Blog Posts

Blogs Bad for Business?

I'm an affiliate for Ken Evoy's Site Sell. I have been for a few years. He's a great teacher and has a great product and I've learned a lot from him.

HOWEVER… the email I got the other day kind of threw me for a loop, and I thought maybe he lost it. Here's an excerpt:

Blogging has reached lemming status. Without even thinking, many small businesses equate blogging with having a Web site. This is obviously wrong for small businesses with something to sell (ex., services, e-book sellers, etc.).

But it's also the wrong choice for infopreneurs (ex., those who earn affiliate and AdSense income, without selling anything directly to customers).

How and why has blogging reached “lemming epidemic” status?
How do bloggers actually do FINANCIALLY, where it counts?
Should YOU blog? When? How do blogs compare to Theme-Based Content Sites, performance-wise in the short-and-long terms?

Where did the misleading promise of blogging come from? Why do folks buy into it, despite all the evidence of failure?

I thought “Keep up with the times, Ken!” Then, I went and read his full statement and he's got me thinking.

Here is the link to read his opinion: Click here-> The Three Fatal Flaws of Blogging

(Yes, it is a sales letter, but it has great information, as well, including quotes from on this very topic.)

Now, I know that there are many bloggers who are making a great living. And, I also know that when I convert my standard websites over to blogs, they perform worse financially (so, I've stopped!).

However, what are your experiences? Are you making more money on your blogs or your websites? And, why?

Please share. 🙂

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Alice Seba

    Hmmm…I take it that SiteBuildIt has no blogging option? Obviously, it could be a chicken/egg thing. Did his opinion arise because they don’t offer it or he chose not to add blogging because he truly believes what he says? I would think it’s the latter, but still a very biased opinion, I think. 😉

    In response to YOUR questions, I think a lot of people don’t “convert” static websites to blog platforms properly. They don’t employ 301 redirects and they basically start from scratch. They also don’t ensure that their new homes (the blogs) are set up to achieve search engine rankings AND convert to sales as their previous designs may have. A blog platform is not a miracle tool.

    I am in the process of converting a static site into WordPress, but there is going to be careful planning, redirecting, etc. I’m doing this to make the process of adding content much easier, allow others to easily contribute and to make my site a more cohesive unit.

    And let’s be serious, using SBI is not quick solution. It’s a cumbersome piece of web-based software that has some great training and useful tools, but for speed of use, it truly fails. In the end, we all need to try what works for us.

    As far as Dr. Evoy’s comments on who should blog in the traditional sense, I think he’s a tad out of touch. I do believe some people put a lot more stock into blogging than they should and they forget the other pieces of the puzzle. Regardless, a blog allows for much more interaction, opportunities to gain a following and other things you just don’t get as easily with a static site.

  • Crystal

    I agree with what Alice has already said – blogs are hurting businesses because they aren’t doing them properly. A lot of businesses will start a blog and then just expect it to work. The same thought and planning needs to go into SEO, content, layout, etc that would go into any other website!

  • Carrie Lauth

    I’m not an expert on which performs better. My highest earning site right now is a static site, but sometimes I think it’s a bit of a crap shoot. I have a site with 4 times as many pages that doesn’t earn nearly as much… who knows?

    I am getting very tired of the “you have to do it my way to have success” thinking too.

  • Administrator

    I definitely agree that most bloggers are untrained in how to structure a site properly. And, I am certainly NOT a Word Press expert. So, I do appreciate the feedback.

    In the three fatal flaws, it is interesting that he feels such a small portion of the bloggers do things right.

    And, I do agree that blogging feels like running on a treadmill sometimes. The posts keep rolling off the back, whereas my content sites keep increasing in value (and income).

    Perhaps I am unaware of the ways that I can improve my blog. For instance, if I went on vacation for 6 months overseas, my blog would shrivel up and die. My content sites wouldn’t.


  • Kelly

    I’ve been involved in moving several sites from static html over into WordPress and have been doing it ‘the right way’ with good structure pre-planned into the templates and permanent redirects from each and every old page.

    There is no reason that a well designed and optimized WordPress site should suffer in comparison to a static site.

    Nicole, if you went on vacation for six months, you’d schedule out six months of fresh posts to be published while you’re way.(Cuz you’re smart!) In that case, it’s your static content sites that would be shriveling in comparison 🙂

    I love the new magazine style themes ( – my aff link) that let me create a website in WordPress that appears to be a ‘website’ and a ‘blog’ even though it’s all really WordPress.

