Create Big Dreams.
Grow & Leverage your Business to Get Them.
Change the World.
So you can live a life with no regrets.
Author, Business Consultant / Mentor and All Around Awesome Human, Nicole Dean (that’s me!) educates and empowers entrepreneurs to create kick ass businesses so they can live life with no regrets. And maybe we can even make the world a better place in the process.
Basically, if Tim Ferriss, Pat Flynn, and Will Ferrell managed to conceive a child together. That'd be me.
In the business world, I’ve sold millions of dollars online and off. (Both for myself and my clients.)
I love working with people who are fun, love to laugh, and love to earn a lot of money while making the web and the world a better place.
I’ve been around this online space for quite awhile and, therefore, I’ve learned, accomplished, and taught quite a bit over the years. The short list is that I’m an Author, Popular Speaker, Successful Blogger, and a Business Consultant to really smart people. But the important things is that I’m first and foremost a pretty awesome human (and I’m betting you are, too!)
I am frequently asked to teach about the topics of Passive Income, Outsourcing, How to Have a Sexy Backend (in your business, silly, although… mine isn't so bad either), Working from Home Successfully, Content Repurposing, Running a Profitable Affiliate Program, Creating Infoproducts (as I’ve released bunches), Productivity, and List Building – among other things.
I have been featured in several books, and have published my own books as well. I also co-host Mastermind Retreats on the Gulf of Mexico where Magic, Money, and Memories happen every single time. Seriously. It’s impossible to describe the transformations, but I am so thankful to both facilitate and experience it each time.
I teach my people (clients, readers, fans) to set business goals, but to also ponder and plan your lifestyle goals, as well. This ensures that you are building a business that aligns with the way you want your life to look in 5 or 10 years, rather than creating a stressful and thankless job where you are working for a crazy person – yourself.
My Mission (and yours if you choose to accept it) is to make the web and the world a better place – and, hopefully have a lot of fun while doing it.
I enjoy my business very much, but I live for my family. There’s nothing I’d rather do than to spend time with my much-adored husband, my three crazy children (and my Latvian grandbabies) – and also my three slightly neurotic puppies, Einstein, Luke, and Monkey.
I love to travel and I have a great belly laugh that can be heard in a very crowded room. I am also a bit geeky (have met Stephen Hawking, been to a Star Trek convention, and I know James T. Kirk’s middle name). AND I’ve got a super soft heart for the hurting, including orphans. I have also fostered many dogs who are in transition from an abusive or neglectful situation into new loving homes.
On top of all that, I’m a Yoga Teacher and Paleo foodie, and my favorite thing on earth after my family is fresh air.
I also love doing jigsaw puzzles with my Gramma every chance I get. But you would, too. She’s awesome!
Reading, writing, cooking (usually paleo dinners with lots of veggies), getting fresh air (paddle boarding, swimming, hiking, biking, spelunking), traveling, seeing theatre (usually musicals), gardening (specifically growing stuff I can eat like herbs), animal rescue, orphan (kids) rescue, home decor / reno, writing, doing yoga WHILE traveling, going to museums, looking at the stars (Orion and Crux make me swoon), and even studying properties of essential oils. I just love all the things.
Life is so magical and short and full of beauty and wonder. Why on earth wouldn’t you create a business that allows you to live it to the fullest? That is my wish for you.
You're Still Here?
So, you wanna know more about me? Well, let’s go back to the beginning…. Not MY birth but the birth of this business and life I’ve created.
I started this whole crazy journey when I was pregnant with my 2nd child who was due September 2001. My husband and I were living in our dream house in Portland, Oregon, waiting for our new baby to come along when we watched the Twin Towers come down in horror. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl a few days later. We were in love.
Then an unexpected collapse of our own happened when the company my husband worked for reacted to 9/11 and closed their department of 300 people two weeks after our little girl was born. It was a lot of pressure on his shoulders going from one really good income to none and from one kid to two in such a short time.
Of course I wanted to help, so I started looking online for ways to make money. I found a lot of scammy junk… a LOT. But I thought that maybe if I created something of value, I would stand apart. I did… and it worked. It worked big time. (Hint: It still does)
Now as I mentioned, I’m a published author, a speaker, successful blogger, and a business consultant to really smart people who want to make their businesses awesomer.
I teach people about blogging, outsourcing, making passive income, working from home successfully, content repurposing, running profitable affiliate programs, creating info-products, productivity, list building – basically all things online business and MORE… .
Still reading?
Okay, here’s more about me…
- I was the high school valedictorian, actually a friend and I were co-valedictorians as we had a tied GPA
- I played the saxophone in elementary, middle and high school (band geek!)
- I love my husband so much, I married him twice! We renewed our vows on our 10th Anniversary. He asked “Do they expire?”
