Are you a Perfectionist?
If you are making excuses for …
- NOT finishing your ebook
- NOT publishing on the Kindle yet
- NOT setting up your blog broadcast
- NOT getting JV partners, and/or
- NOT announcing your website
This latest graphic is JUST FOR YOU. 🙂
If you like this, please share.
Have a GREAT day!
Nicole Dean
PS. I'm learning a ton about Pinterest here: Social Media Challenge.
(If you decide to buy, grab it through my link and then send a copy of your receipt here and you'll get my notes that I'm taking during the course, too!)
James Artre
May 7, 2012 at 2:17 pmWell, I would have to say that there are certain projects where I am guilty of this. You know, those that aren’t any fun 😉
Ilka flood
May 7, 2012 at 7:58 pmHi Nicole,
I’m a recovering perfectionist, but I wouldn’t say I’m a procrastinator or ever was one. I “eat that frog.” But at the same token, for the longest time in my life things had to be just so or they were not good enough in my eyes. Like I said, things are getting better.
Thanks for sharing this!
P.S. Great image! It certainly caught my eye on Pinterest.
Tom Parker
May 8, 2012 at 11:41 amVery true Nicole. Now the reason I haven’t finished those PLR articles is because my dog ate them ;-).
May 14, 2012 at 2:17 pmWell being a perfectionist isn’t really one of my problems. Perhaps I could be a bit more of one sometimes!
Connie Ragen Green
May 14, 2012 at 1:33 pmI did not realize it until I came online, but I am a recovering perfectionist. I had to throw that mindset out the window in order to build my business and start making money to pay my bills. Life is so much easier now, and I am sure the people in my life are glad that I have this new attitude of being satisfied with things the way they are, instead of the way I thought they should be.
Pamela Hollows
May 14, 2012 at 2:31 pmI would have thought that perfectionism is not so much an issue anymore. Aren’t people having more problems with staying focused because out attention span has shortened due to the rapid pace of life and increasing distractions from texts and short term activities. I recently read somewhere how teachers are having a harder time keeping students focused on their school.
Samantha Angel
May 24, 2012 at 11:51 pmI love it!
This is really true for me. I used to think everything had to be perfect before I could actually put it out there for everyone to see. I then realized that what I was doing wasn’t trying to be perfect it was putting it off because I was scared. So not necessarily a procrastinator… Anyhow, these days I chase perfection by taking action, see where my weaknesses lie and try to build those areas up.