Blog Posts

1000+ Blogging & Email Content Ideas For October

My good friend, Ronnie, sent a great brainstorming list with content ideas for what to blog / share during October – and, because he’s a done-for-you content provider like me, he’s also linked a bunch of content packages that you can use to spark your content creation.

Of course, I’ve also added a bit to this to give you some more content ideas. So if you’re planning your content for this month, I hope this is helpful.

What are people thinking about in October?

There's a crispness to the air. The summer flowers are out of bloom and the leaves are changing.

This is nature's signal to us – a signal that there are less than 90 days to go in the year. We're down to the final quarter. It's time to hunker down and get going!

Your clients have under 12 weeks to complete their yearly goals. Are they on track? How can you help them make that final push?

Content about goal achievement, productivity, motivation, grit, and perseverance is really timely this month.

Plus, of course, we still have the tie-in of covid to address.

Regarding covid, here are a few packages that might be of interest to your audience: 

Here are some content packages (including articles, affirmations, workbooks and more) that can help you connect with your audience on finishing the year strong: 

The fun observances and holidays this month include…

OCT 1 – World Vegetarian Day

October 1 is World Vegetarian Day.

This is a day for people all over the world to learn about and recognize the health benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables.

You can connect with your audience over eating more plant-based foods. Challenge them to go without meat for a couple of days. Encourage them to add more fruits and vegetables to their diet.

Let them know that vegetarianism isn't all salads and tofu! There's a whole world of flavors and textures that they can enjoy – even if they never plan to give up their beloved meat. Post a recipe for a good vegetable dish on your Facebook or Instagram page.

This is also a great time to talk about the frugal reasons to eat less meat or the environmental / green reasons if you prefer that route.

Check out these resources with ready-made content…

Sidenote: This is how I keep fresh fruits and veggies in the house, even when I have no energy to go to the store.  See my post and pic on FB.

OCT 1 – International Coffee Day

October 1 is also International Coffee Day, a day to relax while we enjoy our morning cup of coffee – before the hectic routine of the rest of our day takes hold.

Today, you can connect with your audience over coffee.

Plan a FB live or Zoom to enjoy a cup of coffee with your audience. You can reflect with them about the joys of coffee and plan your day together.

You can also take this into two other directions:

Networking over coffee. Talk about your favorite networking techniques.

Examining all habits both good and bad and deciding how you want your days to look.

Whichever topic you prefer, you'll find some excellent content here…

Monetization tip! My friend Maruxa has a coffee company and they have a referral program. Monetize this day by sharing her delicious coffee. Check it out here.

OCT 2 – World Smile Day

World Smile Day is the first Friday in October. We celebrate this holiday by helping to make others happy. Smiling at friends and strangers, doing random acts of kindness, and sharing joy are all activities to enjoy today.

And YES, even if you're wearing a mask, your eyes can still smile! <3 

Of course, it's easier to make others happy when we're happy as well!

This holiday would be perfect timing for launching a product about happiness or inner peace. Everyone seeks happiness. Help bring happiness to your audience with tips to help them find it.

Actually I am working on a fun project that will bring happiness to my readers. Stay tuned! 🙂 #yesitsweird #yesitsfun

Check out these helpful resources below for done-for-you content that is excellent for this holiday…

OCT 5 – World Teacher Day

October 5 is World Teachers' Day, a day to celebrate teachers and their important role in our society.

With teachers being so stressed, today is a great day to encourage your followers to send their kids' teachers a little gift. Post a “thank you” meme. Write them a little note.

And all of you parents teaching at home. I see you. (Hugs.)

Plus… teachers come in all shapes, sizes, and venues. As a coach, you too are a valuable teacher for your audience.

This holiday also gives you an opportunity to talk about the importance of learning new things throughout your life.

Share an inspirational graphic on your blog, Facebook page, or Instagram page about learning. Add an affirmation or informative article related to your topic.

