Blog Posts

You Make it Easy to Make the World a Better Place. Thank you.

Hi! I wasn't going to share this because I'm a private person (believe it or not) but I decided that I would, because it might make you smile.

Remember last week, when my friend, Kelly McCausey had the big 50% off sale? Well, she was doing that to raise funds for a medical procedure that she needs to fix her thyroid.

What I didn't tell her or you at the time, was that my goal was to make a bunch of sales and then surprise her by donating my commission for the month to her, as well. Boy was she surprised!

Between all of the orders from YOU, my amazing readers, we were able to raise $1672.50 towards her medical fund in a quick, last-minute promo. Kelly has earned over $3000 total so far, but the $1672.50 is just from my people.

So thank you for blessing my friend. Truly. Thank you.

Kelly does so much good for everyone around her. I am certain that this act of kindness will be paid forward multiple times over. 🙂

Speaking of doing good, I want to share another story, if you don't mind. (Grab some coffee. I'll wait.)

It's October. We all know that means we'll see pink ribbons everywhere and even the toughest of the NFL players will wear some pink.

Well, one of my friends, Treece, who I originally met in a Moms Mastermind (now called Solo Masterminds), is battling breast cancer.

It sucks. Bad. (The sky is blue, too, in case I'm not stating the obvious enough today.)

Anyway, this friend, who is an entrepreneur and works with her daughters online, posted on Facebook four words.

In case you can't read that, it says “We're Aware. Find a Cure.”

Seeing those four words next to her photo with her beautiful face (and fuzzy head), gave me chills.

I asked Kelly if she would create a graphic with that saying on it. (I'm not a graphics person.) And then we could  put it on a Zazzle store to surprise our friend and hand her her own little storefront to help her pay a bit of her exorbitant medical bills.

Kelly did and this is what the result is. Find a Cure T-shirts and Mugs on Zazzle

Please pass it on if you like it.

I'm definitely getting a shirt.

I share this story for two reasons.

1. Zazzle is another avenue for making some moola. 🙂 If you're clever, you can create a line of clothes pretty easily. (Hire a designer on if you're not skilled with graphics.)

2. Having a network of amazing friends is CRITICAL to business success and happiness. I would be completely lost without my friends.

The funny thing is that I got to know most of my dearest friends in Mom Masterminds starting back in 2005 – including both Kelly and Treece.

Plus, that's where I got to know Alice Seba, Melissa Ingold, and Susanne Myers – who I've gone forward to make good money with.  It's also where I tend to find my interns and a lot of my Virtual Assistants, as well. AND, it's where I met my bud, Tracy Roberts, who I brainstormed with a few weekends ago here at the beach. She was my first intern, turned Virtual Assistant, and now, dear friend.

I have good news if you're interested. Right now, Kelly is running a big sale on Lifetime Memberships at that site and you can check it out at Solo Masterminds

There is a lifetime choice, but also a monthly option, as well.

You either –

  • Pay once for the lifetime option, or
  • Pay 12 months in the monthly option and then graduation to Lifetime from there.

However, before you head over to the site, let me tell you that there
are two big pieces to the program.

  1. Support.
  2. Learning.

If you want access to people who TRULY want to help you to succeed, and other women in business who are taking names and kicking butt, this is my highest recommendation for you.

Especially if you are in the beginning phases of your business or slightly into the intermediate. (I'm going to share some of my early posts from there in the coming days to show you that I had to learn this stuff, too.)

I credit Kelly and this Mastermind for a large portion of my success, especially in the first years of my business.

As for the learning part, there are tons of courses in there, and a new one gets added every month.

Here's a sampling…

Everything about eBooks
Profiting from Internships
A Focused Podcast
A Focused Business Blog
A Focused Budget
Membership Site Intensive
Site Warming Parties
Redoubling Your Efforts
Why Incorporate Your Business
Underachiever SEO
Personal Branding for Small Business
Outsourcing Your Way To Increased Profits
Copywriting Basics and Beyond
The Confidence to Act in Business
Confidently Selling To Your List
Learning the Building Blocks of Getting Organized and Managing Clutter
Setting Up An Efficient Customer Support System
Book Reviews & Author Interviews for Extra Content
Creating Better Videos For Your Blog
Start Your First Mailing List Webinar & List Building Tips eBook
Learn Graphic Creation Basics
Custom Tabs For Your Facebook Fan Page
CSS Basics

Here's that link one more time if you're interested: Solo Masterminds

I appreciate you bunches. Thank you again for making it so darned easy to make the world a better place. YOU ROCK!

Have a beautiful day! You definitely deserve it.

Nicole Dean

PS. Teresa gave me permission to share her wish for all of you ladies reading this blog post:

PS. Again. In my book that's coming out by the end of the month, I dedicated an entire chapter to how you can use your business to make the world a better place. It's  my favorite part of the book.

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Beth Cranford

    These are great! (the t shirts) I posted a link on my facebook wall.
    Can’t wait to meet you and Kelly, maybe at the next NAMS!

  • Lori

    Nicole, The biggest reason I am drawn to learn from you and Kelly and Tracy and Susanne and others in Solo Masterminds is that you are all so caring and supportive of one another and causes and people you believe in. Sure, you all know your stuff and are running successful businesses, but it’s your passion for people that really sets you apart. I am grateful to have found all of you and truly look forward to building a business that gives back right along side you! Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with all of us!

  • Kelly

    Nicole, you know you blessed my socks off, right? I so appreciate your friendship! Your affiliate partnership is pretty awesome too 😉

    I’m so excited about the Zazzle store for Treece! Everybody please share the link around wherever you can – it’s can be a great success if we get lots of help with that.

  • Dawn

    What a beautiful thing you all are doing in the name of all women – friends and friends you’ve yet to meet. Nicole – that was truly a wonderful thing you did for Kelly. What you both did for Teresa (Treece) is so awesome. I’m so thankful to have found a group of women to hang with and learn from.

    Thank you Kelly for broadening my horizon by allowing me to be one of your interns. 🙂

  • Brandy Roberts

    Your an inspiration to us all Nicole 🙂

  • Rachel Pilgrim

    What an inspiring story! It’s great to see people in the online space taking care of each other, just like people in traditional workplaces do. I think the friendship and support aspects for online business owners is critical, since “online” can be a very lonely spot to operate in. Thanks so much for sharing this story Nicole!

  • Samantha Angel

    I am truly inspired by you both, NIcole and Kelly. I feel exactly the same way Lori (the second comment) does and couldn’t have said it better myself. You are genuinely caring, wonderful women who inspire others to become better people.

  • Jenny

    It is so amazing what the power of the internet can do. Kudos to you and all of your supporters for helping out with such great causes!

  • James Artre

    Kelly is simply an awesome person!

    I hope and pray to hear good news about her procedure once it’s corrected.

    “We’re aware. Find a cure!” WOW

    God bless,


  • Nicole

    To everyone who said that Kelly is AWESOME. I agree. 🙂

    Everything else you all said. Just know that I will be reading these comments over and over again when I face down days where I doubt whether what I do makes a difference or not.

    God bless each of you. Thank you.

  • Amanda

    Amazing! What a great way to look out for your friends and show you CAN make a difference!

  • Savvy Subcontracting

    You two are like thunder & lightening. One you com together you make a storm that makes a lifetime memory. Nice job!

  • Sarah

    The true caring shown by you ladies is awe-inspiring! I’m humbled and inspired to pay it forward.

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