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Expert Pets: Connie Ragen Green & Susanne Myers

Welcome back to Expert Pets.

Yesterday, Terry Dean shared his handsome boys with us.

Today, we're moving on to two of my best buds – Connie Green & Susanne Myers.

Ladies, Show Us Your Pets!

And, here they are. 🙂

Connie Ragen Green of Huge Profits Tiny List says:

My dogs are a huge part of my life, perhaps because I never had pets while I was growing up. Perhaps that's why I have six of them.

Introducing… Micah, Sarah, Kali, Teddy, Scooter, and Jack.

Here's Micah, a Maltese who loves to dress up for Halloween and thinks ‘Woody' from Toy Story is his best friend.


Then there's Sarah, a Yorkie who also loves fashion.


Sarah has made the rounds at the hospital to bring joy to people who are very ill. She is very good at this and loves visiting anyone who needs cheering up. Scooter, her youngest son and the tiniest of all (he's just two pounds) will follow in her footsteps when he begins hospital visits this summer.

Kali, Teddy, and Scooter

I also have Kali, the eldest daughter of Micah and Sarah (that makes her a Morkie); Teddy, also a Morkie; and Scooter, who is Teddy's little brother.

These dogs range in size from two pounds to six pounds, but they believe they're much bigger.

scooter and teddy

Scooter and Teddy. Brothers.

Then there's Jack, a Dachshund I rescued about ten years ago.


He was born blind, and he now has diabetes, but he's the happiest guy you could ever imagine. Jack is a social butterfly, and has friends up and down the street (mostly human friends).

Connie is a wonderful entrepreneur with a huge heart. Learn more from Connie Here.

Susanne Myers of Daily Affiliate Tasks says:

Susanne sent in this video that her daughter took of her cat, Maggie – the very submissive … tiger?  🙂

Want to make more money with Affiliate Marketing? Check out Susanne’s program –  Daily Affiliate Tasks

I hope you're enjoying seeing our babies! I sure am.

Be sure to give a shout out to Connie and Susanne to thank them for stopping by.

Coming up on Monday, you'll see some more.

Have a beautiful weekend.


Nicole Dean

PS. I've been working on my Facebook Page and am spending more time there. Come on by and chat. 🙂 Nicole Dean on Facebook.

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • The Mom

    This is way too much fun, Nik!

    We all love our furry family members to pieces, don’t we.

    Loved the video. Scary jungle cat. I don’t know who I found more adorable, Maggie or Susanne’s daughter. 😉

    And Connie’s menagerie is so comical, cute, cuddly, and I imagine they all keep you busy, right Connie?

    Thanks for sharing!

  • Kelly

    Oh my goodness Connie, I had no idea that you’re a crazy dog lady! How awesome! 😉

    They’re all adorable 🙂

    Susanne, love the kitty!

    • Nicole

      I would have more dogs, too, if I:

      1. Had more land.
      2. Had no husband.

      I do bet that all six of Connie’s dogs poop combined is smaller than my two big boys. lol.

      Oh yeah… I went there. 😀

      • Alice Seba

        The problem with the little poops is that they’re hard to find. They’ll surprise you if you’re not careful. At least there is no mistaking when a big one drops a load. 😉

  • Tracy Roberts

    Jaaaaaaaaacck!! Love ya, man!

    • Nicole

      Isn’t he just precious?

      You’re a big fan of the Dachshund tho. You’re going to move to the wild and start a Dachshund rescue, right? 😉

      And Tracy, what’s your little Wiener Dog’s name?

  • Christine Steendahl - "The Menu Mom"

    LOL That video cracked me up… However it got a call from my husband in the other room who said “Ummm hun… it doesn’t sound like you are being very productive in there.” 🙂 Guess I better get back to work!

  • Lisa Gentile

    I love all the furry babies. Impossible to say which is the cutest. Thanks to all who shared the pictures of their pets.
    Hope Everyone Has a Great Mother’s Day
    Lisa Gentile

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