, more people then go to your blog, read it, and click the link to the actual product, buy it, and hence…affiliate marketing?

    Is that the process?

    Post Script: This is also my first time on your web site! Though I somehow found a link to your interview with Lynn Terry a few days ago and enjoyed it very much!

    • Nicole

      Hi Vicque-

      You want to know if I have a method to my madness? 🙂

      My method is three-fold:

      – Buzz marketing (people love the goofy posts and pass them around like crazy)

      – Relationship building (again, being me and getting people to know me and remember me)

      – Occasional promotions in the posts like to the at the end.

      I make occasional sales of the products mentioned through affiliate links, but the posts are more for generating fans than sales.

      Hope that helps!

  • Grace

    Where do you buy these sheets from?

  • Abby Tricker

    Nicole! I need your help! I want to buy these covers for my anniversary and I can’t find them anywhere!! I’m from the UK so pleased to hear you found some there, but I’m open to ordering from anywhere! Please help me x

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