- I can say the alphabet faster backwards than I can forward- no alcohol required
- I am freakishly afraid of rats and anything that’s furry and smaller than a cat but don’t mind spiders, worms, snakes, or cockroaches
- I went to hear Stephen Hawking speak at a University and we got backstage passes. (They would have been VIP tickets, I guess. It wasn’t a rock concert.) I was able to stand by him the entire time and even had my hand resting on his chair. I doubt that I soaked up any of his brilliance, but I like to think maybe I did
- I may be considered a Professional Mini Golf player. I still haven’t confirmed it. But I did work at a mini-golf place and part of my job duties were to play when there were no customers to have someone out there. So, it could be argued that I was paid to play mini-golf, which would make me a professional
- During my first podcast interview (when Kelly McCausey interviewed me for WAHM MVP), I grabbed the phone, hid in my bathroom and drank a beer…. during the interview. I may have done that more than once…
- I have slept in a canoe and on a picnic table. (Not at the same time.)
- Over the years, I have worked at:
KFC (for 1.5 years)
As a Camp Counselor (lived at the camp one summer)
At a Mini-Golf place
At a Motel (front desk, cleaning and managing when the owner went out of town)
At Kmart
In the shipping department for a mail order sporting goods store in which we mostly shipped hunting and fishing supplies
In Purchasing at a Bank, and in Operations at that same Bank – writing manuals - I haven’t intentionally eaten pig or cow or any mammals on purpose since 1992
- I’m a huge Packers fan and have been for decades. We even have season tickets, despite living in Florida
- I love snorkeling and would like to snorkel in countries around the world. (So far have only hit Jamaica, the Bahamas, and Port St. Joe Florida)
- I taught my daughter over 200 American Sign Language signs before her 2nd birthday so we could communicate starting at about 7 months old
- I walked a marathon (yes, all 26.2 miles) in 1999.
- I once had a fortune cookie with no fortune. (Scared me!)
- I took belly dancing classes for a year. In the class with me were a man and also an 80 year old woman. Both were better than I was.
- I am terrified of flying, but I take anti-panic meds so I can travel. I fly 6-10 trips per year.
- I love exploring caves. They make me happy.
- I fed a giraffe. (Their LONG black tongues feel weird.)
- I once opened an egg that had two yolks in it
- Since 2010, I made it a goal to leave the country at least once per year – just so my passport doesn’t feel neglected. (I missed 2015 so I traveled twice in 2016.) So far, I’ve spent time in Latvia (three times), Italy, Bahamas (twice), Costa Rica, Mexico, Ireland, Jamaica, and Canada.
- I have 2 tattoos. Got the first one when I was 19 and don’t regret it. (Although since it’s old and stretched, the kids say that it looks like an angry gorilla.) I got my second one recently. It’s a heartbeat with the word “travel” inside.
- I broke my nose 5 times. Actually my son broke it the last time when he was 18 months old with the back of his head.
- I have been and will forever be a Star Trek fan. I’ve even went to a convention in Portland, Oregon in the 1990s.
- Thanks to a very special girl, I can say about 20 words passably in Latvian.
- Thanks to the same special girl, I have two Latvian granddaughters that I adore.
- I am an extreme introvert. Like really. While I love doing things and have adventures, I avoid shopping malls and large crowds whenever possible.
- I could live the rest of my life alternating between eating only burritos or sushi. LOVE them.
- I don’t try to avoid jury duty. When I get called, I go. After all, if I was in trouble, I would want good people there deciding my fate.
- I named my daughter after a Jimmy Buffet song.
- I am a yoga teacher.
- I ate 28 year old cheese. It was … crunchy.
So you see, I’m a real person with a real family and really interesting facts about me. If I can create an online business, with a little hard work, you can do it too.
Stick around. We’ll have a lot of fun and, learn a thing or two along the way about how you can AWESOMIZE your life and business starting NOW.
If you're new here, be sure to sign up for my free ecourse below so you'll get that info AND receive the Notes from Nicole.


Carol Smith
August 24, 2018 at 7:43 amWhat a super idea — to list these points about yourself. It makes me want to read so much more of your posts. I just know a little more about you and that is a good thing.
August 24, 2018 at 8:45 amThank you, Carol! 🙂 How thoughtful of you to take the time to reach out today and spread kindness. <3
Manuel J Casados
September 1, 2018 at 8:58 pmYou are awesome… doing all that stuff… exploring caves … yikes!
Shawna Riley
October 21, 2020 at 7:14 pmAwe you’re so cool! So glad to have connected with you on this journey. You’re really a God send and my Angels guided me to learn from you and then teach what I learn to others. Thanks for making it easier. This is possible and I can do it! We are a lot a like. Thank you sooooo much 😇💜 I can’t wait to get started and be a spiritual online entrepreneur and help others and make the world a better place.
Vicki Peel
October 25, 2020 at 7:55 pmWow! How interesting! Connie Ragen Green told me to check you out. (She’s my mentor.) Looking forward to more of your “stuff”!
October 26, 2020 at 10:21 amConnie is the best! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!