<meta property="og:description" content="Today is Day 21 of the Home Office Fitness: Increase Productivity & Lose Belly Fat Challenge. ( <meta name="twitter:description" content="Today is Day 21 of the Home Office Fitness: Increase Productivity & Lose Belly Fat Challenge. ( Quick Cardio for Increased Productivity

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Day 21: Quick Cardio for Increased Productivity

Today is Day 21 of the Home Office Fitness: Increase Productivity & Lose Belly Fat Challenge. (<– If you'd like to join us, please do. We’ll be repeating the same series of exercises for one more week, so you can jump right in.)

So, first of all, HOLY MOLY guys! You ROCKED the Squat Challenge!

Here we all thought that 100 squats was impossible a few weeks ago, but yet on Friday, some of you did 2, 3, 4, and even 5 times that amount. I'm seriously impressed by ALL of us.

Do we want to do it again this Friday? But with a twist?

Here are some ideas. Please post your thoughts in the comments so I can put together something fun. 🙂

Nicole Says:
September 18th, 2009 at 6:36 pm
Next week, I’m thinking we do the Squat Challenge again, but have it somehow also benefit charity (in addition to fun prizes).Thoughts? I could pay out per squat? :D

Joel Reply:
September 18th, 2009 at 6:40 pm
How about… 

We set a goal now for next week, and for each squat we DON’T do, we give $1 to charity?

Or maybe a group challenge, we all in total do 2,000, or 3k, 5k, and if we don’t… something happens.

Arika Reply:
September 18th, 2009 at 7:53 pm
I kinda like that idea – set a group goal and pay for everyone we don’t get – the only thing is I know we are all overachievers so we’ll beat any number we set I think. 

So, how about we do what Joel suggested, and WHEN we go over it we pay X amount for the number of squats we go over too! :)

Then Scott came in with a huge idea…

Scott Tousignant – Fat Loss Quickie Says:

Here’s an idea…

For those of you who are up to it… Maybe we could do a 12 hour Squat-a-thon on LiveStream.

We could embed the video code on the blog and could even have 2-3 FLQ members going each hour if there’s enough members up for it.

We would just have to provide our channel’s embed code for Nicole to put on the blog.

So it would require you to have the ability to video record yourself live.

We could have a donation button next to the video and for every $1 donated that person has to do 1 squat.

I did 100 squats with 45 pounds in less than 6 minutes… so in 6 minutes a charity would have received $100

The good thing about this is that outsiders could help us raise money… and it may just draw people into the Computer Butt Challenge.

I think it would be nice that the person who is doing the squatting for the hour have their affiliate link for FLQ under the video broadcast.

What do ya think about that? Who would be up for putting themselves on live video…. I sure would even if it’s for 12 hours straight ;)

So, what do you guys think? Please comment below so we know how to proceed.

Ready to Get Healthier and Be More Productive so you Can Make More Money?

When you're ready to join the Fat Loss Quickie program, click on the graphic below.

It’s only $20 for the quickie workout & cardio videos, a personal trainer who you can ask questions here, plus my awesome community of kick-butt marketers sweating with you and cheering you on.

Please post your updates or I'll track you down on Twitter!

Let’s find 10 minutes every day to get healthier so we can enjoy the LIFESTYLE that we’re working towards.

((hugs)) to all.

PS. If you haven’t listened to my interview with Scott Tousignant yet, here it is: Interview with Scott: Achieve More in your Business

Note: You can follow all posts by keeping an eye on the Computer Butt category to the right.

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Susanne Myers

    Yikes… my poor legs haven’t recovered yet, in fact I think I’m hurting more today then I was yesterday.

    As much as I hate the idea of me on video (especially while working out), I think Scott’s idea has the potential to raise quite a bit of cash for charity.

    Not sure though if my legs will be ready by Friday 🙁

  • The Mom

    OMG! Susanne! lol! Click on this wonderful shout-out that Susanne gave me. I can’t get over it! You are so wonderful to me. 😉

    I LOVED LOVED LOVED the squat-off challenge and can’t believe how we were all so competitive and just really pushed ourselves. My son-in-law couldn’t believe that I actually did full squats and not some whimpy version. Yeah… this ol’ lady can do squats… ah ha… 😉

    Hey, and I put on a shirt today that was hangin’ on me! Yup! Things are starting to work… in just 3, count ’em, t-h-r-e-e weeks!!! We rock!!!

    PEACE ya’ll!
    The Mom

  • Lisa Marie Mary

    Great idea – I’m game if I can get my webcam hooked onto something, that is. The stupid clip that attaches it to the laptop broke – the jimmyriggin’ wheels in my brain have been rollin’ and rollin’ – screaming at me that there IS A WAY! I just haven’t come up with it yet. I suppose some good ol’ fashioned duct tape – tape it to the lampshade? Hmm…

    Oh, we also have homecoming Friday, so I’d be out of here by around 3pm. (I could still squat at homecoming, though!! hahaha!)

  • Scott Tousignant - Fat Loss Quickie

    Sorry for my lack of conversation over the weekend. I have come down with a nasty sinus and throat infection that has really put me out of commission.

    I was able to get on a call with Bob The Teacher last night and we were talking about challenges and the power of community.

    I mentioned the squat challenge and how I’m sure that many of you never imagined doing as many squats as you did. It was the power of the group that allowed you to push your limits and achieve your true best!

    You all ROCK! This group has helped make each individual “UNSTOPPABLE!”

    • Lisa Marie Mary

      You’re so right, Scott! I never would have guessed that I’d do 170 – and that was with catching that nasty sinus/throat thing, too!! It started coming on Thursday night when I came home from the hospital – but, I was not going to step down from the challenge!

      This group totally ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!

      And a big GIGANTO “Thank you!!” to you and Nicole for pulling us all in here!! 😀

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