You'll find lots of ideas and ready-made content about helping others in these resources below…

OCT 5 – Child Health Day

The first Monday of October is Child Health Day, a day to promote healthy habits for our children – both in mind and body.

You can celebrate this holiday by connecting with the parents, teachers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and others in your audience who work with children.

Send an email to your list to share this holiday with them and give them some tips for starting healthy habits for their kids.

This would also be a great email to introduce a parenting product geared toward helping them make a healthy, happy home for their children.

Check out these resources below, for brandable content you can use for this holiday…

Sidenote. I adore this nutritionist when it comes to kids nutrition! Kids Eat in Color.

OCT 10 – World Mental Health Day

October 10 is World Mental Health Day, a day to promote and raise awareness for the importance of our mental health.

This holiday gives you a great opportunity to launch a helpful product on mental health, such as:

  • Stress
  • Depression
  • General mental health
  • Addiction (an especially important topic this year as drinking and other substance abuse has sky-rocketed across the board)

Check out these resources…

OCT 16 – World Food Day

October 16 is World Food Day.

You can celebrate this holiday with your audience by talking on your Facebook page about food: nutrition, healthy eating habits, buying whole foods at farmer's markets, and more.

Post an informative article or meditative reflection about food.

For a fun and educational project, get your readers involved in the celebration with a healthy food recipe contest – creating meals from around the world. 

You can give prizes throughout the day to those who participate.

Check out these dfy resources and more resources to use to create your own content…

OCT 17 – National Clean Out Your Virtual Desktop Day

As a coach, you can connect with your audience on this holiday by talking about clutter. Clutter doesn't affect only your desktop, but also your mind and your life in general. Clutter wastes your time and causes undue stress.

Today would be a perfect day to launch a product about decluttering. Post an inspirational graphic about decluttering on your blog, Instagram page, or Facebook page, along with an informational article that introduces your product.

Check out these resources below for excellent content you can use…

OCT 31 – Halloween 

October 31 is Halloween, a day of fun, parties, costumes, and trick-or-treating.

You can find these resources and more below to use…

Where to Publish the Articles

  • Your blog. Ronnie recommends using the Content Auto Loader.
  • Medium
  • Email newsletter
  • Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook
  • Tip: use the Content Summarizer to automatically select highlights from the article, then link to the full article on your blog
  • Publish in a weekly or monthly magazine template
  • Tip: Use this free coaching magazine template.
  • Print it and hand it out in your office

How and Where to Publish the Slide Deck Presentations

  • Present as a live webinar
  • Post the PDF to SlideShare
  • Create a video slideshow and published on YouTube and Facebook. Use Ronnie's relaxation background audio as the music.

How and Where to Publish the Reports and Ebooks

  • Give it away as a lead magnet in exchange for name & email
  • Sell it as a low-ticket tripwire ($7 – $27)
  • Transform it into a slide deck presentation and deliver it as a webinar
  • Tip: Use the Auto Slide Deck tool to create presentations automatically
  • Extract the key highlights and present it as a Facebook or YouTube Live
  • Tip: use the Content Summarizer to automatically extract the key highlights from the book
  • Create a coaching program or course by combining a few reports, articles, worksheets, etc.
  • Tip: Watch the free video training series: How To Build a Course Using Content

How and Where to Publish the Affirmations & Reflections

  • Record several affirmations and sell it as a meditative audio course
  • Create a relaxation video and publish it on YouTube. Use the Inspirational Wallpapers as the background images.
  • Tip: Recite the affirmations, display the affirmations on the screen and add some relaxation background music that you can download.
  • Post the affirmation to Twitter and Facebook
  • Add an affirmation to your magazine or newsletter
  • Tip: Use this free coaching magazine template.
  • Email your list the “Affirmation of the Week”

Need Pictures to Spice up Your Content and Make Social Media Posts?

My favorite places to get images are:

Got questions? Just let me know in the comments. I do read them all.

Much love,

Nicole Dean (with lots of help from Ronnie Nijmeh)

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

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