Blog Posts

Productivity Week: Day 5

Welcome back to Productivity Week.  Today's the last day of this sneak peek. I sure hope you liked it!

Here’s my day so far…

1. Got up and got everyone out the door. Then was a little lazy and played a few games of FreeCell.

2. Checked on Facebook & Email for emergencies while drinking coffee.

3. Checked on sales from yesterdays promos to see how they did.

4. Poked around on for a bit.

5. Made and ate breakfast. Eggs with roasted veggies today.

Now, I'm ready to rock and roll.

To do next…

1. Finish this blog post. 🙂

2. Mail lists something cool.

3. Finish writing this month’s Income CPR lesson today. It's turning into a beast. YIKES. 🙂

4. Post a “Free Content for your Blog” Friday.

5. Answer the interview requests that I got to promote today so they can go live next week.

6. Possibly mail affiliates or friends personally about to see what I can do to help them promote. If not this week, then next.

7. Set up a coupon for a promo for a JV partner who wants to promote.

8. Connect with a coaching client who requested a phone call.

9. Possibly train on the new help desk with my techie gal today.

How’s your day going? What’s on your agenda?

Please post your to-do list for today as well as your progress. Looking forward to it!

Hugs and high fives,

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Nicole

    Checking in. Having some sidetracking / techie issues, but still doing pretty well.

    1. Posted blog post above.
    2. Posted Blog post for Free Content Friday.
    3. Connected with Carrie Wilkerson about her new promo.

    • Nicole

      Also, just sent this email to leads and customers:

      Hi. It’s Nicole Dean from

      This is a courtesy reminder that the $10 off coupon on the 15
      Social Media comparison charts that I told you about the
      other day expires today.

      Publish a few of these on your site and YOU’LL be the go to
      person for Social Media. If you provide Social Media services,
      these are a total no-brainer for closing the deal.

      The info is below so you can decide if it’s something
      you can use or not. 🙂

      How to get the Most out of your PLR
      But First…

      I know many of you struggle with what the heck to do
      with all the PLR that you have.

      My friend, Ronnie, has a free resource to help. Yes, you
      have to sign up to get it, but I think it can help you
      to use the PLR that you have for the best results.

      Here’s the link:

      Social Media Coupon Expiring
      Here’s the info about those comparison charts…

      73 Social Media Tools and Sites Compared Over 110 Criteria…
      in 15 Individual Ready-to-Monetize Comparison Charts,
      Complete with PLR Rights

      If you’re interested, check it out here:

      Coupon Code: smcharts
      Discount: An additional $10 off

      That’s all from me. Have a fantastic day! You deserve it.

      Nicole Dean

      PS. Be sure to swing by and check in to my Productivity Week
      with how you’re doing today.

  • Grandma Marilyn

    Ok, I wrote what I did today in yesterday’s post. LOL Talk about getting ahead of yourself. Since I started reading your post, I got lost in Fiverr looking at potentials for helping me write PLR. I will have to see what I can do first. Not sure how much more I will get done as I am getting tired now.

  • Wendy Wood


    I really enjoyed having a sneak peek into a week of your life. Thanks for sharing.

    Most days I feel like I don’t accomplish much, but for the heck of it I wrote down what I did that was business related in one day, and I must tell you I was amazed at what I DID accomplish. Made me feel a heck of a lot better – and sleep better as well. LOL!

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