    Are there a lot of people using blogs badly? Yeah. But that can be changed pretty darn quick with the right guidance. (Because WordPress is cool like that!)

  • Tiffany Washko

    The wrong choice for infopreneurs? That is exactly what I do on my blogs and I make a REALLY nice income from them…way more than my static sites actually.

  • Vera Raposo

    My very first site was a sitesell site, and I walked away from it because like Alice said it’s a cumbersome piece of web based software.

    Also, Ken does have a blogging section inside his software now that allows people to set up their blog. I’m not sure on the ability to load it up with articles, etc.

    He did make reference that there are a few online bloggers that do have the “theme-based” site mentality, and he likes those people.

    Come on! There are many people online who are making money with their blogs AND are doing things the right way.

    I don’t feel like fitting into Ken’s box thanks.

  • Administrator

    Thanks so much, everyone! I felt pretty confused when I saw the original email.

    His statements were how I felt —

    1. Blogging is more work than a website.
    2. Blogging posts get dated more quickly.
    3. Blogging is more of a commitment.

    When does a girl like me have time to really market a blog when she’s feeling tied to it? Yes, I love the interaction. Yes, I love sharing and writing and networking about my friends and their projects. But, that “treadmill” feeling was certainly there.

    I even got on the phone with Kelly to chat about which option will be better for several of my projects that I have in the works. I certainly have a head full of ideas now.

    Please keep the comments coming. 🙂 This gal can definitely learn a thing or two, here. Thanks!

  • Melody

    I was here before anyone commented so I waited to see what everyone else had to say before I added my two cents!

    Using a blogging platform is easier in my opinion, easier to add new content, set up and maintain. I don’t see it as more work or commitment than any other type of site. It’s really only a content management system, one that almost anyone can use. Maybe that’s his concern? You can opt not to include dates with your wp blog posts to avoid dated pages.

    I’d like to convert one my sites to WordPress simply to make it easier for my partners to use, but I’ll make sure to get some help so I do it the right way!

    I don’t think it matters what you use to build your site as long as you provide good content.

  • Alice Seba

    As far as a blog getting dated more quickly as Dr. Evoy said, that’s up to you. I use blog platforms for both up to the minute and static content. Where I want the content to be static, I generally don’t put dates on the posts and let them do their thing.

    And speaking of timely content, it often has the best conversions. If I didn’t have my blog to post updates, expiring offers, etc…I’d be out a bit of cash. It makes it all very simple to keep people coming back for more of the latest updates.

  • Ms. Liz

    Hey Nicole,

    I was a little confused with Ken’s message when I first read it. He appears to make a lot of good points, but most of them can be debated.

    For instance the part about blogs getting dated, like Alice says, just don’t put dates on the post.

    Blogs allow interaction, which is important, not only for the search engines but you gain a lot of good feeback from your readers.

    Also the feedreader technology makes it easy for people to keep up with your posts and updates, that’s a big benefit to blogger and blog reader alike.

    I thought the part about how people ‘burn out’ from the ‘pressure’ to blog was a little interesting. I don’t feel that way, actually I look forward to writing to my blogs.

  • Andy Greider

    I think there are many blogs that are out there that skew these stats. Many people are just keeping an online diary. Many people are writing for passion, not profit.

    For those folks looking for profits – well, that takes some time and work – and most of all consistency and repetition.

    Say it. Do It. Repeat.
    A motto I live by each day – say the days goals, do them, repeat (with a sleep in between the do and repeat.)

    That is also a mantra for bloggers, albeit a bit different – write it. post it. repeat.

    Blogs aren’t meant to take over as the only communication tool for a business. They, like all other marketing potentials, should be leveraged alongside other mediums and ideas that help the business keep balance and maintain consistent message and delivery. That is what builds a brand and business.

    One final note – it seems to me that many people are easily dissuaded when a blog doesn’t produce within weeks. Be realistic – it takes time to build an audience – and work to gather them and point them to your blog. Do that, and you can make it succeed in a niche environment…

  • Nicole

    I think it’s important to have a well rounded biz. So my blog will be the “main” component – but I’ll still have newsletters, products, pocasts and more. But I do think that a blog, no matter how you use it, is essential!


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