Blog Posts

Does Hubby Know Much about My Business?

This is my response to the next question in my private conversation with Kelly McCausey.

Kelly asked…. “How much does your hubby know about your business?

Whoa, girl. That's a loaded question! There's a little bit of history that goes into the answer. If you recall, I started my business when my hubby's department was disbanded (3 weeks after my daughter was born). So, there I was with a newborn baby, and a husband looking for work. Not exactly the best situation to be in, and certainly not what we'd planned. He found and took another job, was gone 12 hours every day and he hated the job. HATED it. So, we decided to sell our house and move across the country where the cost of living was less, so he could be a teacher like he always wanted.

Well, I was still dabbling in my business, so that wasn't an option right away, since I didn't make enough money. HERE'S where the story gets interesting. He quit his job because we decided to work *together* from home for a year. Uhh… don't let me ever do that again. 😉 I absolutely adore my husband more than life itself, but … the working together? Not so good.

Basically, it was MY business. I'd peed in all the corners and then he comes in and, it didn't go so well. I go at breakneck speed, and he's very methodical.

So, reining myself back in from my tangent, he knows all the parts of my business. I don't hide any. And, I discuss things with him to a point, until we disagree, and he just says “You're going to do what you want to anyway, so why are you asking me?” Smart man.

He helps me look at our monthly income and decide where I should focus my efforts, and, more importantly, he brings me a glass of wine and rubs my shoulders when I've had a crappy day. (As much as I love my work… crappy days do sneak in.) He is my programmer that I run to when things break (and he always saves the day). So, I keep him around. (The one part I do miss about working together? Noon “snuggle” dates! lol.)

We still work together a bit, even though he is now a teacher. And, I think our skills complement each other well. When I talk about many parts of my business, his eyes gloss over. He's incredibly smart, so I think that marketing just bores him. (Much like I gloss over when he starts talking programming and database stuff.) I think we've got a pretty good thing going, as long as we NEVER try to work from home together full-time again. 😉

ok, girlfriend. A question for you…

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10?

(Keep an eye on Kelly’s blog for her reply.)

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • darina

    ok this cross blog conversation is beginning to worry me a little LOL I really feel like I’m listening in at the keyhole, you are both being so honest and open about things, even things that don’t relate to the business. But keep it up cos I’m learning too !!

  • Lynn Terry

    Great post, Nicole – and even though personal, definitely relevant. Having worked from home through a marriage, divorce, engagement, disengagement (lol), and etc etc etc (thats my favorite word lol)… I can totally relate to your comments here.

    In fact, should anyone ever approach me with a partnership type proposition again in my lifetime, my reply will be: Go get your own business – This one’s mine… and get your own office too!


  • Nell Taliercio

    I like that it’s personal….that is the point to these things. hehe

    I love the “peed in all four corners”’s sooooo true! I feel the same way. lol

  • Annette

    Love this!!!

  • Arika

    Oh I sooo love this cross blog stuff and I love how both of you are so open and honest.

    btw…I’m still cracking up over the peed in all four corners.

    I’ve asked hubby if he’d ever work with me and he says…uh no! LOL THANK GOD!

  • Pingback: Work at Home Moms Talk Radio » Blog Archive » Where Do I Want To Be In Five Years?

  • Carol

    You couldn’t have said it better with the “peed in all four corners”. I was on the other end as your husband and came in to work with my boyfriend. It was really difficult. Our business styles were too different. I would want to work 24/7 to get the job done while he would want to work a 5-6 hour day only. My nickname became “slave driver”. I don’t think I could or would do it again.
    It depends on the couple and how well you already work together as a team in your personal or family life.

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