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I’m Giving Away iPads. Want one?

Yeah, you read that right. I'm giving away iPads and other cool geeky gifts to my affiliates. And, I have NO idea how many I'll end up giving away. That'll be up to YOU.

Let me back up a bit to explain.

You may know that I recently retired as an Affiliate Manager. The reason I made that decision was so that I could focus on teaching and coaching marketers to succeed – which is where my greatest “fun” is.

But – I also knew I had to focus. “Niche it down” a bit.

Just like everyone else, there are things that I'm REALLY good at and things that I'm just good at. (And other things that I have NO business coaching.)

So, I decided to focus on infoproduct sellers. That makes sense, right? After four years of experience as an Affiliate Manager and Director of Marketing for infoproduct businesses, I brainstorm ways to make more money for infoproduct sellers in my sleep.

Anyway, I'm headed off on a tangent. 🙂 Let's reel me back in.

So, the first thing I wanted to do was to put together a course about how to create your first infoproduct (a report, an ebook, an audio interview or even video course).

Well, I decided to team up on this project with my buddy, Ronnie Nijmeh, who you've heard me talk about before, to create this course. I just really enjoy working with him and he's a GREAT guy. Plus, he's in my personal mastermind group of four people. We pick each others brains regularly via Skype and it's really boosting my income.

So, I'd say he's qualified.

We're in launch mode now. And, Ronnie and I brainstormed some super geeky prizes to give away – including the brand spankin' new iPad.

So, can we give you an iPad? Please say “yes”!

Here's the JV page if you'd like to see what we've got:
JV Page for Rapid Product Formula

You'll see that commissions range from $39-$399 per sale.

We'll have plenty of free items to spread the word about, including a call next week. But, you can read all about that at the link above.

We're also giving away gift certificates to Think Geek, where you can get fun items like this t-shirt (it REALLY detects Wi-Fi).

Wi-Fi Detector Shirt
A Wi-Fi Detector Shirt
This will make sure you know when you’re in range of a Wi-Fi hot spot
and can hook into the Internet with your new iPad

Thanks, as always, for your help!  Let me know if you have questions.

Nicole Dean

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Angela Wills

    Yes! You can definitely send me over one of those iPads!

    I told my boyfriend I was going to win one and he asked me if he could have it since I already have a netbook. I said the stuff I win is ALL MINE,hehe.

    Anyway, I love how motivating your affiliate contests are – they totally get me moving!

    Let’s see, maybe I can get some accountability here. Here’s what I plan to do to promote:
    – Tweet
    – Blog (again)
    – Emails to List (again)
    – Youtube video
    – Some kind of review/preview if at all possible (i know there a free handout I can review)

    Hopefully that will do it! I’ve got a pretty small list but if I can get a 5% conversion just from my list I get an ipad.

    Thanks Nicole and Ronnie!

    • Nicole

      Excellent Angela! A mix of accountability and brainstorming. 🙂

      Here are a few other things that might work well.

      How about..
      1. An exclusive bonus for people who buy through your link. (Let me know if you need ideas.)

      2. Grow your list quickly so you can get more sales. JVs, buy an ad, contests, etc.

      3. Write a killer guest blog post on a popular blog (or a few) and link back to your site – where you’re talking about the Rapid Product Formula and inviting people to sign up for your list.

      Just a few ideas.

      Thanks so much! I look forward to sending you that iPad!

      • Angela Wills

        Thanks Nicole for those suggestions!

        Yes I like them all too. I will sit down and create my own promotional plan this weekend.

        I’m drawing a blank right now of what bonus to offer but I’ll think about it when I create my plan.

        I am creating a report about how I made $2500 with a telesummit (the marketers mojo virtual conference) and was thinking of selling it so that might be a good bonus since it then also becomes an info product after.

        You do the most awesome contests! I like how it’s not competing for only one or a few ‘top winners’ – It’s a personal challenge, not a race. That suits my personality better as competitions are intimidating but personal challenges are not.

        Anyway, I’m sure you guys will rock it!

      • Kimmoy

        Hi Nicole, this is a very cool idea and very motivational for your affiliates. I’m wondering what ideas do you have as far as offering bonuses? I’d like to implement this for my own niche 🙂


        • Nicole


          Well, I keep getting into a pickle on this one because the course has so much in it already!

          I’d say look through the outline and see if it looks like there’s anywhere in it where you can add to the material in a different way, offer templates or other “done for them” options, or if there are any places where we’re missing that you can fill in the blanks.


  • Jessica Colon


    I’ve been following you for a while and love the content/products you put out. I think this is an awesome contest.

    I do have one question, is there a deadline? I don’t recall seeing one.


    • Nicole

      Sorry about that, Jessica.

      Yes, the coaching will start on the 26th. So sales will end at that time. 🙂

      I’m working on a calendar for affiliates as we speak. Thanks!

  • Peggy Baron

    Hey Nicole,
    It’s nice to hear your plans now that you’ve ended the affiliate manager gig.

    I think you picked an excellent topic to build a product around. Many marketers hit a huge roadblock when it comes to creating their own products.

    I know this is going to be just the thing to get them blasting through the roadblock and on their way to success.

    Good luck with it!


    • Nicole

      Thanks Peggy.

      I sure hope so. I love working one-on-one with clients. Lynn Terry told me that’s really where I excel so I took her advice and decided to do more of it. 🙂

      Appreciate your comment!

  • Vic | Brochures Printing Online

    Hi Nicole,

    I’m sure a lot of your affiliates will be interested on your offer. It’s a great idea to train people to do their own infoproduct. This will definitely open more opportunities for them. The Tshirt is rad! Hahaha I can’t believe someone will create that kind of shirt. Anyway, more power to you and your site!

  • Connie Ragen Green


    Thanks so much! About a week ago I told Armand Morin, my mentor, that you were going to give me an iPad. He said that if that happened I would have to share the story when I speak at his event in June. My topic is on excelling at affiliate marketing by only promoting what you believe in 100%.

    You are someone I am proud to promote, and my people appreciate that I only share the very best with them.

    I’ll be adding a slide to my presentation – one of me holding the iPad and writing to you to thank you for it!


    • Nicole

      Thank you for that. You got me a little weepy.

      I can’t wait to see the pic. 😀

      You ROCK and I hope we can get together again soon so we can chat.


  • Kimmoy

    Hey Nicole,

    What I actually meant by bonuses was offering buyers a bonus if they purchase through my affiliate link. If I’m promoting physical products, I won’t know exactly who brought through me. So how do I offer them a bonus as an incentive to buy through me and actually track it effectively? Hope this makes sense.


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