Blog Posts


eBay: Is it Less Popular than Twitter?

On Tuesday, I sent this mailing to my PLR lists.

Hi again! I hope you're having a productive and enjoyable week.

My 7 year old daughter LOVES that Weird Al song about eBay. “I FOUND IT ON EBAY!”

Have you heard it yet? And, here I was worried she wouldn't know about Alf or William Shatner. Thank goodness for YouTube. 😉

On that note — a brand new eBay PLR ARTICLE PACK was just added to this morning.

If you're looking for articles about eBay, grab them here:

10 eBay Articles (#2) –

Thank you, again, for your business and your time. Have a wonderful week!

Nicole Dean

I sent the mailing and crawled into bed. I've had a migraine this week and have spent most of the last two days curled up in bed with my big black dog, Captain Eddy. 🙁

So, I got up a few hours later and NO sales. Hmm… I wondered if the purchase link was working, so I quickly checked my support email and there was nothing there saying “I tried to order, but it didn't work.”

Then, I clicked refresh a few times on my “orders” email to see if that wasn't working.

Then, I logged into paypal to see if maybe I just didn't get the order confirmations.

After all that running in circles, I finally had no option but to shrug my shoulders, sit back in my swivel chair and think.

Normally, I send my PLR mailings and I get a flurry of orders right out of the gate. The last time I put together an eBay pack a few years ago, it sold out rather quickly. The Twitter articles FLY off the virtual shelves.

So… clue me in. Is eBay sinking in popularity? It seems to me that Adsense and Affiliate programs for eBay would be better paying/converting than those for Twitter. But, people that are posting the Twitter articles are using them to build their Twitter followers.

Now, I did get some sales since Tuesday, but nowhere NEAR the sales that I get on other topics.

I would LOVE your feedback. Please share your thoughts so I can better serve my PLR customers.

Thanks for reading!


PS. Be sure to watch the youtube video above. It cracks me up!

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Cassie

    I’ve almost completely forgotten about eBay. I get the odd email from them since I am a very occasional buyer and seller, but other than that I don’t visit that site anymore. I used to go on almost every day, now it’s about once a month. I think a lot of people are getting fed up with their fees.

    Cassie’s last blog post..Are you leaving money on the table with your website?

  • Nicole

    Thanks, Cassie! That feedback really does help.

    Appreciate it much.

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