Shortcut #5: Let it Go!

Shortcut #5: Let it Go

Sing it with me…

Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door

Now that I’ve got you singing that song all day, let’s talk about what it has to do with saving time and making more money.

There are a million ways to make money online.

There are a million ways to generate traffic to your website.

Heck, there are hundreds of ways to profit in your own existing business.

And, yes, most of them do work for some people and most work for lots of people.

Let’s start with traffic – ie. Exposure, visibility, getting in front of new leads, etc.

What works? Well, off the top of my head, here are just a few ways to get traffic:

  • Facebook Ads
  • Facebook Lives
  • SEO
  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn
  • Guest Blogging
  • Podcasting (having your own podcast)
  • Podcast interviews (being a guest on podcasts)
  • Solo Ads
  • Blog Tours
  • You own Blog. Creating very sharable, interesting content on your blog.
  • Instagram Ads
  • JV Webinars
  • Telesummit Events (hosting your own or participating)
  • Having your own Affiliate/Referral Program
  • Developing a following on Pinterest
  • Giveaways on Popular Blogs
  • Creating bundles with others
  • Offering bonuses to product sellers
  • Interviews on TV or radio
  • Writing a newspaper column
  • Giveaway events (hosting your own or participating)
  • Speaking at Live Events, Masterminds, and Networking Groups
  • Being active on Twitter
  • Writing and Publishing a Book and then Promoting It
  • Starting a group on Facebook or LinkedIn

When considering where to focus your energy to get traffic, the question that I want you to ask yourself is this:

“WHICH one or two things can I focus on and master to get the biggest results?”

Not getting far very fast?

The biggest mistake people make with traffic is jumping from thing to thing in that list and never getting momentum. Just learning enough to trudge along like a dachshund in snowboots trying to make his way through two feet of snow. Yes, you’ll make progress, BUT… you’ll make a ton more (and get noticed) if you focus some serious efforts on just one or two of those for awhile. I’ve done this time and again and it ALWAYS pays off.

Know your strengths and know your current non-strengths.

Focus on what your skills will help you to accomplish and then make a big crazy goal of focusing on one or two items above seriously for a month.

Maybe make a goal of doing a Facebook Live every day for a month or challenge yourself to be on a different podcast every week for a year.

KNOW yourself. Know what you’ll actually do and then do the magic thing… FOCUS.

The same thing applies in your business.

Rather than trying to create ALL of the different kinds of products, just focus on one or two types for now and then push ALL of your energies into those.

For instance, rather than trying to create all of these products and programs:

  • Kindle Books
  • Print Books
  • Audio Books
  • Ebooks
  • Ecourses
  • Workshops
  • Membership Sites
  • Community Challenges
  • VIP Days
  • Retreats
  • Group Coaching
  • Private Coaching
  • High Level Coaching Programs
  • Apps
  • Software / Plugs / Tools
  • Your Own Conferences/ Live Events

Just choose a few things on this list and create awesome stuff. THEN focus on getting as many people as possible into those awesome programs.

You can always expand later.  🙂

I can’t wait to hear your results.

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Go do awesome stuff.
