Blog Posts

Weird Things about Me

My friend Boca Beth tagged me with the 7 Weird and Random things about me. I think I may have done this one before, but I'm sure I can come up with 7 more! πŸ˜‰

1. I took a year of belly-dancing classes, and still get my coin belt out once in awhile — especially when the kids are at Grandma's house and I'm alone with hubby! lol. Seriously, though, I'm terrible. Not quite coordinated enough to actually “flow”. I just look like a wiggly stick. (Pretty bad!)

2. I once did a 4 day biking/camping trip. I rode from the northern part of Wisconsin (up by the Canadian border) down to central Wisconsin, camping all the way. It was one of the neatest things and I'd love to do it again.

3. I love rollerblading. I've had rollerblades since I was 16 and I get on them every chance I get. (Again, I probably look like a dork, but I don't care!) I guess that's not really weird, but it is something I haven't shared before.

4. I hate hate hate cantelope and most other melons! The smell makes me gag.

5. I could eat burritos every single day of my life and never get tired of them. My darling husband has been sent on countless “Moe's” runs, when I'm in the middle of a project, can't cook dinner, and am getting crabby because I'm hungry. Bless his heart! πŸ˜‰

6. I'm not grossed out by wood ticks. One time I actually picked 51 of them off me after a hike in the woods. I don't know if this is weird or not, but many of my friends are freaked out by them. Maybe I'm the weird one or they are.

7. My first major in college was American Studies and Linguistics. I wanted to travel and be an interpreter. (Still have the travel bug, but not much time for languages now, although I am watching some Italian DVDs in between marketing ones while I spin on my spinner each day.) Yes, I even multi-task when I exercise. I can't turn my brain off.

Now, I get to pass the mic to my other weird and wonderful friends…

Annette, Jen, Arika — I know you three will respond.

Everyone else, please post some weirdness about yourself, too, so I don't feel like the weirdest one here! Would love to read about it.
Thanks for reading!


I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Stef

    I love Moes! When we were back in SC my husband introduced me to Moes, I haven’t had it in TX yet, don’t even know if there is one here or not.

    The wood ticks…Ewww… We got our first real Christmas Tree and I got my first tick from it, I almost threw up. I still get the hibbie jibbies thinking about it. I went screaming to my neighbors when I felt something that morning. Husband was at work, thought it might be one. GROSS!

    That was last yr and needless to say, never again will we have a real tree again.

    I will have to tell weird things later, no more time right now.

  • Arika

    Hey gal, I knew you were weird, but you just set it in stone here. LOL πŸ˜‰

    btw…I tagged you first, but you missed it. So, here’s my 7 weird things.

  • Nell Taliercio

    Belly dancing…yummmo! How sexy are you πŸ˜‰

  • Administrator

    Stef – Moe’s ROCKS!!! Ticks suck. Agreed! lol.

    Arika – Glad to see you’re weird, too! πŸ˜‰

    And, Nell — You so made me laugh on a bad day. Thank you, my friend. I needed that BIG time!

    ((hugs)) to you all, and thanks for reading.

  • Mindy

    How can you not be freaked out by wood ticks?! Seriously? They are purely disgusting and evil. Actually I just wanted to say “thinking of you” and have a very happy birthday!

    Lots of love,

    your long lost friend Mindy πŸ™‚

  • Administrator


    Oh, how I remember your screams when you’d get a wood tick! lol. Maybe that’s why I’m not scared of them. You looked so silly that one of us had to be the brave one. πŸ˜€

    Now, get a rat near me… or some rodent and I’m a mess! ((shiver and gag))

    Great to see you here my long lost bud.

    You have mail!

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