Hi. I'm Nicole Dean.
My goal is to help you to
Awesomize your Business,
Awesomize your Life,
and Awesomize the World.
(Nothing like aiming big, right?) 😉
About me? What else would you like to know?
Here's my official bio.
(If you'd like a more personal bio, check this out.)
Nicole Dean is a Published Author, Popular Speaker, Successful Blogger, and a Business Consultant to really smart people.
She is frequently asked to teach about the topics of Blogging, Outsourcing, Passive Income, Working from Home Successfully, Content Repurposing, Running a Profitable Affiliate Program, Creating Infoproducts (as she’s released hundreds of her own), Productivity, and List Building, How to Have a Sexy Backend (in your business, silly) – among other things.
Nicole has been featured in several books, and has published her own books as well. One of her greatest talents is getting other successful and talented people to write content for her – for free. In fact, her book series “Expert Briefs” is mostly written by her colleagues.
She teaches her students to set financial goals, but to also ponder and plan their lifestyle goals, as well. This ensures that they are building a business that aligns with the way they want their lives to look in 5 or 10 years, rather than creating a job where they are working for a crazy person – themselves.
Her Mission is To Make the Web and the World a Better Place – and, Hopefully Have a Lot of Fun While Doing It.
Photos of Me Speaking and Connecting with the Audience at Events Online and Offline

Events I'm Hosting:
- Beachpreneurs Live – Daytona
- Beachpreneurs Retreat – Pensacola Beach
Why I work online and what I want to accomplish
I work online because I enjoy helping and teaching others how to succeed in the internet marketplace. I also appreciate the personal and financial flexibility this profession offers.
Every summer I take a month off to travel and/or visit with my family in Wisconsin and in Latvia. During that time away, my business continues to grow. This was possible because of a rock solid strategy and some pretty straight forward ideas that I share with my customers and subscribers.
How my product can help you.
My websites, services and products are specifically designed to provide practical, proven and productive strategies and resources to help both new and experienced online business owners to become vibrant, sustainable businesses. I invite you to visit my sites listed below and I encourage you to seek out what others have to say about my services and products.
I offer courses for beginners through experienced.
* http://NicoleontheNet.com
* http://www.CoachGlue.com
* http://www.Beachpreneurs.com
Nicole is available for interviews on the following topics:
- Passive and Recurring Income
- Affiliate Marketing
- Affiliate Management
- Outsourcing Effectively
- Where to find Content for your Website or Blog
What Smart People are Saying About Me:
All of the above is important to me, but this is my “Why”: