Blog Posts

Online Success Cast #3: Lynn Terry

Lynn Terry is one of the most genuine, down-to-earth, hard-working, kick butt people that I have the honor to know.

Let me tell you a little about my friend.

Lynn and I had crossed paths many times over the years. In fact, a quick search on my personal blog for Lynn shows that we've been in each other's “space” for some time. (Lynn on my blog.)

We finally met a few weeks ago at Willie Crawford's Birthday Bash which was held in Orlando. See?

Here we are:

Nicole Dean, Yvonne Lyon, Lynn Terry
Lynn Terry, Yvonne Lyon, Nicole Dean

Lynn was one of the presenters for the conference, and we got to be room-mates for the weekend at the hotel. We at much sushi, stayed up WAY too late every night chatting and left after the conference, knowing that we'd be friends forever.

So, of course, when I decided to interview Successful People, she was one of the first on my list.

I could tell you all about Lynn, but instead, I'll point you to her websites so you can explore them and learn all about this remarkable friend of mine.

The audio recording of our interview is at the end of this blog post. Just look for the “play” button and listen. It's free!

A few of Lynn's Websites:

Resources Mentioned in this Call:

People who have Influenced Lynn

Most importantly –> Lynn's Grandmother – who sounds like she was am amazing woman.

  • Willie Crawford – for integrity.
  • Rosalind Gardner – learned a lot about affiliate marketing.
  • John Reese – overall business strategies.

Books Mentioned

Take a listen and leave me a comment below about your thoughts and/or who you'd like to hear as a guest in a future episode.

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If you can make a phone call, you can have a radio show like mine with this tool: Click here to learn more: Easy Podcast Recording.


I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Nell

    Ya’ll are too cute. Great picture of you three.


  • Tishia Lee

    Awesome interview! Nicole I loved your enthusiasm and energy especially in the beginning when you were introducing Lynn. The two of you sounded great together, feeding off of each others energy. And I loved the laughs all the way through the interview! Great picture too.

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