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Online Success Cast #30: Kristen Eckstein, the Ultimate Book Coach

onlinesuccesscast-smWelcome to another episode of the Online Business Success Cast.

This week, I have Kristen Eckstein, with me.

The audio recording of our interview in this blog post. Just look for the “play” button and listen. It’s free! Also, be sure to check out all of the resources listed below.

If you’re not familiar with Kristen yet, learn more here:

Kristen Eckstein, the Ultimate Book Coach, is a sought-after independent publishing expert, two time best-selling author and award-winning international speaker. Her reputation is to create books that bring you business through Ghost Publishing, a term she coined to define her exclusive done-for-you independent publishing program, “I am Published!” She has been in the publishing industry since 2003, run a traditional publishing company, vanity publishing house, and started her own independent publishing house with a traditional arm. To date she has started 45 publishing companies and published 133 books and eBooks, 13 of those her own.

Find Kristen on the web at Ultimate Book Coach.

Step 1: Check out these Essential Tools and Resources for Online Business Success Mentioned in this Show:

All links will open in a new window and not interfere while you're listening to the audio.

Tools Mentioned:

In the interview, Kristen also mentions.


Step 2: Listen to the Interview.

Be sure to listen to the entire interview.


Prefer to Read?

If you prefer to read the interview, it is available on Kindle.


A Conversation with Kristen Eckstein: Online Business Success Stories

Step 3: Learn More from Kristen.

Head over here to check out more from Kristen ->  Self Publish on Demand

Also, grab a  copy of my book on Kindle or Paperback to see just what beautiful work she does:

Get it here:
Kindle (only $4.99)

Step 4: Share the Love.

If you liked this interview, don't keep it to yourself. Share the link with some friends. (Pretty please.) 🙂

Step 5: Make Sure you Don't Miss a Thing.

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Or grab my feed on iTunes so you can get lots more free interviews just like this one. (Please leave a glowing review while you're at it.) 🙂


Step 6: Get a free link on my blog

Please post your comments below after you listen to the interview. Show Kristen the love so I can continue to get great guests like her.

Plus, of course, you can include your URL and your Twitter ID in the appropriate fields when you comment, as always.

Thanks again for being part of my business and my day. I'm looking forward to hearing what you learned and will apply from this interview.

Nicole Dean

PS. Would you Like to Start a Podcast like Mine and Have Cool People on your Show? If you can make a telephone call, you can have a podcast, too: Click here -> How to Start a Podcast

These are pinnable quotes from this interview:

Kristen-Eckstein-wide Kristen-Eckstein-wide-1 Kristen-Eckstein

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Jacob

    Kristen Eckstein is a highly sought-after publishing authority and award winning international speaker.I’m a book-loving, chocolate-eating, stuffed animal-hugging, people-craving guy who cannot imagine a life without books.So thanks for sharing

  • Stephanie Watson

    I really enjoyed listening to this. I am fascinated to learn, from the links, that she likes raw food. I do too, I am not completely raw but I am vegan and I am going to get her raw cookbook. 🙂 I’m still learning about it. I also learned a lot about this business from the interview. I love her point on asking your audience a lot of questions before making assumptions.

  • Shelly

    Great podcast. Great info about what resources to use, email.outsourcing,etc. Kristen, I love bartering as well. Since I am a Massage Therapist though, I have to do most of it locally. I am currently starting an Integrative Health/ Wellness blog and working on a book about finding the right type of Massage modalility and what to expect from massage.

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