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Social Proof & Twitter

If you're not on Twitter yet, because you think it's a waste of time, here's another reason to get on NOW.

Social Proof.

Definition from Social value of unfamiliar people is ambiguous and requires a lot of effort to assess accurately. Given limited time and motivation, other people will often evaluate others based on how surrounding people behave towards them. For example, if a man is perceived to be in a company of attractive women, or is associated with them, then his perceived social value and attractiveness will be perceived to be greater. The implied cognition in this case would be “All those girls seem to really like him, there must be something about him that's high value”.

If he is seen to be rejected by many women, his social value will be judged negatively. The implied cognition is then “I just saw him being rejected by many women, there is probably a good reason why they don't like him”.

What does that mean? Well, I can say all day and night that I'm a fantastic internet marketer and a fun person to know. However, would you believe me? Maybe or maybe not. If you hadn't gotten to know me yet, then probably not.

BUT… if others who you really respect say it, then you are more likely to believe it.

Look at the kinds of social proof you can get in just 2 days on Twitter from amazing people – @WillieCrawford @KenMcArthur @nicheprof

All of these are public and are up on Twitter for all the world to see…

Are you using Twitter to its full advantage? When someone says something nice about you, are you putting it up on your website? You can darned well believe these are going up on! I'd be foolish not to put public comments like that from people who are respected, known, liked and trusted on my site.

Go back through your Twitter history and see how you can repurpose Twitter comments that people have made about YOU. There is so much more to Twitter than just “chatting”.

My 2 cents for the day. 🙂

PS. Follow me on Twitter: @NicoleDean

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Cassie

    Wow, impressive! I remember when John Reese replied to me and I nearly crapped myself 🙂

    Cassie’s last blog post..Need a blog?

  • Nicole

    LMAO! I know the feeling! 😉

  • Angela Green

    You make a good point that any lingering Twitter hold-outs should consider, as well as others who are wandering through Twitter without a purpose. Thanks! I’m still laughing at Cassie’s comment. 🙂

  • Kourtney

    Social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook have definitely become important for our actual “social” lives outside of the Internet. Great points Nicole! Twitter has many advantages, and increased positive social perception is just one that we can benefit from.

    Kourtney’s last blog post..A Summary of Summery Promotional Products

  • Nicole

    Thanks, Angela and Kourtney, for taking the time to add your very perceptive thoughts!

    Seeing others chatting with someone definitely makes me take notice of that person, too, whether it’s on Twitter, Facebook, forums, or on blogs like this.

    Appreciate your comments!

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