Blog Posts

Motivational Monday: Make a Difference No Matter How Small

“We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.” — Marian Wright Edelman

That quote was in my issue of Success Magazine this month. Little did Marian Wright Edelman know but her small difference initiated a difference in me.

Here's the email that I am sending to affiliates. I'd like to invite you to participate if you'd like. Or to make a small difference today in some other way that you choose.

Make Money & Make a HUGE Difference in the lives of Kids.

Hi. It's Nicole Dean of

I'd like to invite you to save children's lives with me –
and I'll even pay you to do it.

All you have to do is promote like crazy between now and the 18th of the month and I'm going to MATCH all affiliate commissions with donations to organizations which are working to save children's lives.

You will STILL get your affiliate commission – 50%.

BUT, MY 50% will go to charity.

And, not only that, but I'm going to backtrack to the 1st of the month – just because I can – and to show you that I'm serious about this.

You in?

Please say “yes”!

If you'd like to make money while making a difference, grab your affiliate link and start promoting.

Click here -> EasyPLR Affiliate Info

If you've got some time and would like to know the story behind how all this came to be, and learn more about each of the organizations, keep reading.

There's been an odd series of happenings in my life that has led me to this email. It's an interesting story, in my opinion, and I hope you'll agree.

First of all, my motto in my business is and has been “To Make the Web and the World a Better Place”. Before I take any action in my business, it has to pass both of those tests.

That motto guides me in my business every day.

But, at some point I got busy. I was doing a lot to make the web a better place, and I've made some nice donations along the way to good organizations, but it wasn't enough.

Is it ever *really* enough?

Then, this month's issue of Success Magazine showed up – including a whole section on how “ONE PERSON CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE”.

Some of the quotes in that section felt like a kick in the gut –

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before beginning to improve the world.” – Anne Frank (Holocaust Victim)

“It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference.” – Tom Brokaw

“We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.” — Marian Wright Edelman

So, I started to think about some of the marketers who I admire and how they are giving back – a lot. (You'll see how two of them are below.)

Then, I started to think about a friend who lost her baby in June, and I didn't do *enough* then either.

While I was pondering this, and tears were running down my face, it hit me! KABLOOEY!

At NAMS4 on the 20th-22nd this month, as part of the event David Perdew encourages all attendees to help Dr. Mani to save children's lives. If you've never heard of Dr. Mani, he's a heart surgeon who is also an internet marketer. He donates his time to saving the lives of children who need heart surgery and can't afford it.

The idea started to come together.

But, then I started to think about Paul Evans – another marketer who will be at NAMS. He builds orphanages around the world to allow those children to have a childhood free of the unimaginable horrors they would otherwise experience.

And, then, my heart welled up, thinking about Melissa Ingold, whose son Kyle, passed away in June, 8 days before his second birthday. He had a genetic disorder, Gaucher's Disease, for which, there is currently no cure.

And, the idea solidified in my mind.

Here are the three organizations. – Dr. Mani Saves Lives – Paul Evans Saves Lives – Type 2 & 3 Gaucher's Research

All monies will be split between the three organizations, evenly.

Why the 18th? Because that's the day that I leave to go to NAMS and I'd like to make a donation on behalf of Affiliates, in addition to my own.

If this idea goes well, I'd like to repeat this promotion again, so feel free to share your favorite organizations at my blog post on this topic here:

Have a wonderful day. And, thank you.


PS. I was chatting with Melissa about this idea and she said “Can I donate my commissions?” If you'd like to do that, please let me know by clicking “reply”. It will be your commissions from Aug 1-18th.

PS again. Of course, even if you don't wish to promote – each of the websites has a link to donate directly. 🙂

So, that's the scoop. Please let me know your thoughts on how I can improve this the next time I run it.


I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Lain Ehmann

    You are very sweet!

  • Loretta

    Gosh darnit, I <3 you! I picked up some PLR this morning from you and will definitely pick up some more later on and spread the word about your effort over the next few weeks. You rock!

  • Debbie

    I love your business motto and what you’re doing here! I’m just getting started in this business and I really look forward to all your emails because you always have something good and helpful to say! And I believe that we just can’t go wrong by trying to make the world a better place! I just wanted to share a video with everyone; it really rocked my world when I listened to it. It’s by Yanik Silver and his motto is “make more money, have more fun, give more back”. (He’s heavy into the giving more back). For anyone interested you can listen to his manifesto (it’s about 67 minutes but well worth the time in my opinion)at the following link:
    Keep up the great work Nicole! I’ll be spreading the word about wherever I can! Deb

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