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Online Success Cast #24: Carrie Wilkerson

onlinesuccesscast-smWelcome to another episode of the Online Business Success Cast.

This week, I have the amazing Carrie Wilkerson with me.

The audio recording of our interview is below. Just look for the “play” button and listen. It’s free!

Also, be sure to check out all of the resources listed below.

If you're not familiar with Carrie yet, here's more about her and why I wanted her on the show.

Carrie Wilkerson

Carrie Wilkerson is the voice of experience. From corporate life to teaching high school to direct sales, to information marketing and coaching she has ‘been there and done that’ professionally and personally. An ‘overnight mom’ to 2 toddlers through adoption, her priorities instantly changed and so did her workplace. She’s now built several businesses and coached others to do the same while overcoming extreme debt, losing 110 lbs and having 2 more children, for a total of 4, aging from toddler to teen!

As “The Barefoot Executive,” and President of the Association of Work at Home Women, Carrie and her network of experts have quickly become the definitive resource for helping others achieve extra income and career goals while working from home.

Currently a mentor/coach/advisor to over 100,000 men and women as the Barefoot Executive through videos, podcasts, masterminding, mentoring and live speaking. Not only a business expert, but an expert IN Business, Carrie’s work-at-home methods have inspired thousands and has earned many awards, online and off.

A sought after speaker, Carrie’s humor, real-life examples and tough love translates to every audience, gender, genre and generation.

Her passion is in teaching others to ‘Fill their Stadium’ with fans so that marketing is easy and business is abundant!

Translation: She's pretty awesome. 🙂

Step 1: Check out these Essential Tools for Online Business Success that Carrie Recommends:


All links will open in a new window and not interfere while you're listening to the audio.

For Content Management: – For content management that you can access from anywhere.

For Social Media: Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Are you following us? Nicole on Twitter | Carrie on Twitter

For List Building: An Autoresponder.
(I use and recommend Aweber since 2005 – Click to try it for $1.)

For Video Marketing: Carrie uses a basic Flip Mino Cam. She suggests the kind that uses AA batteries.

For Selling your Products: You need a way to sell your products, with a built-in affiliate tracking system – also known as a shopping cart or an ecommerce solution. (Carrie Recommends: SwimCart)

Step 2: Listen to the Interview.


Be sure to listen to the entire interview. It's another great one.


Step 3: Get a free link on my blog.


Please post your comments below after you listen to the interview. Show Carrie the love so I can continue to get great guests like her.

Plus, of course, you can include your URL and your Twitter ID in the appropriate fields when you comment, as always.

Step 4: Share the Love.


If you liked this interview, don't keep it to yourself. Share the link with some friends. (Pretty please.) 🙂

Step 5: Learn More about Carrie.


Want More Carrie? I know you do!
Head over here to learn more from her: The Barefoot Executive.

Thanks again for being part of my business and my day. I'm looking forward to hearing what you learned and will apply from this interview.


Nicole Dean

PS. Would you Like to Start a Podcast like Mine and Have Cool People Like Carrie Wilkerson on your Show?  If you can make a telephone call, you can have a podcast, too: Click here -> How I Record My Podcast On the Telephone.

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Loretta

    Great interview and total fun to listen to two of my favorite mompreneurs laughing and having a good chat! 🙂

    • Nicole

      You know my interviews will always have too things: Good content and lots of laughs. 🙂

      So glad you enjoyed it! Thanks much for saying so.

  • Sharon McPherson

    Great interview Nicole!

    My number #1 takeaway from it, “Focus on one thing to ridiculous profit before starting something else.”

    I always learn something new when I listen to Carrie and you better believe I’ll begin paying attention to my LinkedIn account now.

    Thanks to both of you for the resources.

    Sharon McPherson
    aka The Fuller Brush Girl

  • Heidi

    Thanks so much for providing this interview. She’s doing what I have always dreamed of doing – helping other Moms earn money from home.

  • Satu

    Thank you for sharing Carrie’s interview, Nicole! I love to hear about successful female internet marketers, who also appear quite normal. 😀

    When I started familiarizing myself with im over a year ago, I followed mmo blogs that made me feel like internet marketing is something slightly dirty and involves filling internet with worthless crap content. Ugh!

    I could not really imagine myself doing that, even for money.

    • Nicole

      I agree. There’s no amount of money that is worth selling your integrity. And, there’s no amount of money you can pay to buy it back once it’s gone.

      Stick around here and you’ll connect with lots of positive people who are making money and making the ‘net a better place. 🙂

  • Virtual Team

    Once again Nicole you rock my world. These podcasts are so inspirational. It’s so nice to know that there are people out there looking for others that help and share their skills.

    Carrie, how wonderful you help others with your expertise. Keep up the good work. I’ll be purchasing a flip camera because of you:) Thanks for helping me spend my money.

  • Correen

    Now wow gals! How did I not figure it out that I need to commitment to my online work like I have in my marriage…it’s one happenin’ thing after 27+ btw 😉 Off to work the three M’s! Delicious interview Nicole and Carrie.

    • Nicole

      I love that you had that “a-ha” moment.

      You obviously understand commitment. It’s just time to fully commit to your business like you have to hubby.

      Thanks for commenting!

  • Nell

    Really good interview, ladies.


  • Bob Holmes

    Incredible information. You both are real inspirations to many of us. Thanks for laying it out like it really is, Business. I got my Flip Cam today and it’s great. Yea! Thanks Again to both of you!

  • Mary Bernard


    Well … I’m just now finding your site and these amazing podcast interviews. Thank you!

    Carrie talked about making a decision, committing to it, then prioritizing to make it happen. How simple, yet how profound! Just what I needed to hear as the new year begins! And, I too, loved her emphasis on FOCUS.

    I’m blogging now about your podcast and Carrie’s advice and sending my readers your way.

    Keep those podcasts coming and thanks for really helpful info. 😉

  • Griselda

    Just found your podcast series. Loving your website and interviews. Thanks and keep sharing your great content.

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