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Blogging is a Great Way to Dabble as a WAHM

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Happy Monday!

Last week, my friend, Kelly McCausey and I were chatting about “easy” ways for a mom to experiment with an online business (for cheap or free) and I recommended starting a blogger blog. Will it make you a *TON* of money? Well, odds are, no, but it can and has for some people.

But, the important thing to me is that it can get you past many of the roadblocks and enable you to learn and apply and test ideas and PLAY around without feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

Once you get your blog set up and get a chance to experiment, and learn how to do things like get traffic, sign up for affiliate programs, etc… THEN, you can move ahead to bigger pastures.

(The only problem with this theory is that, if you decide to start a website or switch to a Word Press blog later, is that you'd be, in essence, starting over. So, look at this first blogger blog as a learning tool — or see my PS below and start off with Word Press to begin with.)

Of course, if even blogging is new to you, then I highly recommend the courses at

I put together 3 blogger guides there. One for craft blogs, one for review blogs, and one for recipe/cooking blogs. They are VERY simple and will walk you through everything from choosing a niche, setting up your blog, finding ways to make money from your blog, and getting traffic to your blog.

HOT TIP: If you're in a Direct Sales business, this is a GREAT way, to easily develop a following for your customers and leads. You'd promote, review, recommend, and discuss your own products,  answer questions from customers, and just be accessible.


PS. If you prefer to use a Word Press blog (as many people do and I highly recommend it) because it offers more flexibility, I recommend you check out for hosting. They'll set up your blog for only $10. Check it out here:   Word Press Help for Mom Bloggers.
